2020年3月29日 星期日

snorkel masks, hazmat suit and respirator/ inhalator, face shields, gowns, chemically modified medical face mask

最容易瞭解的方式:台灣最廣泛發放的,乃稱外科用口罩 surgeon mask或 surgical mask
N95 型口罩,英文稱為 N95 respirator。

Prof. Jiaxing Huang received a rapid response research grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a chemically modified medical face mask that deactivates viruses on contact and has potential to address the spread of COVID-19. http://spr.ly/61871vMBV

With cases of COVID-19 rising in the city and protective gear becoming more scarce, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, NYU College of Dentistry, and other NYU departments have donated thousands of pieces of personal protective equipment to NYC hospitals and healthcare workers.
m up to make ventilators and respirators, but process could take months https://wapo.st/2wCUYUm

President Vladimir Putin donned a hazmat suit and respirator on Tuesday during a visit to a hospital treating coronavirus patients and the mayor of Moscow said the outbreak in the Russian capital was much worse than official figures showed.

總統弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)週二在訪問一家治療冠狀病毒患者的醫院時穿上了防護服和防毒面具,莫斯科市長說,俄羅斯首都的疫情比官方數據顯示的還要嚴重。

Respirator - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Respirator

A respirator is a device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous atmospheres, including particulate matter such as dusts and airborne microorganisms, as well as hazardous fumes, vapours and gases. There are two main ...
Powered air-purifying ... · ‎Cartridge (respirator) · ‎Respirator assigned protection ...

respiratorの意味・使い方|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク
eow.alc.co.jp › search › q=respirator

respirator 【名】 《医》有過濾器的口罩、人工呼吸器、レスピレーター◇【同】inhalator・He had been in a coma and was k...【発音】réspərèitər【カナ】レスピレイタ(ァ
