Some government staff have admitted they were able to get boxes of masks for personal use at the beginning of the outbreak.
I hope and expect Trump will criticize CPAC for abridging Yiannopoulos’s freedom of speech. After all, Trump condemned Berkeley and threatened to withhold federal funds from the University, even though Berkeley wasn’t at all to blame for the last-minute cancellation there. CPAC is clearly culpable.
Judge Finds Oscar Pistorius Guilty of Culpable Homicide
Deputation of the Yasno-Polyanskyi Peasants |
Judge Thokozile Masipa found South African athlete Oscar Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide in the shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, which can carry a prison sentence and be appealed, one day after finding him not guilty of premeditated murder |
Tepco admits culpability in Fukushima farmer's suicide
EU Rebuked Over Intel Case
The EU’s ombudsman said regulators had committed “maladministration” in their case against Intel by not documenting a “potentially exculpatory” witness interview.
This time, however, she said human rights concerns should not derail discussions on big issues like the global economic crisis, climate change and North Korea. That has earned her sharp criticism from Amnesty International, which said Friday that it was “shocked and extremely disappointed” that human rights were not made more of a priority.
But they called for an ombudsman to resolve disputes and ensure retailers did not exploit relationships with suppliers to push through unfair or retrospective contractual agreements.
1 [C or U] a decision by a government that allows political prisoners to be free:
Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
2 [C usually singular] a fixed period of time during which people are not punished for committing a particular crime:
People who hand in illegal weapons will not be prosecuted during the amnesty.
The government refused to declare an amnesty for people who had not paid the disputed tax.
- [ǽmnəsti]
[名](複 -ties)[C]
1 (政治犯の)大赦, 恩赦;(戦争犯罪に対する)責任の解除.
2 (過去の罪を)大目にみること.
3 処罰猶予期間.
an international organization which works to persuade governments to release people who are in prison for their beliefs and to stop the use of torture and punishment by death但瓜地馬拉人權工作者的艱難處境持續未獲改善,
om·buds·man (ŏm'bŭdz'mən, -bədz-, -bʊdz'-)

- A man who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution or organization.
- A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens' complaints against the government or its functionaries.
[Swedish, from Old Norse umbodhsmadhr, deputy, plenipotentiary : umbodh, commission (um, about + bodh, command) + madhr, man.]
ombudsmanship om'buds'man·ship' n.
WORD HISTORY The word ombudsman has one familiar element, man, but it is difficult to think of what ombuds could mean. Ombudsman is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, and man in Swedish corresponds to our word man. Ombud means "commissioner, agent," coming from Old Norse umbodh, "charge, commission, administration by a delegacy," umbodh being made up of um, "regarding," and bodh, "command." In Old Norse an umbodhsmadhr was a "trusty manager, commissary." In Swedish an ombudsman was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 1809 the office of riksdagens justitieombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice, that is, to see after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and its citizens. This office of ombudsman and the word ombudsman have been adopted elsewhere, as in individual states in the United States. The term has also been expanded in sense to include people who perform the same function for business corporations or newspapers.
Pronunciation: /ˌkʌlpəˈbɪlɪti/
Definition of culpability
[mass noun]culpable
Pronunciation: /ˈkʌlpəb(ə)l/
Definition of culpable

tr.v., -pat·ed, -pat·ing, -pates.
To clear of guilt or blame.
[Medieval Latin exculpāre, exculpāt- : Latin ex-, ex- + Latin culpa, guilt.]
exculpable ex·cul'pa·ble (ĭk-skŭl'pə-bəl) adj.exculpation ex'cul·pa'tion n.
━━ vt. 無罪にする, 無罪を証する.

delegacy | (noun) A group of representatives or delegates. |
Synonyms: | deputation, mission, commission |
Usage: | The Finnish delegacy arrived on Estonian soil early this morning and was greeted by a number of government officials. |
Late Middle English (in the sense 'appointment to an office or function'): from late Latindeputatio(n-), from the verb deputare (see depute).