SARS Lessons Inoculate Hong Kong Against Epidemic
Two things have propelled the growth of Vox, a far-right party: Catalan separatism and a rise in illegal immigration
Two things have propelled the growth of Vox, a far-right party: Catalan separatism and a rise in illegal immigration
The Franco era did not inoculate Spain against the far right
An anti-immigrant, anti-feminist party, wins seats in Andalusia
A 29-year-old woman died on Saturday after she fell more than 30 feet (9 meters) from an escalator at the World Trade Center Oculus, part of a new, multi-billion-dollar transportation and shopping hub in lower Manhattan.
The Boston bombings
Americans have stopped ranking terrorism as a top concern. Have they become complacent?
Inside Europe | 19.12.2009 | 22:05
UK sees sharp increase in measles
Yet there are still those who refuse to have them, or to let their children be inoculated - out of fear of side effects. Now the UK is seeing a sharp increase in children falling ill with measles, following a health scare surrounding the vaccine which protects against the disease - the MMR vaccine.
Report: Lars Bevanger, London
New York considers calls for smoking ban in parks, beaches 紐約考慮要求公園與海灘禁菸
New Yorkers may be reduced to hiding in the bushes to smoke if new rules go through on lighting up outdoors.
call for(someone or something):片語,需要或要求(某事或某人的服務)。例句:The job calls for someone with at least 2 years of experience in a relevant field.(這份工作需要至少有兩年相關領域的經驗。)
go through:片語,正式接受或批准。例句:We’re hoping that the proposal for the new bridge won’t go through.(我們希望那個新橋樑提案不會過關。)
1. Examine carefully, as in I went through all the students' papers. [Mid-1600s]
2. Experience, undergo, suffer, as in We went through hell trying to find an answer. [Early 1700s]
3. Perform; also, rehearse for performance. For example, I went through the sonata in ten minutes, or Let's go through the third act again. [Mid-1700s]
4. Use up, complete, as in The children went through all the milk we bought in one day. [Mid-1900s]
5. Succeed, be approved, as in I'm sure this new deal will go through. [Late 1800s]
6. go through with. Complete, carry out, as in They got engaged last year, but I'm not sure they'll go through with the wedding. [Mid-1500s]
- 句動
- 1. 通り抜ける、通行{つうこう}する、通過{つうか}する、経る、経由{けいゆ}する
・I went through it. 一線を踏み越えてしまった。/行くところまで行ってしまった。 - 2. 〔法案{ほうあん}が〕通過{つうか}する、可決{かけつ}される
- 3. 〔困難{こんなん}・試練{しれん}・つらいことなどを〕体験{たいけん}[
経験{けいけん} ]する
・Any guy goes through all this. 男は皆そうするんだ。
・Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it. 《名言》恋ははしかのようなもの、誰でも一度はかかる。
・We go through this every time. 私たちいつもこれの繰り返しね。
・I'm not going to let you go through this alone. あなただけに、こんな苦労を掛けるわけにはいかない。◆自分も協力するという含み。 - 4. 読む、味わう、〔一つずつ順番{じゅんばん}に〕検討{けんとう}する、話し合う、討論{とうろん}する
・ Since the loan package had 50 pages, it took a lot of time for him to go through it. ローンの書類は50ページもあったので、彼がそれを詳しく検討するのに長い時間がかかった。 - 5. くまなく[
細かく ]調べる、捜索{そうさく}する
・My parents don't go through my stuff. 私の両親は私のものを調べたりしない。 - 6. 使い果たす、使い尽くす、全部使う、使い込む
- 7. しかるべき手続き{てつづき}を踏む
- 8. 〔取引{とりひき}・商談{しょうだん}などが〕まとめられる、成立{せいりつ}する
- 9. 完了{かんりょう}する、やってしまう、切り抜ける、終える
Measles is an infection, caused by a virus, which causes an illness displaying a characteristic skin rash. Measles is also sometimes called rubeola, 5-day measles, or hard measles.
follow through
or fol·low·through (fŏl'ō-thrū')
- The act or an instance of following through: a book promotion campaign with no follow-through.
- Sports. The concluding part of a stroke, after a ball or other object has been hit or released.
An oculus (plural oculi, from Latin oculus, 'eye') is a circular opening in the centre of a dome or in a wall. Originating in antiquity, it is a feature of Byzantine and Neoclassical architecture. It is also known as an œil de boeuf from the French, or simply a "bull's-eye".[1]
[hide]- 1Classical example
- 2Byzantine architecture
- 3Neoclassical revival
- 4References
- 5External links
Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɒkjʊleɪt/
Definition ofinoculate
- adjective
- noun
Pronunciation: /-lətɪv/
late Middle English (in the sense 'graft a bud or shoot into a different plant'): from Latin inoculat- 'engrafted', from the verb inoculare, from in- 'into' + oculus 'eye, bud'. The sense 'vaccinate' dates from the early 18th centuryinoculate
verb [T] ━━ vt. (予防)接種する ((against; with; into, upon)); (微生物を)混入する; 植えつける ((with)).to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease:
My children have been inoculated against polio.
- 音節
- in • oc • u • late
- 発音
- inɑ'kjulèit | -ɔ'k-
- inoculateの変化形
- inoculated (過去形) • inoculated (過去分詞) • inoculating (現在分詞) • inoculates (三人称単数現在)
1 〈人・動物に〉(病原菌などを)予防接種する((with ...));〈人・動物に〉(病気の)接種処置をする((for, against ...));〈病原菌・抗原・微生物などを〉(人・培養基などに)接種する, 植えつける((on, into ...))
2 ((文))〈人に〉(思想などを)植えつける, しみ込ませる, 吹き込む((with ...))
3 《冶金》…に接種する.
[ラテン語inoculātus(in-中へ+oculus眼, 芽+-tus=芽をつける→植肉する). △OCULAR, BINOCULAR]
kjulèitiv | -l
