“疫情加劇了人們對開放邊境的所有擔憂,”牛津大學研究全球化與發展的教授伊恩·戈爾丁(Ian Goldin)說。他曾在2014年出版的名為《缺陷的蝴蝶效應:全球化怎樣帶來系統性風險以及如何應對》(The Butterfly Defect: How globalization Creates Systemic Risks, and What to Do about It)一書中預料,一場全球大流行病會引發對自由主義的反彈。
OPINION | CARRABINO: Building our legacy
"There seems to be a widely held belief that Yale would be better off if it were to do away with legacy preferences, and yet we have little evidence that this would be the case. Eliminating legacy admissions would offer no remedy to Yale’s inaccessibility for students from underprivileged backgrounds. Doing so would actually have counterproductive consequences, diverting attention from much larger systemic issues that pose barriers to underrepresented students in the college admissions process."
The genocide measure officially recognizes the systematic killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923.
For decades, Turkey had deployed an army of lobbyists to stop the measure. But that effort fell short on Thursday.
Senate recognizes Armenian genocide over objections of Trump and Turkish government
'Systematic failure'
Last month, Lord Turner told a Treasury committee that the FSA's failure to spot the banking crisis in advance had been partly due to the style of regulation, with a "light touch" approach seen as politically preferred.
The tripartite arrangement, in which the three authorities have different roles, has been widely blamed for the events which led to the nationalisation of Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley, and the huge losses at the likes of Royal Bank of Scotland.
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Bob Penn, Allen & Overy
Critics of the system - introduced by then-chancellor Gordon Brown in 1997 - say that regulation had become confused.
This meant that none of the key players fully knew who was overseeing the UK's financial system, meaning that flawed banking models, such as that at Northern Rock, fell through cracks in the regulatory network.
Last year the Treasury committee accused the FSA of "systematic failure" for not spotting the Rock's "reckless" business plan.
system (sĭs'təm)
- A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.
- A functionally related group of elements, especially:
- The human body regarded as a functional physiological unit.
- An organism as a whole, especially with regard to its vital processes or functions.
- A group of physiologically or anatomically complementary organs or parts: the nervous system; the skeletal system.
- A group of interacting mechanical or electrical components.
- A network of structures and channels, as for communication, travel, or distribution.
- A network of related computer software, hardware, and data transmission devices.
- An organized set of interrelated ideas or principles.
- A social, economic, or political organizational form.
- A naturally occurring group of objects or phenomena: the solar system.
- A set of objects or phenomena grouped together for classification or analysis.
- A condition of harmonious, orderly interaction.
- An organized and coordinated method; a procedure. See synonyms at method.
- The prevailing social order; the establishment. Used with the: You can't beat the system.
[Late Latin systēma, systēmat-, from Greek sustēma, from sunistanai, to combine : sun-, syn- + histanai, set up, establish.]
But Amazon said that it sees its Kindle reader and devices like the iPhone as complementary, and that people will use their mobile phones to read books only for short periods, such as while waiting in grocery store lines.
Verb [T]to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it:
Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.
The music complements her voice perfectly.
NOTE: Do not confuse with compliment.
complementary adjective
useful or attractive together: 互補 相得益彰
complementary colours/flavours/skills
My family and my job both play an important part in my life, fulfilling separate but complementary needs.
system (SET)
noun [C]
1 a set of connected items or devices which operate together:
a central-heating system
2 a set of computer equipment and programs used together for a particular purpose:
The system keeps crashing and no one is able to figure out why.
3 a set of organs or structures in the body which have a particular purpose:
the immune system
the nervous system
4 the way that the body works, especially the way that it digests and excretes:
A run in the morning is good for the system - it wakes the body up and gets everything going.
1 SPECIALIZED A systemic drug, disease or poison reaches and has an effect on the whole of a body or a plant and not just one part of it.
2 FORMAL A systemic problem or change is a basic one, experienced by the whole of an organization or a country and not just particular parts of it:
The current recession is the result of a systemic change within the structure of the country's economy.
system (METHOD)
1 [C] a way of doing things:
We'll have to work out a proper filing system.
Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives.
The legal system operates very differently in the US and Britain.
2 [C] a particular method of counting, measuring or weighing things:
the metric system of measuring and weighing
3 [U] APPROVING the intentional and organized use of a system:
There doesn't seem to be any system to the books on these shelves - they're certainly not in alphabetical order.
using a fixed and organized plan:
APPROVING We've got to be a bit more systematic in the way that we approach this task.
DISAPPROVING We're hearing reports of the systematic rape and torture of prisoners.
systematize, UK USUALLY systematise
to plan a system for something
systematization, UK USUALLY systematisation

━━ n. 組織; 体系, 系統; 学説; 制度; (the ~) 体制; 方式, 方法; 秩序; 順序; 【天文】系; 宇宙; 【地学】系; (the [one's] ~) 身体; 分類法.
all systems go 〔話〕 すべて準備完了.
get out of one's system 〔話〕 頭から追い払う.
system acquisition 【コンピュータ】システム入手.
system administrator 【コンピュータ】システム管理者.
system analyzer 【コンピュータ】システム分析器.
sys・tem・at・ic, sys・tem・at・i・cal


━━ a. 組織[系統]的な; 理路整然とした; きちょうめんな; 故意の; 【生物】分類上の.
s・tem・at・i・cal・ly ad. 組織的に; 整然と.

━━ vt. 組織[体系]化する; 分類する.
s・tem・a・ti・za・tion n.
system board 【コンピュータ】システム基板.
system building 組み立て式工法.
system call 【コンピュータ】システム・コール.
system chart 【コンピュータ】システム・チャート.
system clock 【コンピュータ】システム・クロック.
system command 【コンピュータ】システム指令.
system console 【コンピュータ】システム操作卓.
system crash 【コンピュータ】システム障害.
system [systems] design 【コンピュータ】システム設計.
system [systems] development 【コンピュータ】システム開発.
system diagnostics 【コンピュータ】システム診断.
system disk 【コンピュータ】システム・ディスク.
system down 【コンピュータ】システム・ダウン.
system error 【コンピュータ】システム・エラー.
system failure 【コンピュータ】システム障害.
system file 【コンピュータ】システム・ファイル.
system floppy disk 【コンピュータ】システム・フロッピー.
system flowchart 【コンピュータ】システムの流れ図.
system folder 【コンピュータ】システム・フォルダ.
system follow-up 【コンピュータ】導入後の見直し.
system font 【コンピュータ】システムで使われるフォント.
system generation 【コンピュータ】システム生成.
━━ a. 組織[系統]の; 【生理】全身の[に及ぶ].
systemic circulation 【解】(血液の)体循環.
systemic discrimination 【経営】システムとしての(雇用)差別 ((直接的な差別ではないが,ある能力を満たすことを条件として結果的に身障者を排除してしまうようなこと)).
systemic linguistics 【言】体系言語学.
system implementation 【コンピュータ】システムの導入.
system installation 【コンピュータ】システム・インストール.
system integrator 【コンピュータ】システム・インテグレータ.
system interrupt 【コンピュータ】システム割り込み.
sys・tem・ize ━━ vt. =systematize.
system level 【コンピュータ】システム・レベル.
system life c
cle 【コンピュータ】システム・ライフサイクル.
system loader 【コンピュータ】システム・ローダ.
system maintenance 【コンピュータ】システム保守.
system operator 【コンピュータ】=SYSOP.
system priorities 【コンピュータ】システム優先度.
system [systems] program 【コンピュータ】システム・プログラム.
system [systems] programmer 【コンピュータ】システム・プログラマ.
system prompt 【コンピュータ】システムプロンプト.
system reset 【コンピュータ】システム初期化.
system routine 【コンピュータ】システム・ルーチン.
systems analysis 【コンピュータ】システム分析 ((特定の業務をコンピュータ化する際に行う,業務内容の詳細かつ体系的な分析)).
systems analyst 【コンピュータ】システム・アナリスト.
systems approach 【コンピュータ】システム方法論.
systems engineer 【コンピュータ】システム・エンジニア.
systems engineering システム工学.
systems house 【コンピュータ】システム・ハウス ((コンピュータ・システムの設計製作会社)).
systems integration 【コンピュータ】システム・インテグレーション.
systems manual 【コンピュータ】システム・マニュアル.
Systems Network Architecture 【コンピュータ】システム・ネットワーク・アーキテクチャ.
systems resource 【コンピュータ】システム・リソース.
systems routine 【コンピュータ】システム・ルーチン.
systems security 【コンピュータ】システム・セキュリティ.
system(s) software 【コンピュータ】システム・ソフトウェア.
systems study 【コンピュータ】システム・スタディ.
system support 【コンピュータ】システム・サポート.
system test 【コンピュータ】システム・テスト.
system testing 【コンピュータ】システム試験, システム・テスト.



systemic circulation 【解】(血液の)体循環.
systemic discrimination 【経営】システムとしての(雇用)差別 ((直接的な差別ではないが,ある能力を満たすことを条件として結果的に身障者を排除してしまうようなこと)).
systemic linguistics 【言】体系言語学.

system [systems] programmer 【コンピュータ】システム・プログラマ.

systems engineering システム工学.

system testing 【コンピュータ】システム試験, システム・テスト.