2023年1月31日 星期二

waistline, hips, bum, thighs, behinds, upskill, skillset,

Are you a business looking to upskill your employees and invest in data science? These four new data science short courses offer flexible ways to expand digital skillsets in data science and analysis. Courses include: ⚫Introduction to Statistical Analysis and Data Science with R ⚫ Introduction to Programming for Data Science and AI ⚫ Introduction to Programming and Databases ⚫ Data Visualisation and Predictive Modelling Using R Find out more: https://okt.to/19l4jL

But refined food is bad for your waistline

Waistlines are widening everywhere. The percentage of adults who are overweight or obese has swelled from 29% in 1980 to 37% in 2013, according to a new study. People in virtually all nations got larger, with the biggest expansions seen in Africa, the Middle East and New Zealand and Australia. Today's ‪#‎Dailychart‬ looks at the ever-expanding world http://econ.st/SUEg9q

《中英對照讀新聞》Big bum and thighs are healthy 大臀與粗腿是健康的
Carrying extra weight on your hips, bum and thighs is good for your health, protecting against heart and metabolic problems, UK experts have said.
Hip fat mops up harmful fatty acids and contains an anti-inflammatory agent that stops arteries clogging, they say. Big behinds are preferable to extra fat around the waistline, which gives no such protection, the Oxford team said.
Science could look to deliberately increase hip fat, they told the International Journal of Obesity. And in the future, doctors might prescribe ways to redistribute body fat to the hips to protect against cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
The researchers said having too little fat around the hips can lead to serious metabolic problems, as occurs in Cushing’s syndrome.
Evidence shows that fat around the thighs and backside is harder to shift than fat around the waist. Although this may sound undesirable, it is actually beneficial because when fat is broken down quickly it releases a lot of cytokines which trigger inflammation in the body, say experts. These cytokines have been linked to cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.

新聞辭典 mop up:動詞片語,把某樣東西用完。例句:Buying clothes for the kids usually mops up any spare money I have at the end of the month.(為小孩買衣服通常會把我月底剩的錢花光。)clog:動詞,阻塞。例句:Eating too much fat causes your arteries to clog(up).(吃太多脂肪會讓動脈阻塞。)
 behind:名詞,指屁股,前文的bum也是同樣意思。例句:Why don’t you get off your behind and do something!(你為什麼不移開屁股,做點事情!)
股関節(こかんせつ)は寛骨臼と大腿骨頭よりなる球関節(関節部分が球形(股関節の他に肩関節))であり、荷重関節(体重などがかかる関節 (他に膝関節など))である。大腿骨頭は半球を上回る球形で、寛骨臼は深く大腿骨頭を収納するように形成されている。また、大腿骨頭が容易に脱脱臼できな い仕組みになっている。━━ n. しり; 腰; 股(こ)関節.
on the hip 不利な条件[立場]で.
hip・bath 腰湯.
hip・bone 【解】無名骨, 座骨.
hip flask, hip・flask (しりポケット用)酒の小びん.
hip-hop ━━ n., a. ヒップホップ(の) ((rap音楽にダンスを組み合わせた音楽様式(の若者文化))).
hip・hugger ━━ a., n. 〔米〕 (pl.) ローウェストの(ズボン[スカート]) ((腰ではくような股上が浅くて細身)).
hip joint 股関節.
hipped ━━ a. ((特に複合語で)) しりが…の; 〔話〕 とりつかれた.
hip pocket (ズボンの)しりポケット.
hip roof 【建】寄せ棟屋根.

1. The external angle at the junction of two sloping roofs or sides of a roof.
2. The rafter at the angle where two sloping roofs or sides of roofs meet.
3. The joint of a bridge truss where the top chord meets the inclined end post.
hips, 1 (flush panel type)

hip-shooting ━━ a. 行き当たりばったりの, 向こう見ずな, 衝動的な.
hip-shooter n. 行き当たりばったりに発言する人, 向こう見ず.

2023年1月30日 星期一

Self-healing, Self-Heating, Judgment in Revenge Porn Case, Flare-responsive hydrogel, 'Self-Healing' Concrete

'Self-Healing' Concrete May Have Preserved Ancient Roman Structures image

'Self-Healing' Concrete May Have Preserved Ancient Roman Structures

Outdoor Cats Are Using $500 Starlink Satellite Dishes as Self-Heating Beds

$6.4 Million Judgment in Revenge Porn Case Is Among Largest Ever
A California woman won the suit against her ex-boyfriend, who published intimate images and threatened to make her “so miserable she would want to kill herself.”

Harvard University

The new hydrogel is designed to respond during arthritis flares, releasing the drug as symptoms worsen.

Flare-responsive hydrogel developed to treat arthritis
To better manage inflammatory arthritis, bioengineers and physicians have developed a delivery system for getting anti-inflammatory therapies to the sites where they are needed most.


hydrogel - 水凝膠

Self-healing hydrogels - Wikipedia


hydrogel is a macromolecular polymer gel constructed of a network of crosslinked polymer chains.Hydrogels are synthesized from hydrophilic monomers by either chain or step growth, along with a functional crosslinker to promote network formation.

  1. 1.
    a sudden brief burst of bright flame or light.

    "the flare of the match lit up his face"

  2. 2.
    a gradual widening in shape, especially towards the hem of a garment.
    synonyms:widening, spread
    "a skirt with a flare"
  1. 1.
    burn or shine with a sudden intensity.

    "the bonfire crackled and flared up"

    synonyms:blazeflash, flare up, flame, burn unsteadily, burn violently, burn up; More
  2. 2.
    gradually become wider at one end.

    "a flared skirt"
arthritis 關節炎

misrecite, Mumpsimus, Malapropism, stubbornly continued using the incorrect form


Our Oxford Word of the Week from the English Faculty, University of Oxford’s Prof Simon Horobin:
Mumpsimus - Someone who sticks to their opinion even when it's been shown to be wrong.

Etymology. Malapropism of Latin sumpsimus, form of sūmō (“I take”), from a story of an old monk who misrecited the Eucharist with quod in ōre mumpsimus instead of quod in ōre sumpsimus “which we have taken into the mouth”, and stubbornly continued using the incorrect form even after being corrected.

2023年1月29日 星期日

mania, Beatlemania! boggle, zap, zapper, superbugs, electrified,Choreomania

Instances of “dancing mania” reportedly took place across Europe, particularly in the Holy Roman Empire, between the 14th and the 17th centuries
A new short film reimagines a curious event in history
Shining a harsh spotlight on viruses.


UV sanitizer lamp zaps viruses but not skin, maker says

Ushio dials up plans for mass production in Japan

Beef King/信義旗艦店日本頂級A5和牛鍋物放題


Anna Marj


26.10.1918. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk signs the Declaration of Common Aims for the independence of all oppressed nationalities from the Baltic to the Adriatic (for the Czechoslovaks, Poles, Yugoslavs, Ukrainians, Uhro-Rusyns, Lithuanians, Romanians, Italian-Irredentists, Unredeemed Greeks, Albanians, Zionists, and Armenians) in Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

The startup Coder wants to put your development environment in the cloud.


Software Development Environments Move to the Cloud
The startup Coder says its cloud-based development environments can help software engineers work faster and more efficiently

Yuriy Maltsev

Art Deco, Art Nouveau & 20.Century Decoratif Art's Lovers’ Share Group

Paul McCartney is releasing a new book featuring never-before-seen photos of The Beatles when Beatlemania was becoming a worldwide phenomenon.
可能是 1 人、正在演奏樂器、吉他和顯示的文字是「 OW CEMESIN Paul McCartney announces new photo book '1964 Eyes of the Storm' © pictur alliance Invision LAP Joel Ryan 」的圖像
Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at The Beatles during Beatlemania! 275 photos taken by Sir Paul McCartney from 1963-64 will be released in a new book, '1964: Eyes of the Storm' on June 13. The visual diary chronicles The Beatles' rise to fame across six cities.

Sergey Fedorof

Это было недавно, это было давно. Ретро, винтаж, история. ..

It works by utilising Intense Pulse Light (IPL) laser technology, which Skarp's Morgan Gustavsson invented in the 1980s and has remained a popular hair removal treatment. IPL can target and zapp (sic) away dark hair, but has never worked that well on lighter shades.

Britain's unpredictable election boggled the pollsters and lifted the FTSE and the pound. Philip Coggan, The Economist's capital markets editor, explains the wobbles http://econ.st/1HkH0Bp


"It boggles the mind. This step could significantly reduce the number of uninsured people who will gain coverage in 2014."
SARA ROSENBAUM, a professor at George Washington University, on the Obama administration's announcement of a one-year delay, until 2015, of the health care law's mandate that larger employers provide coverage for their workers.

Here's the first entry in the first week of the first year of a new feature: David Pogue's 12 Gadgets of Christmas. Today's entry: Monopoly Zapped, a version of the game that lets an iPad or iPhone count the money.

Zapping Bugs With the Wave of a Racket
Zapping mosquitoes with an electrified tennis racket might seem to be a surefire entrant into the World's Dumbest Ideas Hall of Fame. But the Stinger Portable Bug Zapper actually works.

Behind a copse of dark green conifers, bees buzz lazily over neat rows of shiny tea bushes soaking up the summer sun. A list of rules pinned to a board instructs tea-pickers not to keep long fingernails or to powder their faces; smoking is banned. Instead of pesticides, bug-zappers protect the crop from leafhoppers and other tea-loving pests.在一片墨绿色的 针叶林背后,一排排整齐的茶树丛闪闪发亮,沐浴在夏日的阳光下,蜜蜂嗡嗡作响,懒洋洋地在枝头盘绕。一块板子上写着一系列规定,要求采茶者 不得蓄长指甲,不得在脸上搽粉;严禁吸烟。这里不使用杀虫剂,而是电子灭虫器来保护茶树免受叶蝉及其它嗜茶叶害虫的侵害。

Big Blue's Tiny Bug Zapper
Researchers at International Business Machines said they developed a tiny drug, called a nanoparticle, that in test-tube experiments showed promise as a weapon against dangerous superbugs that have become resistant to antibiotics.

December 21, 2011 -- 3:00 p.m. EST

TECHNOLOGY How the iPhone Zapped Carriers
Americans are glued to their mobile devices. So why is the U.S. wireless industry in such straits? A big reason is that carriers are losing power to the device and software makers riding the smartphone boom.

Perhaps the most commonly used term submitted is "embuggerance", euphemistically employed by the author Terry Pratchett to describe his feelings about the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
According to research so far, the term is thought to have been coined by a Ministry of Defence official during the Falklands War to describe his frustrations.
More baffling to the uninitiated, a "doobly" is a word for a television remote controller - one of several submitted by families, suggesting that the fate of that missing remote is one of the major talking points of modern family life.
Other words for the device collected so far include a "podger", the rhyming term "melly", a "boggler" and the more common "zapper".

v., zapped, zap·ping, zaps. v.tr.
    1. To destroy or kill with a burst of gunfire, flame, or electric current.
    2. To kill or destroy as if by shooting.
    3. To strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a projectile or weapon: "His . . . narrative runs marvelously on and on, zapping the reader with often surprising and . . . painful glimpses" (Publishers Weekly).
    4. To expose to radiation; irradiate: "perfect for those who can't bring themselves to zap food in a microwave" (John F. Mariani).
  1. To attack (an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard.
  2. To use a remote control device to switch (channels on a television) or to turn off (a television set).
To move swiftly; zoom.

Something that imparts excitement or great interest.

  1. Used to imitate a sound made by a gun when fired.
  2. Used to indicate a sudden occurrence.

(米俗))[動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(他)
1 …を(銃で)殺す;…を撃つ.
2 …を攻撃する, 打ち負かす;…をす早く動かす;…を(口で)やっつける.
3 〈コマーシャルを〉飛ばす, 早送りする.
4 ((米略式))…を電子レンジで調理する, 「チンする」.
5 〈税金を〉ただですませる((out)).
6 …を活気づかせる, 元気にさせる;〈料理の〉味を引き立たせる.
━━(自)ビュッと動く;(…を)す早く片づける((through ...)).
1 [U]((英略式))活気, 活力.
2 攻撃.
3 ((英俗))デモ, 集会.
━━[間]バン, ビュッ, バリッ:撃つまたはさっと動かす音.

(zăp'ər) pronunciation
n. Slang
  1. A destructive device, especially one that destroys by means of electric current or radiation: a bug zapper.
  2. A remote-control device for switching a television set on and off and for changing channels.
[名]((米略式))zapする人[物];(チャンネルを変えたり, ビデオを早送りにしたりして)コマーシャルを飛ばす人, (テレビの)リモコン(装置);猛烈な攻撃[批判](者);(マイクロ波を使った)殺虫装置.

Pronunciation: /ˈbägəl/

[no object] informal
  • (of a person or a person’s mind) be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something:the mind boggles at the spectacle
  • [with object] cause (a person or a person’s mind) to be astonished or overwhelmed:the inflated salary of a CEO boggles the mind (as adjective boggling)the total was a boggling 1.5 trillion miles
  • (boggle at) (of a person) hesitate or be anxious at:you never boggle at plain speaking


late 16th century: probably of dialect origin and related to bogle and bogey2