2022年8月27日 星期六

mascaron, tinder, snood, hairnet

Woman with Hairnet " 1949
By Pablo Picasso
Lithograph printed in color ink on wove paper
At Detroit Institute of Arts in USA

Marina Viatkina‎ 發文到 Smart Art

Circle of Leonardo da Vinci in the Renaissance city of Milan 🧝‍♀️👨‍🎨
This colourful female portrait is believed to be painted somewhere around 1490 - 1500 in the Northern Italian city of Milan. The unidentified sitter is dressed exactly as it was common in that region in that exact period of time:
In Renaissance epoch women did usually grow their hair naturally long. They used to tide it up close to the head and cover with various snoods or veils.

This Art Nouveau building (jugendstil) was designed in 1904 by the architect Mikhail Eisenstein (1867—1921).
The building is decorated with figures and scenes from ancient mythology. It is dominated by a large mascaron representing Apollo, god of the sun, which is a symbolism dating from medieval times.
Alberta Street in Riga, Latvia.


dry, flammable material, such as wood or paper, used for lighting a fire.

"they slashed down the undergrowth for tinder"
snood の定義
an ornamental hairnet or fabric bag worn over the hair at the back of a woman's head.
Some people use a snood to keep it in place at night, while others shampoo theirs every day.
a wide ring of knitted material worn as a hood or scarf.
The one on the right seems annoyed that he didn't have the same bright idea as the one on the left to wear a snood under his police jacket.
a short line attaching a hook to a main line in sea fishing.
An eighteen inch snood dropped off from the swivel so that the two baits would fish almost in line with one another.

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Mascaron above a door from Paris

Mascaron from Rybnik (Poland)
In architecture, a mascaron ornament is a face, usually human, sometimes frightening or chimeric whose function was originally to frighten away evil spirits so that they would not enter the building.[1] The concept was subsequently adapted to become a purely decorative element. The most recent architectural style to extensively employ mascarons was Beaux Arts.[2][3]


retard, retardant, consume, gallivant, louche

A big victory by Bernie Sanders in Tuesday's contests for the Democratic presidential nomination could add volatility to a market already consumed by the spread of the coronavirus and its economic fallout, analysts and investors said.

“Genji’s World in Japanese Wood-Block Prints” opens with some examples of earlier illustrations related to the original tale. Then it quickly plunges us into the strangely time-warped world of the Kunisadas, in which the “Rustic Genji” hero Mitsuuji, who lives in the 15th century, follows in the footsteps of his 11th-century counterpart, Prince Genji, wearing 19th-century styles and gallivanting through a latter-day Japan that Lady Murasaki wouldn’t recognize.

Coca-Cola apologises to family over ‘You Retard’ bottle cap message

Blake Loates shows a printed bottle cap with the words ‘You Retard’ (Picture: AP /The Canadian Press via Blake Loates)
Drinks company Coca-Cola has apologised to a family who found a ‘You Retard’ message printed inside a bottle cap.
Shocked Blake Loates, from Alberta, Canada, discovered the offensive message after purchasing a bottle of Vitamin Water.
‘We immediately thought, you have got to be kidding me?’ she told the Huffington Post Alberta.
‘We thought it might been a disgruntled employee or someone in a (bottling) plant playing a joke.
Ms Loates took a picture of the bottle cap and sent it to her father, Doug Loates, who then wrote a letter of complaint to the drinks firm.
Doug Loates wrote a letter of complaint to Coca-Cola (Picture: scribd)
Referring to his daughter Fiona, who has cerebral palsy, Mr Loates wrote: ‘Can you imagine if SHE had opened this bottle???
‘The ‘R’ word is considered a swear word in our family. We don’t use it. We don’t tolerate others using it around us.
‘We ARE over sensitive but you would be too if you had Fiona for a daughter!’
Coca-Cola apologised, blaming it on a competition where random French and English words were printed on their caps. With the r-word meaning ‘late’ or ‘delayed’ in French.
‘We did not mean to offend at all,’ said Shannon Denny, director of brand communications.

An air tanker dropping retardant on a wildfire near Mount Pleasant, Utah, on Monday. Firefighters have nearly contained the Dump Fire in that state.
Scott G. Winterton/Deseret News, via Associated Press

Wildfires Continue to Consume the West

With thousands of residents evacuated, firefighters are battling vast blazes in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. Above, an air tanker dropped fire retardant in Utah.



Pronunciation: /rɪˈtɑːd/
[with object]
  • delay or hold back in terms of progress or development:his progress was retarded by his limp


Pronunciation: /ˈriːtɑːd/
informal, offensive
  • a person who has a mental disability (often used as a general term of abuse).
in retard
British formal behind in terms of development or progress:I was in retard of them in real knowledge







noun ( rare)


late 15th century: from French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- 'back' + tardus 'slow'


  • 発音記号[ritɑ'ːrdnt]  [名]《化学》遅延反応剤.


  • 発音記号[ritɑ'ːrd][動](他)((形式))〈成長・進歩などを〉遅くする;…を手間どらせる;…を阻止[妨害]する.
1 [U][C]遅れ, 遅延;妨害.
2 〔rítrd
[名][U][C]1 遅延, 遅滞;妨害(物).2 知能の遅滞.3 《物理学》減速度(⇔acceleration).4 《音楽》掛留(けいりゅう). (またre・tárd・ment)
[形]知能の遅れた a mentally retarded pupil遅進児.


  • 発音記号[kənsúːm | -sjúːm]
1 …を消費[消耗]する, 使い果たす(use up);…を浪費する
consume hours in reading
consume a whole roll of film
This machine consumes 10 percent of all the power we use.
2 ((形式))…を食べ[飲み]尽くす, (すっかり)平らげる
consume a bottle of whiskey
3 ((形式))〈火災・病気・悲嘆などが〉…を消滅させる, 破壊する
A huge fire consumed the entire block.
Illness consumed his spirit.
4 〈嫉妬(しっと)・憎悪・野心などが〉〈人を〉夢中にさせる, 身を焦がす;〈人の心に〉食い入る;((受身または〜 -self))(感情に)かられる, 圧倒される((with ...))
be consumed with greed
The boy consumed himself with resentment.
1 消費する
propensity to consume
2 〈生物が〉衰弱する((away)).
[ラテン語consūmere(con-完全に+sūmereとる=完全にとる). △ASSUME, PRESUME, RESUME
〕 ((米・軽蔑))知能の遅れた人.
[ラテン語retardāre (re-強意+tardāre遅くする). △TARDY


Translate gallivant | into German | into Italian


[no object, with adverbial] informal
  • go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment:she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe


early 19th century: perhaps an alteration of gallant

Spelling help

Spell gallivant with a double l.

Spelling tip

gallivanting leads to a louche lifestyle.

Pronunciation: /luːʃ/


  • disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way:the louche world of the theatre





early 19th century: from French, literally 'squinting'

【#逐字學英文國際日報】72:tut, coma, craggy, airstrike, 'Beijing Coma', "Edinburgh (from Salisbury Crags)".

draw tuts, and cheers.

【#逐字學英文國際日報】72:tut, coma, craggy,  airstrike,  'Beijing Coma', "Edinburgh (from Salisbury Crags)".

ABC News SPECIAL REPORT: Pres. Donald J. Trump speaks following U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian commander.
Iran has vowed "vigorous vengeance" in response, and the Pentagon has deployed more roughly 3,500 troops to the Middle East. https://abcn.ws/2QPlMHo

"Edinburgh (from Salisbury Crags)". William Crozier. c.1927.

Reviewed by JESS ROW
A Chinese novel about dissidents whose lives changed forever at Tiananmen.

Coma mother is home for Christmas

Discover life along the craggy peninsula’s rugged coast.

[Alky breaks down]
[Tea-drinker tuts sweetly]


exclamation (ALSO tut tut)
a written representation of the sound made to show you disapprove of something, or a word said twice in a humorous way to suggest disapproval:
Tut, it's raining - I'm going to get soaked.
You're late again - tut tut!

verb [I] -tt-
He walked off, tutting to himself.

[+ speech] "Still not out of bed?" she tutted (= said in disapproving way).


noun [C]
a high rough mass of rock which sticks out from the land around it

1 having many crags:
a craggy coastline

2 describe a man's face that is quite roughly formed and has loose skin but is also attractive:
a craggy face
craggy features


━━ n. 突き出た岩.
 crag・gedcrag・gy ━━ a. 岩だらけの; (顔が)いかつい.
crag・gi・ness n.
 crags・man 岩登りを得意とする人, ロッククライマー.


━━ n. 昏(こん)睡.

noun [C]
a state of unconsciousness from which a person cannot be woken, which is caused by damage to the brain after an accident or illness:
He's been in a coma for the past six weeks.
She went into a deep coma after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

1 SPECIALIZED in a coma

2 INFORMAL very tired or in a deep sleep because of extreme tiredness, hard work or too much alcohol:
By midnight I was virtually comatose.

2022年8月26日 星期五

tranche, vamp, fabricate, faked, in-house probe finds

On August 27th, 20 priests and bishops will kneel before Pope Francis in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican to become cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church. This will be the eighth tranche picked by the pope
UPDATE | China's Luckin Coffee fabricates sales totaling $310 million over the last three quarters of 2019.

It has been a long time coming. But then the fifth assessment of the state of the global climate by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body, was a behemoth of an undertaking. The first tranche of the multi-volume #IPCC report was released in Stockholm on September 27th. And it is categorical in its conclusion: climate change has not stopped and man is the main cause http://econ.st/1bLtFod

 IMF approves next tranche of bailout money to Greece

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to release the next
installment of bailout money to Greece. The institution deemed the
debt-stricken country's reform efforts "impressive."

bailout tranche
Papandreou warns of EU's demise should Greece fail to pass austerity

The Greek prime minister struggled to unite his party behind him on
Thursday amid discontent over austerity measures. He needs to get the bill
passed, if Greece is to get the latest tranche of an EU/IMF bailout.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

jazzy, improvise

IBM Gets Jazzy with Web 2.0
eWeek - New York, NY
A t its Rational Software Development Conference here, IBM plans to officially launch more than 20 products based on and connected to its Jazz collaborative ...
In an example of nature’s ability to improvise even in the most urban setting, a third of the nest in the city’s Tuen Mun district was found to be made from metal, the Sunday Morning Post reported.


verb [I or T]
1 to invent or make something, such as a speech or a device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned it:
I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.
To sleep on, we improvised a mattress from a pile of blankets.

2 When actors or musicians improvise, they perform without fixed speech or music, making it up as they perform it:
During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise (the dialogue).

noun [C or U]
a blues/jazz improvisation
There are classes in movement, dance, acting and improvisation.
improvise︰動詞,臨時湊成、即興演出。例句︰The cook hastily improvised a supper.(廚師臨時做了頓晚餐。)

adjective INFORMAL
very bright and colourful:
a jazzy tie/dressjazz
noun [U]
a type of modern music with a rhythm in which the strong notes are usually not on the beat and which is usually improvised (= invented as it is played)

in the style of jazz music

fabricate (verb) Make up something artificial or untrue.
Synonyms:cook up, invent, manufacture
Usage:Did Harold really wrestle a bear, or did he fabricate the story to impress us?


Syllabification: (tranche)
Pronunciation: /träNSH/
  • a portion of something, especially money:they released the first tranche of the loan


late 15th century: from Old French, literally 'slice'


IN BRIEF: n. - A portion of something (especially money).


  • 発音記号[vǽmp]
1 (靴の甲からつま先をおおう)つま革, わく革.
2 つぎ, はぎ, ぼろ隠し;つぎはぎ細工.
3 ((略式))《ジャズ》即席伴奏.
1 〈靴に〉(新しい)つま革をつける.
2 …につぎを当てる;…を修繕する.
3 ((略式))〈古いものを〉新しく見せる, 手直しする;〈うわさなどを〉でっち上げる, 作り上げる((up))
vamp up a new collection from some old poems
4 《ジャズ》〈伴奏などを〉即席に演奏する((up)).
1 《ジャズ》即席演奏する.
2 いろいろ尋ねてようすをさぐる((around)).
(vămp) pronunciation
  1. The upper part of a boot or shoe covering the instep and sometimes extending over the toe.
    1. Something patched up or refurbished.
    2. Something rehashed, as a book based on old material.
  2. Music. An improvised accompaniment.

v., vamped, vamp·ing, vamps. v.tr.
  1. To provide (a shoe) with a new vamp.
  2. To patch up (something old); refurbish.
  3. To put together; fabricate or improvise: With no hard news available about the summit meeting, the reporters vamped up questions based only on rumor.
  4. Music. To improvise (an accompaniment, for example) for a solo.
v.intr. Music
To improvise simple accompaniment or variation of a tune.

[Middle English vampe, sock, from Old French avanpie : avaunt, before; see vanguard + pie, foot (from Latin pēs).]
vamper vamp'er n.

vamp2 (vămp) pronunciation Informal.
A woman who uses her sex appeal to entrap and exploit men.

v., vamped, vamp·ing, vamps. v.tr.
To seduce or exploit (someone) in the manner of a vamp.

To play the part of a vamp.

[Short forVAMPIRE .]
vampish vamp'ish adj.
vampishly vamp'ish·ly adv.
vampy vamp'y adj.