2020年3月17日 星期二

livelihood, layup, lay off, suspend, probation

New York’s Restaurant Workers Feel ‘Completely Lost’
The city’s world-famous restaurant and bar scene is reeling from the decision to cut off the livelihoods of the industry’s employees.

Andrew Cuomo Is the Control Freak We Need Right Now
Mr. Cuomo has emerged as the executive best suited for the coronavirus crisis, our columnist writes.
March 16

White House Sets Up Obamacare Layup

 On Oct. 18, 1968, the United States Olympic Committee suspended two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, for giving a "black power" salute as a protest during a victory ceremony in Mexico City.

The Italian government has proposed tough budget cuts that are threatening
the cultural livelihood of the theatres.
Japan Nuclear Crisis Erodes Farmers’ Livelihoods
Video Video: Oil and Water
In the wake of the oil spill, O’Neil and Samantha Sevin struggle to preserve their Cajun livelihood and culture. Related Article

The survival of their livelihoods is another matter and Ito said he had already decided to lay everybody off and suspend all whaling operations. It was a tough decision. Ito has been hunting whales for half a century. "For me, whaling is not just culture or tradition. It’s part of my life," he said.

 《中英對照讀新聞》Naples marks ’’suspended coffee day’’ amid social crisis 那不勒斯在社會危機中紀念「待用咖啡日」
Cafes across Naples recently marked "Suspended Coffee Day", spotlighting a remarkable tradition of social solidarity in the crisis-hit Italian city that is now more needed than ever.
Using chalk board signs in cafes and by word of mouth, dozens of cafes have let the city’s growing army of poor -- Neapolitans and immigrants alike -- know they can come for a free coffee with money left by better-off customers.
The practice of "caffe sospeso" is simple:leave money for a coffee when you are getting one yourself and someone who cannot afford one gets it for free.
"It is something you used to do when you passed a university exam, or won the lotto or had your birthday. Pay for a coffee for someone you didn’t know," said Maurizio del Bufalo, a former UN aid worker and founder of the "Suspended Coffee Network" which now includes 200 cafes in Naples and around the world.
"We want to re-launch this custom. Suspended coffee is a typical expression of the popular culture of Naples. It could only have come here," he said.
The custom became most widespread during the lean days after World War II -- when the sprawling port city suffered a devastating social crisis.(AFP)

Swedish nuclear watchdog puts plant on probation amid safety concerns

After a series of incidents that could endanger the security at a nuclear
plant in Sweden, officials in the Scandinavian country have called for new
security measures.

The DW-WORLD Article


Syllabification: lay·up
Pronunciation: /ˈlāəp/noun
  • 1 Basketball A one-handed shot made from near the basket, especially one that rebounds off the backboard.
2 (also lay-up) The state or action of something, especially a ship, being laid up.

  1. A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.
    1. Law. The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
    2. A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.
  2. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
  3. The status of a person on probation.
[Middle English probacion, a testing, from Old French probation, from Latin probātiō, probātiōn-, from probātus, past participle of probāre, to test. See prove.]
probational pro·ba'tion·al adj.
probationally pro·ba'tion·al·ly adv.
probationary pro·ba'tion·ar'y adj.

━━ n. 試験, 検定; 見習い[修道・仮採用](期間); 【法】執行猶予, 保護観察.
on probation 試みに; 仮採用で; 執行猶予で; 保護観察下に.
place … under probation …を保護観察[執行猶予]下に置く.
pro・ba・tion・al, pro・ba・tion・ar・y
 ━━ a.
probationary employee 試用社員, 仮採用社員.
pro・ba・tion・er ━━ n. 見習い[執行猶予]中の人.
probation hostel (保釈中の人のための)保護観察寮.
probation officer 【法】保護観察官.

suspend:動詞,指某事懸而未決,或延後某事發生,如The judge suspended the hearing for one week.(法官把聽證會延後一週。)文中則作形容詞使用。
by word of mouth:片語,指聽說、由他人告知某事,口耳相傳,如We found this hotel by word of mouth.(我們是聽人說起才找到這家旅館。)
lean:形容詞,指貧瘠的、貧乏的、收益差的,如Those were lean years for the company.(這幾年公司的生意很清淡。)

  1. a means of securing the necessities of life.

    "people whose livelihoods depend on the rainforest"

  1. a means of securing the necessities of life.

    "people whose livelihoods depend on the rainforest"


[名][C][U]生計(の手段), 暮らし
earn [gain, get, make] a livelihood as a teacher [=by teaching]
write for a livelihood
earn an honest [a moderate] livelihood


  • 発音記号[səspénd]
  • verb

    [with object]
    • 1temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect:work on the dam was suspended
    • officially prohibit (someone) from holding their usual post or carrying out their usual role for a particular length of time:two officers were suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation
    • defer or delay (an action, event, or judgement):the judge suspended judgement until January 15
    • Law (of a judge or court) cause (an imposed sentence) not to be enforced as long as no further offence is committed within a specified period:the sentence was suspended for six months (as adjective suspended)a suspended jail sentence
    • 2hang (something) from somewhere:the light was suspended from the ceiling
    • 3 (be suspended) (of solid particles) be dispersed throughout the bulk of a fluid:the paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution
    • 4 Music prolong (a note of a chord) into a following chord, usually so as to produce a temporary discord.


    suspend disbelief
    temporarily allow oneself to believe something that is not true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.

    suspend payment

    (of a company) cease to meet its financial obligations as a result of insolvency or insufficient funds.


    Middle English: from Old French suspendre or Latin suspendere, from sub- 'from below' + pendere 'hang'
1III[名]([副])]((しばしば受身))((形式))…を(物・場所から;…で)下げる, つるす((from ...;by ...));…を宙に浮かせておく, 浮遊させる
suspend a banner from the window
Particles of soot were suspended in the air.
2 …を(…に)(自由に動くように)取りつける((on ...))
suspend a gate on its hinges
3 〈決定・承諾などを〉保留する, 延期する
suspend one's decision
suspend a sentence
4III[名]([副])]〈支払・関係・法律・運行などを〉一時停止[中止]する;((米))〈人を〉(学校[会社]から)停学[停職]にする((from ...)). ⇒INTERRUPT[類語]
a temporarily suspended teacher
suspend him from the team
Both countries have suspended diplomatic relations.
Ferry service was suspended on account of heavy snow.
5 〈人に〉気をもたせる
Don't keep us suspended in the middle of the joke.
1 (ふつう一時的に)停止する;(しばらく)発効を停止する;支払を停止する.
2 (ぶら)下がる;(流体の中に)浮かんでいる.
