2021年5月31日 星期一

clamp down, wittering, well-being, happy. welfare, twitter, Twitter, giggle, titter,

Naomi Osaka Quits French Open, Citing Concerns for Her Mental Health

The star has been in a high-stakes standoff with the most powerful officials in tennis over the impact of news conferences on players’ well-being.

A sad day for tennis: Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal could have been avoided, our correspondent writes.

Regimes in the region are playing on people's fears to justify their authoritarian rule

As covid-19 spreads, Arab states are clamping down
An even tighter grip

"When a celebrity dies, these days, the first journalistic port of call is their last tweet. When Peaches Geldof died tragically earlier this month she happened to sign off with something poignant and memorable. Statistically, few of us are likely do the same. Most people's last words will probably be "Bojo's such a berk", or just a picture of a funny cat"
Via Comment is free
Michael Moran: Flippant comments under news articles could be the biggest mark I leave on civilisation. My digital legacy needs cleaning up
The Guardian|由 Michael Moran 上傳

Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained.

《中英對照讀新聞》No laughing matter-Indian yoga gigglers banned 不是鬧著玩的──印度大笑瑜伽遭禁

They are designed to reduce stress and improve well-being, but one laughing yoga club in Mumbai has been ordered to stop its early morning giggling sessions after complaints from grumpy neighbours.
The Bombay High Court told police to clamp down on the laughing yoga group after a 78-year-old resident complained it caused "mental agony, pain and public nuisance", the DNA newspaper reported on Tuesday.
"It is not proper to gather outside somebody’s house and laugh," judges said while hearing the public interest lawsuit filed by Vinayak Shirsat from the Kurla suburb of Mumbai. According to Shirsat’s petition, 10 to 15 members of the group gather at 7:00 am to sing, clap and indulge in "loud and vigorous spells of laughter".
Laughing yoga was made popular as an exercise routine by Indian physician Madan Kataria in Mumbai in 1995, based on the principle that laughter has physiological benefits.
Laughter clubs, at which members burst into infectious giggles, have since caught on in many cities in India and abroad.The court on Monday gave police a week to inform judges how they planned to restrain the club from causing problems.

clamp down on:片語,(對…)進行壓制或取締。例句:The authorities have also clamped down on public demonstrations.(當局也壓制公開的示威活動。)
agony:名詞,極大的痛苦。He crashed to the ground in agony.(他在極大的痛苦中墜落地面。)
catch on:片語,變得流行。例句:The idea of linking pay to performance has caught on.(依績效敘薪的概念最近很流行。)

Definition of well-being


[mass noun]
the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy:an improvement in the patient’s well-being

Definition of happy
adjective (happier, happiest)
  • 1feeling or showing pleasure or contentment:Melissa came in looking happy and excited [with clause]:we’re just happy that he’s still alive [with infinitive]:they are happy to see me doing well
  • (happy about) having a sense of trust and confidence in (a person, arrangement, or situation):he was not happy about the proposals
  • (happy with) satisfied with the quality or standard of:I’m happy with his performance
  • [with infinitive] willing to do something:we will be happy to advise you
  • [attributive] used in greetings:happy Christmas
  • 2 [attributive] fortunate and convenient:he had the happy knack of making people like him
  • 3 [in combination] informal inclined to use a specified thing excessively or at random:they tended to be grenade-happy

(as) happy as a sandboy (or British Larry or North American a clam or vulgar slang a pig in shit)

extremely happy.

happy hunting ground

a place where success or enjoyment is obtained: this should prove a happy hunting ground for those in search of a bargain
[originally referring to the optimistic hope of American Indians for good hunting grounds in the afterlife]


Middle English (in the sense 'lucky'): from the noun hap + -y1

Definition of welfare
[mass noun]
  • 1the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group:they don’t give a damn about the welfare of their families
  • 2statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need:the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare
  • chiefly North American financial support given to those who are unemployed or otherwise in need: critics feared an increase in inequalities in the provision of welfare


Middle English: from the adverb well1 + the verb fare

Report: Jobs calls BS on Google's 'Don't be evil' mantra
So you may be moved to utter something of a titter when I tell you of a report that Apple CEO Steve Jobs last week likened Google's "Don't be evil" mantra ...


  • 発音記号[títər][動](自)くすくす笑う, 忍び笑いする. ⇒LAUGH[類語]


  • 発音記号[gígl] [動](自)くっくっと笑う((at ...)).
━━[名]くっくという笑い;おもしろい人[物], ジョーク;((主に英略式))ちょっとしたいたずら
do something for a giggle
give a person the giggles
have (a fit of) the giggles

(twĭt'ər) pronunciation

v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.intr.
  1. To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup.
    1. To speak rapidly and in a tremulous manner: twittering over office gossip.
    2. To giggle nervously; titter.
  2. To tremble with nervous agitation or excitement.
To utter or say with a twitter: twittered a greeting.

    1. The light chirping sound made by certain birds.
    2. A similar sound, especially light, tremulous speech or laughter.
  1. Agitation or excitement; flutter.
[Middle English twiteren, ultimately of imitative origin.]
twitterer twit'ter·er n.
twittery twit'ter·y adj.



全球第一条Twitter消息诞生于2006年3月21日。Twitter创始人杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)当时正在播客公司Odeo工作,他的梦想是开发一个能够让人们共享实时个人信息的系统。为了便于手机用户使用,一条信息的长度仅限140个字符。
在 Twitter诞生之初就已经有一些中国用户参与其中。和西方一样,这些最早的用户群体以技术人员为主,他们通过Twitter交换新工具新技术的使用心 得。但到了2008年,由于那一年在中国发生了西藏事件、汶川地震等一系列受到社会关注的重大事件,中国大量普通用户也开始纷纷涌入Twitter世界, 将Twitter看作是信息交换的首选。
进 入到2009年之后,中国政府开始决定屏蔽Twitter在中国的使用。关注互联网技术发展的"中文网志年会"组织者之一毛向辉说,因为中国官方发现,除 了技术人员同时也有大量社会活动者开始使用Twitter平台,Twitter开始发挥社会运动工具的作用。"官方注意到,在Twitter上很多主要的 社会活动者在Twitter上有自己的发言渠道,建立了自己的声誉和影响力。艾未未、滕彪等人的一句发言可能会影响到很多人。冯正虎的一个消息可能就能让 国际媒体报道好几天。这些让官方把Twitter看成是非常反叛性的工具,所以也加强对Twitter用户的监控,因为官方对Twitter产生的社会动 员的作用产生了很大的恐惧感。"
而 事实上,Twitter诞生之初只是作为社交工具出现并被使用的。但是一种新技术的使用往往不见得像发明者预想的那样。用户本身对新技术的走向往往有很大 的决定权。Twitter在很多地方除了社交功能,同时还具备媒体功能以及人们进行表达自我、开展社会组织和社会运动的功能。
北 京大学新闻与传播学院教授胡泳说,Twitter之所以被互联网用户所喜爱从技术发明的角度来讲是因为Twitter满足了人们两个最根本的需求:表达自 我和关注他人。"也就是说,Twitter最基本的两个功能就是关注与被关注。在这样的基本功能下,人们普遍有向世界表达自己的想法同时又非常关注和自己 有类似想法的人的愿望,或者人们有兴趣了解和自己相差较远的群体他们在想什么。另外还有一些人想知道更大的社会当中人们在想什么。Twitter本身非常 好的满足了这两点需求。"
理 论上让每个人都可能成为信息发布者的Twitter让人们获取信息的入口同样发生了巨大的变化。以前日常人们获取信息都是在报纸、广播电视等大众传播的模 式下进行的。而现在获取信息的入口从大众的入口变成个人的入口。胡泳说:"通过SNS或者Twitter这些个人化的工具获得信息。信息的很多来源不一定 是媒体,而是亲近的朋友,或者被关注的意见领袖。这对我们信息获取习惯有个巨大的推动。以前要想知道外部世界的任何信息尤其是突发事件的信息都需要寻找大 众媒体。但是现在会通过Twitter这种个人性比较强的媒体获得信息。"
不 过,不可否认的是,当大众入口变成个人入口之后媒体的供应也随之变成无限。在这种情况下出现信息混杂的现象也是必然的。"未来人们在获得充分的媒体表达的 空间之后,可能还是有需求如何把碎片化的信息通过一定的方式方法变得有序起来。这一需求在下一阶段会变得比较大。因此还会看到有新的工具出现。"

Line breaks: wit¦ter
Pronunciation: /ˈwɪtə/


[no object] British informal


early 19th century (originally Scots and dialect): probably imitative.

2021年5月30日 星期日

name-dropping, hemisphere

name・drop ━━ vi. (有名人の名を)親友のようにふれまわる.
name・dropper n.
name・dropping n.
when someone talks about famous people that they have met, often pretending that they know them better than they really do, in order to appear more important and special.

Who on earth cares what processor is inside a phone-as long as the phone feels fast? And the Lumia 900 feels fast. It shouldn't matter if the phone has a Snapdragon, a dual core or a hamster wheel.
There's a reason President Obama name-dropped Costco during last night's speech.


By Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. Edited by Andrew Schlesinger and Stephen Schlesinger.
894 pp. The Penguin Press. $40.
Photograph by George Tames/The New Yor

Social Historian

Illustration by Peter Mendelsund; Photograph by George Thames/The New York Times

Published: October 7, 2007

It’s hard not to like a book that expounds on Marilyn Monroe on one page and the Monroe Doctrine on the next. When Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. ruminates on the realm of hemispheric affairs, the transition from one Monroe to the other is seamless, as is the slide from Bosnia to Bianca Jagger and from Alexander Hamilton to Angie Dickinson (WIKI). His diaries are a Tiffany’s window of name-dropping. This is not history so much as historical trail mix.


noun [C]
half of a sphere, especially the Earth:
the northern hemisphere


資料來源(2): Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]

 Hemispheric \Hem`i*spher"ic\, Hemispherical \Hem`i*spher"ic*al\,
    a. [Cf. F. h['e]misph['e]rique.]
    Containing, or pertaining to, a hemisphere; as, a hemispheric
    figure or form; a hemispherical body.

Image results for Bianca Jagger

http://www.rollingstonesnet.com/upclose.html http://www.rollingstonesnet.com/upclose.html http://www.answers.com/topic/bianca-jagger

Bianca Jagger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bianca Jagger (born Bianca Pérez-Mora Macías [1] on May 2, 1945, in Managua, Nicaragua) is a social and human rights advocate. Jagger is a Council of Europe ..

【#逐字學英文國際日報】102:names, feature, named, taking names, name and shame, triple-barrelled surname

"Parasite", a satirical film about inequality in South Korea, was named best picture at this year's Oscars. In October, we examined how the film resonated widely in the country

Former Nissan chairman Carlos #Ghosn plans to name those he thinks were behind his 2018 arrest for alleged financial misconduct, including some in Japanese government: U.S. broadcaster

In the Latin alphabet, Japanese names have been written with the given name first. No longer

From Shinzo Abe to Abe Shinzo

New U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley in her first visit to the United Nations put U.S. allies on notice: "For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names."

Tourists Behaving Badly: Name-and-Shame Effort Fails to Fix China's Image


Brawling, vandalism and other boorish acts at home and abroad have raised doubts about the effectiveness of a "tourism blacklist" set up last year.

It's the first global bank to feature on the list.

JPMorgan Securities has found itself on a “name and shame” list in Hong…

German court bars triple-barrelled family names

A German court has maintained a limit on how many names can make up a
surname. In the interest of brevity, two is enough.

The DW-WORLD Article

An appeals committee at Purdue University has upheld findings of misconduct on the part of a professor who claims to have created energy-generating fusion in a tabletop experiment, the university announced on Wednesday.

With the findings, William R. Woodson, the university’s provost, has imposed punishment on the professor, Rusi P. Taleyarkhan. Dr. Taleyarkhan remains on the Purdue faculty, but his distinction as a “named professor” has been removed, along with an annual allotment of $25,000 that accompanied it.

Name and shame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


To name and shame is to "publicly say that a person, group or business has done something wrong". It is used to discourage some kinds of activity.

IN BRIEF: adj. - Bearing the author's name; Called or designated.

pronunciation What is not named in a culture very likely goes unnoticed by the majority of its people. — David S. Slawson, Source: Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens, 1987


IN BRIEF: Those titles by which a person or thing is called or designated, in distinction from other persons or things.

pronunciation Giving names to things is a way of knowing them and of seeing them as well. — Allen Lacey, Source: The Gardener's Eye, 1992, p. 42

name was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

double-barrelled name noun [C] UK
a family name with two joined parts, such as Harvey-Jones


━━ n. 名前, 名称; あだ名; 評判, 名声; 家名, 一門; 虚名, 名目; 有名人; 【コンピュータ】(FORTRANで)名前.
bad [ill] name 悪名, 悪評.
by name 名前は; 名前で; 名を言って.
by [of] the name of … …という名の[で].
call … names 人の悪口をならべる, 人をののしる.
drop name =namedrop.
full name 氏名.
Give it a name. 〔話〕 望みのものを言いなさい ((人に飲み物などをおごる時)).
in all [everything] but name (名義はそうなっていないが)実質的に(は).
in name (only) 名ばかりの; 名義上.
in one's own name (他の名義, 権威を借りずに)自力で, 独立して.
in the name of …の名にかけて; …に代って; …の名義で.
in the name of God / in God's name 神かけて; 一体全体; 後生[お願い]だから.
Keep my name out of it. (著名人などが)名前は出さないでくれ.
make [win] a name (for oneself) [one's name] 名を揚げる.
put a name to …の(正確な)名前を思い出す.
put one's name down for / enter one's name for …の応募者[申込者]として名前を載せる.
take …'s name in vain 人の名をみだりに用いる ((特に神の名を)).
the name of the game 不可欠[肝心,当然]なこと.
to one's name 自分所有の.
under the name (of) …という名[名義]で.
━━ vt. 名をつける; 名を呼ぶ; 指名[指定]する; 述べる; (名指しで)非難する.
name after [〈米〉for] …の名を取って命名する.
name names (特に犯罪関係者などの)名を挙げる.
name the day (行事の)日取りを決める; (特に女性が)結婚式の日を決める.
to name but a few ((副詞的)) (例として)ごく少数の名を挙げると.
you name it 〔話〕 何でもどうぞ; あなたが決めて.
━━ a. 〔話〕 周知の, よく知られた.
name・a・ble ━━ a. 指名しうる; 名状しうる; 記念すべき.
name-calling 口汚いことば; ののしること; 悪口を言うこと.
name clashing 【コンピュータ】名前衝突.
name day 命名日; 聖名祝日.
name・drop ━━ vi. (有名人の名を)親友のようにふれまわる.
name・dropper n.
name・dropping n.
name・less ━━ a. 名のない; 匿名の; 世に知られない; 庶出の (bastard); 言い表せない; 言語道断な.
name・ly ━━ ad. すなわち.
name part =title role.
name・plate 標札, 名札, ネームプレート.
name・sake 同名者 ((特に,他人の名を取って名づけられた人)).
name server 【コンピュータ】ネーム・サーバー.
name table 【コンピュータ】名前テーブル.

Phrase used in reference to someone or something that is having multiple successes in succession. kicking ass - Kicking someone or something's assbeatingdefeating an opponent at a task. taking names - Recording a list of future contestants who will have also be beaten or defeated in the defined task.
Aunt Betty-Joe was kicking ass and taking names at bingo last night.