2020年3月4日 星期三

Pope, Alexander Pope, The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi and the Birth of the Atomic Age

There are many reasons to love The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi and the Birth of the Atomic Age, a new biography of the celebrated Italian physicist. It is humane, scientifically astute, and beautifully written. And what a life it ...

The Pope of Physics,” by Gino Segrè and Bettina Hoerlin, tells the story of how Enrico Fermi created the atomic ... Snow was speaking in 1959, when the public still held scientists — particularly physicists — in a kind of awe, ...


 Pope is a religious title [see Pope (word)] traditionally accorded to the head of the Catholic Church, as well as to some other religious figures. Also used as a surname and a place name.

pope :教宗;教皇;教化皇(舊稱):羅馬教會主教享有耶穌特別賜給宗徒之長伯鐸的職位,此職位亦應傳遞于其繼承人,因此教宗為世界主教團的首領、基督的在世代表、天主教的首領、普世教會在現世的牧人、主教團的首領;而經由此職務,教宗在普世教會內享有最高、完全、直接的職權,且得經常自由行使之(法典 331 )。首位教宗為聖伯鐸,至教宗若望保祿二世共計 265 位(詳見本書附錄)。教宗又可稱 Papa ,簡稱 PP.  Pp. 。法典未明定教宗的任期(法典 335 )。
pope, election of :教宗選舉;選舉教宗:教宗是由全體樞機選舉產生的。當選教宗者由於其本人接受合法選舉,同時已被祝聖為主教(大都已經是主教,否則,應立即祝聖為主教),而獲得教會完滿的、最高的權力(法典 332 )。
pope, primacy of the :教宗的最高神權;教宗首席權;繼承聖伯鐸首席權。詳見 pope  Peter, primacy of 

Pope of Rome, the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the State of the Vatican City

Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to resign has puzzled the faithful and scholars, who wonder how a pope can be infallible one day and fallible again the next. 

Infallibility of the Church :教會不能錯誤性: 1870 年梵蒂岡第一屆大公會議宣佈,教會於下列三種情形下不能錯誤: (1) 教宗以教會領袖名義,對全球教會宣佈有關教義及道德之事項。 (2) 大公會議對上列事項之決定。 (3) 與教宗保持共融的全球主教團對上列事項之決定(法典 749 )。 Infallibility 拉丁文稱作 Infallibilitas 

《中英對照讀新聞》Pope has heart but can’t donate it anymore 教宗雖有愛心,但已無法捐贈器官
Pope Benedict has a soft spot in his heart for organ donations but his body parts can’t be donated to save lives after he dies, the Vatican says.
A doctor in Germany had been using the fact that the pope possessed an organ donors’ card from a medical association to advocate the practice. The Vatican asked him to stop but he did not.
To settle the matter, the pope’s secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, sent a letter to the doctor and the missive was reported in the German programme of Vatican Radio.
"It’s true that the pope owns an organ donor card ... but contrary to public opinion, the card issued back in the 1970s became de facto invalid with Cardinal Ratzinger’s election to the papacy," Vatican Radio quoted from the letter.
In 1999, six years before he was elected to the papacy, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger disclosed that he always carried an organ donor’s card with him and encouraged the practice as "an act of love".
Vatican officials say that after a pope dies, his body belongs to the entire Church and must be buried intact. Furthermore, if papal organs were donated, they would become relics in other bodies if he were eventually made a saint.

Herber Simon 的回憶錄 Models of My Life 中國版本的翻譯者就誤把
Alexander Pope, English poet
翻譯成 教皇。
