2020年3月7日 星期六

crumple, bungee jumping, bungy jumping 蹦极

Arnrid Johnson
The House That Jack Built, a Bantam Picture Book, 1943
( one in the series of postcard-sized stapled Picture Books, modeled on the Victorian chapbooks. Johnston was a superb lithographer, illustrating posters for London Zoo, London Transport as well as some beautiful children’s books.) https://englishmodernism.tumblr.com/

 “綁豬蹦極”點燃公眾怒火 中國動物權利保護意識漸強。在重慶一家主題公園裡,一頭豬被綁在繩索上推下蹦極台。相關視頻在互聯網上迅速傳播,網友稱這一行為“殘忍”且“不人道”,動物權利組織也發出廣泛譴責。

Irish man visits one of the world’s highest bungee jumps — but forgets to empty his pockets.

The dollar’s crumpling, the recession’s thundering, the Dow’s bungee-jumping and the world’s disapproving, yet George Bush has turned into Gene Kelly, tap dancing and singing in a one-man review called “The Most Happy Fella.”

蹦极跳(/ˈbʌndʒiː/;英語:Bungee Jumping或「Bungy Jumping」,又譯「高空弹跳」,「笨猪跳」,「绑紧跳」)是一種人們利用有彈性的繩索一邊繫著身體或足踝,另一邊繫著高處平台(通常是數十至過百公尺),然後從高台一躍跳下的活動。

1 [I or T] to become, or cause something to become, full of irregular folds:
This shirt crumples easily

2 [I] If someone's face crumples, it becomes full of lines because of a strong emotion:
Her face crumpled with laughter.

3 [I] If someone crumples, they fall to the ground suddenly:
The bullet hit him and he crumpled into a heap on the floor.

crumpled adjective
crumpled clothes
the crumpled charm of linen

bungee jumping, bungy jumping 
noun [U]
the sport of jumping off a very high bridge or similar structure, with a long elastic rope tied to your legs, so that the rope pulls you back before you hit the ground
