2020年3月29日 星期日

Social distancing helping to slow coronavirus spread, rinsing contact lenses,

Covid-19 could ravage the developing world. It is hard to maintain social distancing in a crowded slum. Our cover this week https://econ.st/3aoY791

Australia's rate of the spread of the novel coronavirus has halved in recent days, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday as he announced an additional A$1.1 billion ($680 million) to expand telemedicine care and other health services.


To reduce the spread of coronavirus, experts suggest wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, because they stop you touching your face.
In medicine, saline (also saline solution) is a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl, table salt) in water. It is used to flush wounds and skin abrasions, as eye drops, for intravenous infusion, rinsing contact lenses, nasal irrigation, and a variety of other purposes.

Saline (medicine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


醫學上,生理鹽水(也稱作鹽溶液)指的是消毒過的氯化鈉(NaCl, 更常見的稱法是鹽水)溶液。但其只有使用靜脈注射的時候才是無菌的,其他方式生理鹽水也只是一種鹽水溶液。這種無菌的溶液一般用於靜脈注射,沖洗隱形眼鏡鼻腔沖洗。不同用途的配方中生理鹽水也有不同的使用目的。生理鹽水也在細胞生物學、分子生物學和生物化學實驗中使用。

Social distancing - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Social_distancing

Social distancing, or physical distancing, is a set of infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease. The objective of social distancing is to reduce the probability of contact between persons carrying ...
社会距離拡大戦略 (Social distancing)
「social distancing」の画像検索結果


社会距離拡大戦略 は、感染症の拡散を停止または減速させることを目的とした、医薬品を使わない感染抑制のための手段である。社会距離を置く目的は、感染症のある人と感染していない人との接触の可能性を減らし、病気の伝染、罹患率、そして最終的には死亡率を最小限にすることである。 ウィキペディア
