No wait to get into St. Peter’s Basilica. Plenty of space at the Mona Lisa. Coronavirus in Europe is scaring away travelers and hammering tourism.
Iraq to end decades-old policy of semi-independent rule in Kurdistan, says PM
Iraq Reborn: In an exclusive interview for Patrick Cockburn's new series on the resurgence of this key Middle Eastern nation, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi reveals how Baghdad will hammer home its twin victories over Isis and the northern Kurds
German employment figures take a hammering
The German unemployment rate rose to 8.5 per cent in February, up 0.2 per cent from a month earlier. The figures, released on Thursday by the national labour office, showed the number of unemployed workers rose by 63,000 in February, topping 3.5 million. The figures demonstrate a rapid deterioration in the German labour market, which initially looked robust in the face of the global economic downturn. A hard winter that curbed construction activity in Europe's biggest economy also played a role in the rise in unemployment. The new jobless numbers follow a series of announcements about plans for layoffs and production cuts by German companies.
European markets ended sharply lower, as a profit warning from Deutsche Bank and a critical brokerage note on HSBC hammered banking shares.
Today, doping is the main form of cheating among athletes. The silver and bronze medalists in the men's hammer throw in the Beijing Olympics are being investigated for doping offenses.
to defeat someone completely in a game or a fight:
We were hammered in both games.
noun [S]
when someone is defeated completely:
You should have seen the hammering I gave her in the second game.
Both countries took a tremendous hammering in the war.
hammer throw
The modern or Olympic hammer throw is an
Wikipedia article "Hammer throw".

━━ n. 木づち, 金づち, ハンマー; 【スポーツ】ハンマー(投げ); (競売者の)つち; (ピアノの)ハンマー; (銃の)撃鉄; 【解】槌(つい)骨.
bring [send] to the hammer 競売に出す.
come [be] under [go to] the hammer 競売される.
hammer and tongs 猛烈に, 一生懸命.
━━ v. つちで打つ; たたき込む; くぎ付けする ((up, down)); どんどんたたく; 〔話〕 やっつける, 激しく非難する; 案出する; せっせと働く.
hammer away どんどん打つ; 繰返し言う; せっせとする ((at)).
hammer home (くぎを)十分に打ち込む; (思想を)たたき込む.
hammer out 打って取除く; つちでたたいて伸ばす; (苦心して)考え出す.
hammer and sickle (the ~) つちと鎌(かま) ((旧ソ連の国旗)).
hammer・head 【魚】シュモクザメ.
hammer・lock 【レスリング】腕がらみ.
hammer throw 【スポーツ】ハンマー投げ.

━━ v. つちで打つ; たたき込む; くぎ付けする ((up, down)); どんどんたたく; 〔話〕 やっつける, 激しく非難する; 案出する; せっせと働く.

hammer sth home Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
