2012年2月29日 星期三

andante, in dire need of

an·dan·te (än-dän'tā, ăn-dăn') pronunciation

adv. & adj. (Abbr. and.)

In a moderately slow tempo, usually considered to be slower than allegretto but faster than adagio. Used chiefly as a direction.


An passage or movement.

[Italian, from present participle of andare, to walk, ultimately perhaps from Latin ambulāre.]

"If I had not always respected you for your music, I should have thrown you out of the window long ago!"

Then he burst into tears. So after that Bronze was not often invited to play in the orchestra, and was only called upon in cases of dire necessity, when one of the Jews was missing.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[dáiər]

[形](dir・er, dir・est)
1 ((通例限定))恐ろしい, ものすごい, 悲惨な, 陰惨な, 不吉な, 不幸[災難]をもたらす
a dire predicament
a dire prediction
the dire sisters
(⇒FURY 3
in dire straits
2 差し迫った, 緊急の
in dire need of ...

fuzzy, breakout hit/idea ,

Zhu Zhu Mania: Hamster Toys Are Ruling Christmas

Electronic toy hamsters called Zhu Zhu Pets are the breakout hit of the holiday season. Why the fuzzy creatures will clean up at the cash register

Reid Hoffman's Search for Breakout Ideas
It sometimes feels as though LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has been involved in every major tech start-up in the last decade, either as an entrepreneur, investor or adviser.

A mass or coating of fine, light fibers, hairs, or particles; down: the fuzz on a peach.

v., fuzzed, fuzz·ing, fuzz·es. v.tr.
  1. To cover with fine, light fibers, hairs, or particles.
  2. To make blurred or indistinct: fuzzing the difference between the two candidates; worked quickly to fuzz up the details of the scandal.
To become blurred or obscure.

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Covered with fuzz.
  2. Of or resembling fuzz.
  3. Not clear; indistinct: a fuzzy recollection of past events.
  4. Not coherent; confused: a fuzzy plan of action.
[Perhaps from Low German fussig, spongy.]
fuzzily fuzz'i·ly adv.
fuzziness fuzz'i·ness n.

ham·ster (hăm'stər) pronunciation
A small Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae, especially Mesocricetus auratus, having large cheek pouches and a short tail and often kept as a pet or used in laboratory research.

[German, from Middle High German hamastra, perhaps from Old High German hamustro, of Slavic origin.]

1 脱出, 脱獄, 脱走, 逃亡;(包囲網の)強行突破.
2 (伝染病・火災・戦争などの)発生;吹き出物.
3 裁ち切り図版(bleed).
In slang:
In other uses:

bubble up/ hop-on, hop-off

'We like what China is doing in terms of growth . . . we just don't like censorship,' Mr. Schmidt said, speaking at the World Economic Forum's annual summit here. 'We hope that will change and we can apply some pressure to make things better for the Chinese people.'

Mr. Schmidt's comments brought into the open a debate that bubbled up in private conversations at Davos all week -- concerns about growing tensions in the relationship between the U.S. and China.

bubble up

Meaning #1:
move upwards in bubbles, as from the effect of heating; also used metaphorically
Synonym: intumesce


更新時間 2012年 2月 27日, 星期一 - 格林尼治標準時間11:57





工黨、自民黨和綠黨異口同聲地批評屬於保守黨的倫敦市長鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)的新巴士計劃花銷太大。



約翰遜在2008年競選倫敦市長職位時宣佈了將用全新設計、符合環保的油電混合型大巴,採用傳統的在後部開「隨上隨下」(hop-on, hop-off)車門。



工黨國會議員戴維·拉米(David Lammy)給約翰遜寫信抱怨說,每一輛新車成本是140萬英鎊,而傳統的雙層巴士只要19萬英鎊;每輛車上62個座位,平均下來每個座位成本是22580英鎊。







hop off[hop off]

2012年2月25日 星期六

Unseen photographs, profilic/ trilogy

Inside the List


Suzanne Collins's "Hunger Games" trilogy is likely to continue dominating the children's best-seller lists after a movie version of the first book arrives in a few weeks.

Steve Schapiro - TAXI DRIVER

Unseen photographs from Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece

On view 4 November 2010 to 1 January 2011

TASCHEN is pleased to present this exhibition with Steve Schapiro of 22 previously unseen photographs from the set of Taxi Driver and 6 shots from The Godfather trilogy. A profilic artist who has worked as special photographer on more than 200 motion pictures - including Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver and all three parts of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather- Steve shot some of the most iconic moments in cinema history from his own unique perspective, going behind the scenes to capture Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Jodie Foster and Martin Scorsese in private moments only he was privileged to witness.

  1. Not directly evident; invisible.
  2. Not previously read or studied: an unseen translation.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[trílədʒi]

1 三部作[曲], 三段物;(古代ギリシャの)悲劇三部作.
2 (類似物の)三つ組.

For good measure/ample bosom/ A-cup

Women with small breasts may be at lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with more ample bosoms.


Researchers at Harvard University, in the U.S., and the University of Toronto, in Canada, surveyed 92,106 women and found those who had a D-cup or larger at the age of 20 were at around three times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with an A-cup.



  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[ǽmpl]

[形](-pler, -plest)
1 (量が)豊富な, (…に)(あまるほど)十分な((for ..., to do)). ⇒SUFFICIENT 1
an ample supply of water
The area has ample rainfall for agriculture.
We have ample time to discuss that matter.
2 (程度などが)高い;(スペースなどが)広い, 大きい
an ample bosom [bust]

For good measure

In addition to the required amount. For example, Whenever she bakes she adds a little more cinnamon for good measure, or He didn't argue with my price, so I gave him some extra supplies for good measure.

As an additional extra.


'Good measure' has been part of the language since the first English-speaking 'purveyor of fyne goodes' set up shop, and it just means 'an ample or generous quantity of that which is sold by measure'.

The first instance of the expression in print is found where many other first coinages originated, in John Wyclif's Middle English translation of the Bible, circa 1384, in Luke 6:38:

Thei schulen yyue in to youre bosum a good mesure, and wel fillid, and schakun togidir, and ouerflowynge; for bi the same mesure, bi whiche ye meeten, it schal be metun ayen to you.
[They shall give into your bosom a good measure, and well-filled, and shaken together, and overflowing; for by the same measure, by which ye mete, it shall be meted again to you.]

We might expect the extended term 'in good measure' to refer to an abundance of something. In fact, its rather the reverse. 'Measured' also means 'moderate; restrained' and if a person acts 'in good measure' they are being especially temperate in their actions. As it happens, Wyclif was also one of the first to put that meaning of 'good measure' into print, in a collection of sermons known as Controversial Tracks, circa 1400, which was directed at the clergy:

Ye shulden lyue on ye puple in good mesure as Paul biddin.
[You be sustained by the people in moderation, as St. Paul bids you.]

It wasn't until much later that the use of the phrase 'good measure' returned to its original 'ample' meaning. In the 19th century people began to express the idea of things being 'thrown in for good measure', that is, added as a complimentary extra portion. In 1811, the British mathematician Patrick Kelly wrote The Universal Cambist, which was an exhaustive study of the weights and measures in use in different parts of the world and a method of converting from one to another. In the notes on Swedish measurement he included:

Corn, and other dry commodities, are measured by Tunnor. The Tunne is divided into 32 Kappar. But to every Tunna of wheat 4 Kappar are allowed for good measure.

Before long, the expression 'for good measure' began to be used figuratively, that is, in circumstances where no actual measurement was taking place. An example appears in the May 1850 edition of the American magazineLittell's Living Age, in a report of a public flogging in California:

'Give him another for good measure' - 'Hit him again' - were the sounds which greeted his ears.

'For good measure' might appear to be linked to the 'Baker's dozen', as both phrases express the notion of a little extra being added above the absolute requirement. In fact, the two phrases aren't connected, 'Baker's dozen' being much older. While the extra that was added 'for good measure' was added willingly, the extra that made up a Baker's dozen was added under threat of severe punishment. In mediaeval England, being light in the loaves was as risky as being 'light in the loafers' was prior to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the 1967 Sexual Offences Act.

The Phrase A Week newsletter goes to 123,000 subscribers (92,000 by e-mail, 31,000 by RSS feed).

2012年2月22日 星期三

ghost word, misreading, Holy Ghost/Spirit

U.S. and Iraq Had Expected Some U.S. Troops to Stay

American officials blamed a misreading of Iraqi politics for the failure of negotiations on extending the presence of troops.

ghost word (gost wurd)

A word that has come into a language through the perpetuation of a misreading of a manuscript, a typographical error, or a misunderstanding.

"Reading a text in facsimile form is like a trapeze performance without a net: there's no glossary, for instance, and nothing to warn the unwary they may be puzzling over a scribally created ghost word rather than discovering something entered in no dictionary." — Ralph Hanna, Facsimile of Oxford, The Huntington Library Quarterly, Jan 1, 1999.

spirit (1) 精神;精神體。 (2) 鬼神。 (3) 心靈;個人的心智。 (4) 靈魂。

Spirit, Holy :聖神;聖靈;天主第三位:聖父、聖子、聖神是三位一體的天主,而聖神是三位一體天主的第三位。同 Holy Ghost

2012年2月21日 星期二

Heat Pump, cool it, space

Jeremy Lin asks Taiwan media to give his family space
Globe and Mail
After another dominant night on the basketball court that added to his growing legend – and his legion of fans – on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, Jeremy Lin had a message for the media in Taiwan: cool it. Next up for a talking-to might be the ...

Goodman Company Reannounces Recall of Air Conditioner/Heat Pump Units Due to Fire Hazard http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10058.html

Heat Pump

A device that warms or cools a building by transferring heat from a relatively low-temperature reservoir to one at a higher temperature.

2012年2月19日 星期日

synchronized swimming/bombings, synced

Apple's Mountain Lion Makes the Mac More Like the iPad

Apple's Mountain Lion operating system software for the Mac brings even more of the iPhone/iPad features to the Mac. The juiciest payoff here is the suite of Mac apps that now mimic what's on the iPhone/iPad. Through your free iCloud account, all of these apps are synced instantly and smoothly across all your Apple gadgets.

Google Sync for your phone

Synchronize your Google Contacts and Calendar with your mobile phone. Available for BlackBerry, Nokia, Windows Mobile, and more.
Bombings in Iraq, Deadliest Since 2007, Raise Security Issue

Two synchronized bombings killed at least 132 people in Baghdad on Sunday, as insurgents continued to direct their attacks on vital government operations.

, UK USUALLY synchronise Show phonetics
1 [I or T] to (cause to) happen at the same time:
The show was designed so that the lights synchronized with the music.

2 [T] When people synchronize their watches, they make sure that all their watches show the same time:
We'd better synchronize our watches if we all want to be there at the same time.

synchronization, UK USUALLY synchronisation Show phonetics
noun [U]

<– Back to results

synchronized swimming noun [U]
a sport in which a group of people make graceful dance-like movements in the water at the same time

2012年2月9日 星期四

Intergovernmental, Research Works Act,

Dr Gowers’s immediate gripes are threefold. First, that Elsevier charges too much for its products. Second, that its practice of “bundling” journals forces libraries which wish to subscribe to a particular publication to buy it as part of a set that includes several others they may not want. And third, that it supports legislation such as the Research Works Act, a bill now before America’s Congress that would forbid the government requiring that free access be given to taxpayer-funded research.

PCC - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
政府際氣候變更會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ,IPCC) 係1988年由聯合國世界氣象組織 (WMO) 同聯合國環境計劃 (UNEP), 成立,用科學同埋技術嘅出版 ...

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific intergovernmental body tasked with evaluating the risk of climate change caused by ...

英媒:聯合國稱冰川消失 根據竟是學生論文
2010/1/31 下午 01:04:00

英國媒體報導,聯合國政府間氣候變遷問題小組(IPCC)根據一名學生論文報告和一篇登山雜誌文章,就宣稱全球高山的冰川正在消失。(圖為戈爾內冰川2007年8月景象,中央社資料照片,記者周盈成攝)這項宣稱,使得本月稍早才因發布喜馬拉雅冰川融化的不實預測而道歉的IPCC,又面臨新的難堪境地。IPCC最近引述兩份報告指出,受全球暖化影響,安地斯山脈(Andes)、阿爾卑斯山(Alps)和非洲的高山冰層都明顯萎縮。但「每日電訊報」(Daily Telegraph)報導,其中一份消息來源報告,其實是引述一篇發表於登山雜誌的文章,依據登山客爬山時見到的傳聞證據寫成。文章作者鮑文(Mark Bowen),是名登山家,曾發表兩本氣候變遷的著作。他於2002年在「爬山(Climbing)」雜誌撰文,引述登山客傳聞表示,自1970年以來,冰川和冰層即不斷在退縮、消失。鮑文說:「我很驚訝他們(IPCC)引述登山雜誌的文章,但也沒道理登山客的傳聞就應被忽視,他們在山上待的時間很久,而其他人很少會到那裡並注意到這些變化。」IPCC引述的另一份論文報告,是瑞士伯恩大學(University of Berne)修讀地理學碩士的史沃雷爾(Dario-Andri Schworer)所寫。史沃雷爾是一位專業登山嚮導,同時也是氣候變遷論支持者。他在報告中引述了阿爾卑斯山伯尼納峰(Bernina)地區約80名高山嚮導的訪談和他們的觀察。「每日電訊報」的揭發,再度引起各界質疑IPCC於2007年發布的冰川融化報告。IPCC本月稍早曾被迫收回喜瑪拉雅冰川融化的不實報告。懷疑論者抓住這些缺失,質疑IPCC的準確性,並要求解散。但全球許多學者本週挺身而出,為IPCC辯護。他們堅稱,儘管IPCC犯了錯,但只是小錯,IPCC的報告絕大部份依然可信,不影響推論。不過,仍有若干學者對IPCC引用未經證實的說法和非科學文獻的資料,表示憤慨。愛爾蘭都柏林(Dublin)經濟與社會研究協會(Economic and Social Research Institute)教授托爾(Richard Tol)表示:「他們(IPCC)只是收集一堆軼聞,但為什麼這麼做?雖然基本決策可能並非如此,但也顯示了IPCC有多馬虎草率。」他說:「現在的登山客和嚮導不可能提供我們1900年代的見聞證據,他們的話根本毫無意義。」(譯者:中央社戴雅真)990131

2012年2月5日 星期日

a knotted skein of, suit, body suit, suitcase

Weeplay Kids Recalls Infant Bodysuits Due to Choking Hazard

To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including pictures of the recalled products, please go to:

An Iraqi Exodus

CAIRO -- Iraqi refugee Jenan Adnan Abdel-Jabbar arrived for the Iraqi government's free airlift back home with eight suitcases, five children and a knotted skein of hope and fear in her heart.
(By Ellen Knickmeyer, The Washington Post)

sadness like a skein of a
thousand threads.

The Fates had woven for him a skein of mingled light
and darkness; fortune and misfortune, in equal
measure and in strange intensity, were to be his.


    1. A length of thread or yarn wound in a loose long coil.
    2. Something suggesting the coil of a skein; a complex tangle: a twisted skein of lies.
  1. A flock of geese or similar birds in flight. See synonyms at flock1.

[Middle English skeine, from Old French escaigne.]

2012年2月2日 星期四

imponderable, valuation

2.   部首 手 部首外筆畫 8 總筆畫 11
注音一式 ㄉ|ㄢ
漢語拼音 di 注音二式 di


Tracking Facebook's Valuation How much is Facebook worth? The company, which was projected to surpass $3 billion in revenue in 2011, is expected garner a market value of up to $100 billion with its initial public offering later this year.
im·pon·der·a·ble (ĭm-pŏn'dər-ə-bəl) pronunciation 不可掂量
That cannot undergo precise evaluation: imponderable problems.

imponderable im·pon'der·a·ble n.
imponderability im·pon'der·a·bil'i·ty or im·pon'der·a·ble·ness n.
imponderably im·pon'der·a·bly adv.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[væ`ljuéiʃən]

1 [U](物の金銭的)評価, 査定, 見積もり;[C](…の)評価[査定]額((of, on ...))
put [set] a high valuation on ...
2 [C]価値判断, 判断した価値, 評価
accept [take] a person at his own valuation

2012年2月1日 星期三

dead ringer/shot/ right

Facebook Tracks Ascent of Google
Wall Street Journal
Imitation is the best form of flattery, and, financially speaking, Facebook looks a dead ringer for the young Google. It suggests $100 billion isn't a crazy valuation for the social-networking giant. But also that the company will have ...

今天我們要講的兩個習慣用語有同樣的意思。它們都用來說某一個人非常像另一個人。第一個習慣用語是:dead ringer Ringer原來意思就是酷似某人的人或者很像某物的東西. Ringer有時可以指冒名頂替某人去應考或者參賽的人,或者頂另一匹馬上陣賽馬的馬匹,但是dead這個詞用在這兒意思可決不是死的,而是確切 的、”“確實的、”“絲毫不差的。就好比dead right這個短語解釋完全正確,裏面的dead意思是一絲不差,dead shot是神槍手,裏面的dead用來說槍法百發百中的準確性。

這樣看來dead ringer一定是用來說某人酷似另一個人;簡直維妙維肖了。 Dead ringer既可以說人也可以說物。我們先聽個說人的例子。它說的是美國一位喜劇明星在電視上表演模倣美國總統,幾乎達到以假亂真的地步。

例句-1You have to see this guy: he's amazing. His make-up is so good he's a dead ringer for Mr. Clinton. In fact I'd guess even the first lady might have trouble telling them apart.


這裡的dead ringer顯然是指容貌特徵和另一人維妙維肖的人。


我們剛才說過,dead ringer不僅可以用來說人,也可以用來說物。我們接下來要聽的例子就是用它來指東西的。說話的人在和朋友出去散步的時候告訴朋友這樣一件事情:

例句-2Mary was really upset last night at the dance -- she walked in and saw another woman wearing a dress that was a dead ringer for hers. I'm afraid it spoiled her whole evening.


顯然,這裡的dead ringer指的是兩位女士身上穿的一模一樣的衣裙。


我們今天要學的第二個習慣用語是: spitting image Spitting這個詞通常解釋吐唾沫。很多人以為在spitting image這個習慣用語裏spitting就是這個意思。


這兩個詞合在一起組成spitting image更加強了語氣,意思和dead ringer一樣,也指一模一樣的形像,但是spitting imagedead ringer所不同的是spitting image一般只用來說人不指物。

peeling, pealing, banana-peel words

By Tim Padgett

On Saturday morning, champagne was uncorked and church bells began peeling(sic) as rescuers at Chile's San Jose mine finally drilled through to the trapped miners

喬.克萊恩指出,由於政治人物已成了廣告品牌,這也使得政治人物愈來愈傾向於說各種「香蕉皮語言」(Banana-peal words)sic,所謂「香蕉皮語言」,乃是指這種語言滑溜,無論怎麼拗都可以拗出道理,不做事也好像做了很多事。

banana peel

the skin of a banana (especially when it is stripped off and discarded); "he slipped on a banana skin and almost fell"

peal (pēl) pronunciation

  1. A ringing of a set of bells, especially a change or set of changes rung on bells.
  2. A set of bells tuned to each other; a chime.
  3. A loud burst of noise: peals of laughter.

v., pealed, peal·ing, peals. v.intr.
To sound in a peal; ring.

To sound loudly and sonorously.

[Middle English pele, a bell peal, especially as a summons to church, short for apel, appeal. See appeal.]

Couch Potato/ Pill , "Army Strong", hypothermia, preventative

《中英對照讀新聞》Couch potato pill may also prevent heatstroke 沙發馬鈴薯藥丸或也能預防中暑


A drug discovered nearly four years ago that builds muscles in lazy mice may also prevent heatstroke, according to lab research reported. If further tests work out, the compound could help athletes or soldiers who are so sensitive to heat that they could die from exertion on a hot day, its authors say.


In 2008, a drug known as AICAR became dubbed the "couch potato pill" after it was found to develop muscles and boost endurance among completely inactive laboratory rodents.


In a paper published by the journal Nature Medicine, researchers in the United States said they discovered by chance that AICAR also protects mice against a disorder called malignant hyperthermia. This deadly condition is linked to a basket of flaws in a gene called RYR1.


Tests on mice genetically engineered to have the RYR1 mutation found that AICAR worked perfectly in preventing malignant hypothermia, says the study.


The finding may lead one day to a drug that would be used preventatively for heat-sensitive young athletes or soldiers in the desert who must wear heavy gear. (AFP)



dub:動詞,被封為…。例句:She was dubbed by the newspapers ’The Angel of Death’.(她被報章封為「死亡天使」。)

by chance:片語,僥倖,偶然。例句: I got this job completely by chance.(我得到這工作完全是僥倖。)

disorder:疾病。例句:The family have a history of mental disorder.(這家族有精神病史。)
Military Struggles To Make Couch Potatoes "Army Strong"
Americans tend to think of boot camp as a never-ending series of push-ups, but that's certainly not the case anymore—at least not at the beginning of training, when most recruits simply aren't capable of Band of Brothers-style exertion. According to NPR, "a decade ago, the Army started to notice that new recruits were, in general, getting weaker—their endurance was down, so they were more prone to injury." These days, most recruits "grew up on the couch, playing video games, rather than horsing around outside." "You'd be surprised, the soldiers that we get," the director of the Army's fitness school said. "They can't do simple motor function movements, like a shoulder roll, the ability to skip—so we've got to lay a base of foundational fitness, without injuring them." That has required commanders to revamp both how they train and how they feed their soldiers. The training starts out slower than it used to—with "stretching and holding, mastering simple, precise movements," the sort of moves necessary to "carry a wounded comrade, or to dart across a street, under fire, with 90 pounds of gear." And while recruits still get barked at in the mess hall, it's while they're chowing down on "low-fat yogurt and sliced fruit," not "French fries, burgers, deep-fried meat and soda."
Read original story in NPR | Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2010

couch potato
n. Slang
A person who spends much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television.

pre·ven·ta·tive Pronunciation (pr-vnt-tv)
adj. & n.
Variant of preventive.