2020年3月15日 星期日

asshole, all-powerful god-king Kim Jong Un appears terrified of covid-19

A big epidemic would make North Korea's leader look ineffective—something no all-powerful god-king can afford

Don’t be an asshole,你的工作應該讓你的孩子感到驕傲

當時的華爾街券商非常慘,金融海嘯使房市大面積破產,許多人付不起房貸被沒收房子(foreclosure),華爾街人士下班了就要穿過大批正在「佔領華爾街」的抗議群眾,本來最asshole的工作真的變成asshole了。~Emmy Hu

Derogatory term for a spoilt person. Originally applied to small children and John MacEnroe.
A: "You're a brat, SuperMac!"
B: "Shut up! Shut up! You moron! You're dead. You Asshole! Die now you SCUMBAG! Shut up!"

康正果老师把 dystopia 戏译成 “歹托邦”scoundrel/ruffian/rogue/asshole country, 而不是通常流行的“恶托邦”/evil/wicked! Very politically subversive!

asshole - Urban Dictionary
www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=asshole

1. The equivalent term of bitch for a man. 2. An inconsiderate, arrogant, uncaring, selfish, borderline sadistic, apathetic, mean, spiteful, dishonorable, bastard of a man who could tempt the Pope into a fight. 3. The guy who ended up with your ...

Asshole,中文意思是討厭鬼、蠢材、笨蛋、混蛋,也可以指臀部、肛門。這个詞語通常用於罵人,屬貶義和髒話。類似意思的漢語粗口詞有「尻」、「屎忽鬼(粵語詞)」等。 這個詞用語粗俗,通常用來形容那些被視為愚蠢、無能、不愉快或可憎的人。
