2019年3月31日 星期日

drive-by shooting, pyjamas/pajamas, au courant, shooting the messenger.

Democratic ire for William Barr is, in part, a case of shooting the messenger. A cult-like faith in Robert Mueller has failed to pay off

A cardiologist who treated former President George H.W. Bush was killed Friday morning in a bicycle-to-bicycle drive-by shooting.

‘It is commonplace to observe that both Proust and Einstein, in their different ways, were concerned with the subjectivity of time. I find most of these comparisons uninteresting. There is at least one moment in A la recherche du temps perdu, however, at which Proust reveals himself to be au courant with contemporary physics.’


Jeremy Bernstein: Four-Dimensional Proust
I cannot believe that the idea of time as the fourth dimension simply sprang out of his head. He must have read it somewhere.

  1. = drive-by shooting

Urban Dictionary: drive by


1. A shooting performed by a gang-member in a slowly moving motor vehicle that then speeds away from the scene. 2. To 'suss' something out, to complete a recce.


(US pajamas)


  • 1A loose-fitting jacket and trousers for sleeping in.
    ‘a pair of pyjamas’
    ‘pyjama trousers’
    1. 1.1 Any clothing suitable for wearing in bed.
      ‘a picture of a baby in one-piece pyjamas’
    2. 1.2pyjamain singular A pair of loose trousers tied by a drawstring around the waist, worn by both sexes in some Asian countries.
      ‘he was attired in an off-white kurta, white pyjama, and red waistcoat’


Early 19th century: from Urdu and Persian, from pāy ‘leg’ + jāma ‘clothing’.
au courant 察覺

artichoke, side-splitting, Beer stein

artichoke 多種類,Spanish  artichoke等等

台灣農民真厲害,扭轉風土,陸續種出溫帶作物,繼蔓菁、白蘆筍、櫛瓜花、羽衣甘藍之後,我一直等待的洋薊(artichoke ),終於出現了😍

Cold War Steve Presents… The Festival of Brexit is the first book from the subversive genius described by the Financial Times as ‘Apocalyptic but side-splitting.’

Image result for stein
Beer stein (/ˈstaɪn/ STYNE), or simply stein, is an English neologism for either traditional beer mugs made out of stoneware, or specifically ornamental beer mugs that are usually sold as souvenirs or collectibles. In German, the word Stein means stone and is not used to refer to a beverage container.

  1. extremely amusing.

    "side-splitting anecdotes"
    synonyms:hilarious, extremely amusing, very funny, very humorous, comicriotousuproarious, screamingly/hysterically funny, too funny for words, rib-ticklingcomicalabsurd

2019年3月30日 星期六

pimping, ‘pimp’and ‘poke’, Pimp State, Facebook

Whatever credibility U.S. media still had after pimping those imaginary Iraqi WMDs and "experts" repeatedly reporting that Trump had no chance of winning, now lies in tatters.

Is selling sex just another profession?


Iraq's Unspeakable Crime: Mothers Pimping Daughters

By Rania Abouzeid / Baghdad The Baghdad government refuses to recognize it as a problem but a huge underworld network exists, run by women who sell young girls

The word Facebook has made it into the dictionary. It has been included in the 2008 edition of the Collins English Dictionary as both a noun and a verb. Facebook lets users have a personal webpage where they can contact friends and display pictures.

‘Pimp’ and ‘poke’have new definitions in the dictionary related to Facebook.

The dictionary defines ‘pimp’ to make your page more attractive and ‘poke’ is defined as getting someones attention. According to The Sun a Collins’ spokesman said: “Facebook has been the phenomenon of 2007, with 200,000 signing up every day.” ananova

noun [C]拉皮條 be a pimp.
a man who controls prostitutes, especially by finding customers for them, and takes some of the money that they earn

verb [I]売春{ばいしゅん}あっせんをする、売春{ばいしゅん}の手引き{てびき}をする
a pig in a poke
something that you buy or accept without first seeing it or finding out whether it is good

2019年3月27日 星期三

misstate, misstatement, Manchuria, Manchurian candidate. Press Communique, Cairo Communiqué

Asked to address a message his campaign had sent to supporters suggesting that Dr. Ben Carson was going to suspend his campaign after Iowa, Ted Cruz blamed CNN and specific CNN anchors and reporters for why his campaign had been led to believe that Carson was dropping out.
In fact, CNN never reported nor implied that Carson was going to suspend his campaign, as Cruz's campaign did. And the fact that Cruz reverted to this excuse during Saturday night's debate was especially notable because Cruz had walked back his accusations against the network earlier this week and said, "CNN got it right."

The chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency said late Tuesday in a press conference in Vienna that his agency was struggling to get timely information from Japan about its failing reactors, which has resulted in agency misstatements.

為期五天的開羅會議,會後發表宣言要點為「共同對日作戰,至日本無條件投降為止;所有日本竊奪之中國領土,如東北、台灣、澎湖群島,須歸還中華民國;朝鮮應使其獨立」,但卻未見代表在《開羅宣言》上簽名,因此認定世上根本就不存在「開羅宣言」法律文件。特別是近年來有人認為《開羅宣言》只能算得上是份「新聞公報」(Press Communique)而已,值得注意之後續發展是美國國務院在一九五八年竟對外指出「…在開羅會議中,美、英、中公佈”意願”將滿洲、台澎歸還中國。…」但卻「並無任何條約將台灣的主權轉移給中國。…」及「…現在的狀況為,同盟國仍需協議某種協定或條約來定位台灣的地位。…」致使部分人士迄今質疑《開羅宣言》,一九五五年,邱吉爾竟在國會答詢時否認《開羅宣言》有此承諾!!!

The Cairo Declaration was issued on 27 November 1943 and released in a Cairo Communiqué through radio on 1 December 1943,[3]stating the Allies' intentions to continue deploying military force until Japan's unconditional surrender. The main clauses of the Cairo Declaration are that the three great allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan, they covet no gain for themselves and won't involve themselves in territorial expansion wars after the conflict, "Japan be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the First World War in 1914", "all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, including ManchuriaFormosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China", Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed and that "in due course Korea shall become free and independent".

The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. Wikipedia
Originally publishedApril 27, 1959
Page count311
GenresThriller, Suspense, Political fiction
每日一詞 :“滿洲候選人”與美國的冷戰記憶
穆勒的報告已經得出結論:特朗普在大選期間並未與俄羅斯串謀。時報專欄作者Farhad Manjoo在《 “通俄”讓我們忽視了美國根本的弱點 》一文中對涉俄調查和美國製度的結構性問題作出反思:“其中沒有串謀。總統不是滿洲候選人( Manchurian candidate )。我們也不能把一切都歸咎於弗拉基米爾·普京。”
《滿洲候選人》(The Manchurian Candidate)是一部1959年的政治驚悚小說。冷戰時期,一名被俘的美軍士兵在被關押在“滿洲”地區,並被中蘇諜報人員洗腦成殺手。當他看到撲克牌中的方片Q,就會在喪失意識的情況下淪為傀儡,執行任何使命。朝鮮戰爭後,美國人對共產主義的滲透顛覆心懷恐懼,相信意志操縱術真能把人變成無知覺的傀儡,幹出可怕的事。
《滿洲候選人》這部小說抓住了美國人對冷戰和洗腦的焦慮,被兩度改編為電影。 “滿洲候選人”這個詞在美國的政治文化里紮下了根,被用來指那些背景可疑,似乎與境外勢力關係曖昧、圖謀不軌的政客。

Communiqué - definition of communiqué by The Free ...


(kəˈmjuːnɪˌkeɪ) n. 1. ( Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an official communication or announcement, esp to the press or public. [C19: from French, from communiquer to communicate]

n.An incorrect statement.

2019年3月26日 星期二

egg, Brexiteer jailed for egging Corbyn. crooked, eggnog, Berlinale, dubious, mistletoe

John Murphy egged the Labour leader while yelling: "Respect the vote" 🥚


Eggnog is a childhood indulgence—liquid dessert, made of everything you’d put into a cake, except the flour.

It’s a holiday cocktail, and it’s a dessert; if deployed correctly, it’s a life-saving elixir. Regardless of the exact recipe, it is more than the sum of its parts.

Eggs without yolks are actually far more common than you might think, and have earned a number of nicknames from "witch egg" to "fart egg."

Otherwise known as a "fart egg."

http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2014/12/19/ghosts-on-the-nog/Dec 19, 2014 ... English literature's spookiest time of year is Christmas, not Halloween. Here are five stories to suit the darker side of the holidays.

It’s the season for eggnog, mistletoe and yuletide viewing.


Berlinale Offers Drama and Glitz on Opening Night

The Berlinale has never been afraid of screening films dealing with big
political events. So it's no surprise that the festival's opener is an
action thriller about the dark and often crooked world of global banking.

The DW-WORLD Article

Corrupt bank thriller opens Berlin Film Festival

The Berlin Film Festival has opened with an action thriller about the often dark and crooked world of global banking. German director Tom Tykwer's film "The International" draws on the story of big global banks that have been caught after getting involved in dubious dealings. The plot loosely follows the scandal surrounding the 1990's collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International.

1 thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted:
These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.
He has been associated with some dubious characters.
Ruth Ellis has the dubious (= bad) distinction of being the last woman to be hanged in Britain.

2 feeling doubt or uncertainty:
I'm dubious about his promises to change his ways.



    1. A female gamete; an ovum. Also called egg cell.
    2. The round or oval female reproductive body of various animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and insects, consisting usually of an embryo surrounded by nutrient material and a protective covering.
    3. The oval, thin-shelled reproductive body of a bird, especially that of a hen, used as food.
  1. Something having the ovoid shape of an egg.
  2. Slang. A fellow; a person: He's a good egg.
tr.v., egged, egg·ing, eggs.
  1. To cover with beaten egg, as in cooking.
  2. Slang. To throw eggs at.
egg on (one's) face Informal.
  1. Embarrassment; humiliation: If you do that, you'll end up with egg on your face.
lay an egg Informal.
  1. To fail, especially in a public performance.
put (or have) all (one's) eggs in one basket Informal.
  1. To risk everything on a single venture. 許多年以前 蕭公權先生回答KMT黨校要求其加入該黨的妙答
[Middle English egge, bird's egg, from Old Norse egg.]
eggless egg'less adj.
eggy egg'y adj.
egg2 (ĕg) pronunciation
tr.v., egged, egg·ing, eggs. ━━ vt. はげます, けしかける (urge) ((on, to do)).
To encourage or incite to action. Used with on: The racing fans egged their favorites on.
egg sb on
[Middle English eggen, from Old Norse eggja.]

━━ n. 卵; 鶏卵; 卵細胞; 丸い物; 〔話〕 人; 〔俗〕 爆弾.
as sure as eggs is [are] eggs 間違いなく.
have [put] all (one's) eggs in [into] one basket 〔話〕 全財産を1つの事業にかける.
have [get, be left with] egg on [all over] one's face 〔話〕 面目を失う, ろうばいする.
in the egg 未発に, 初期のうちに.
lay an egg 卵を産む; 〔俗〕 うまく行かない.
teach (one's) grandmother to suck eggs 釈迦に説法する.
walk [tread] on eggs 薄氷を踏む思いをする, 細心の注意を払う.
egg and spoon race スプーンレース.
egg beater 卵あわ立て器.
egg cell 卵細胞.
egg・cup ゆで卵入れ.
egg flip =eggnog.
egg・head 〔話〕 知識人, インテリ(ぶる人).
egg membrane 【生物】卵膜.
egg・nog エッグノッグ, 卵酒.

  a drink consisting of eggs beaten with sugar, milk or cream, and often alcoholic liquor

Eggnog /ˈɛɡˌnɒɡ/ (or egg nog), historically also known (when alcoholic) as milk punch or egg milk punch, is a rich, chilled, sweetened, creamy dairy-based ...

eggnog (ˌɛɡˈnɒɡ  



  1. a drink that can be served hot or cold, made of eggs, milk, sugar, spice, and brandy, rum, or other spiritAlso calledegg flip

Word Origin

C19: from egg1 + nog1
蛋諾類(英語:Eggnog,egg nog),或譯作蛋酒、甜蛋酒,又稱蛋奶酒(英語:egg milk punch),是一類飲料。主要成份為牛奶,奶油,雞蛋,再加入糖,肉桂,香草等香料。本身不含酒精,但可以在其中加入蘭姆酒,白蘭地或者甜酒,作成雞尾酒,以提升其香味。最早起源於英格蘭,英國人相信蛋酒有治
egg・plant 〔米〕 ナス (aubergine).
egg roll 春巻 (〈英〉spring roll).
egg・shell 卵のから; 壊れやすいもの.
egg・shell china 薄手焼陶器.
egg・shell paint 半つや消しペンキ.]

Words in need of egging on

  • David James
  • December 31, 2007
AT THE dawn of the new year, it is a time for reflection and making resolutions — not to mention working out who you can blame when none if it actually happens.
And remember, if you do decide that you want to get a lovely little nest egg, it doesn't have to be your nest egg. You might want to become a financial adviser in order to get your hands on someone else's nest egg, for instance.
Here are some words that need a bit of egging on.
Capital. Something that used to be used in the service of business, but now is just in the service of itself.
Banking. A great business, because if anything goes wrong you can blame the customer for being foolish enough to accept your product. Then, if they don't apologise in the key of massive repatriations of outstanding funds, you can take them to court to get back the money you sold them in the first place.
Plus a margin. And an interest rate on the margin. Plus a bit more, just for good measure.
e. A letter that can be put in front of any business activity to make it sound contemporary.
For example, e-commerce sounds much fresher than plain old commerce. e-insurance helps insurers seem young and fresh as they go about their never-ending journey to find ways to avoid insuring anything. e-Doha might even save world trade talks, although that must be considered unlikely.
Liquidators. Professionals who, if they were just a bit more honest, might actually pass for crooks.
David James is investment editor for BRW magazine and author of The Business Devil's Dictionary.

On Nov. 17, 1973, President Nixon told an Associated Press managing editors meeting in Orlando, Fla., that ``people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook.''

crook (CRIMINAL)
a very dishonest person, especially a criminal or a cheat:
These politicians are just a bunch of crooks.

adjective INFORMAL
crooked police officers

mistletoe (ˈmɪsəlˌtəʊ  



  1. a Eurasian evergreen shrub, Viscum album, with leathery leaves, yellowish flowers, and waxy white berries: grows as a partial parasite on various trees: used as a Christmas decoration: family Viscaceae
  2. any of several similar and related American plants in the families Loranthaceae orViscaceae, esp Phoradendron flavescens

Word Origin

Old English misteltān, from mistel mistletoe + tān twig; related to Old Norse mistilteinn