2022年5月29日 星期日

front-running, nonunionized; payouts, frontier, fabian, harden, holding votes on whether to unionize

Paul Sancya/Associated Press
Resistance From Union in Ford Vote
Ford’s unionized workers, like the above in Wayne, Mich., haven’t received a raise in years and are upset with the big payouts to the company’s senior management.

By thus setting its sights, Mr. Hosogai’s group is intentionally making a challenge that echoes Japan’s glory days in the 1960s and ’70s, when the nation captured global industry after industry through hard work, sticking together and making a determined effort to overtake the front-running companies in the West. But Mr. Hosogai and his small band of bobsled builders say this is more than an exercise in nostalgia or morale building.通過設立這樣的目標,細貝的團隊刻意製造一個挑戰,要重振上個世紀六七十年代日本的輝煌。那個時期,日本通過努力工作、團結一心,以及超越西方領先企業的決心,佔領了一個又一個的全球行業。不過,細貝及其雪橇製造團隊的成員稱,他們這樣做不僅僅是為懷舊、或振奮士氣。

Unlike Beck, Hayek was a very serious thinker, and it would be too bad if the current association between the two led us to dismiss his thought. Hayek always had problems getting the respect he deserved; even when he was awarded the Nobel in economic science in 1974, the awards committee paired him with the left-leaning economist Gunnar Myrdal. With the passage of time, however, many of the ideas expressed in “The Constitution of Liberty” have become broadly accepted by economists — e.g., that labor unions create a privileged labor sector at the expense of the nonunionized; that rent control reduces the supply of housing; or that agricultural subsidies lower the general welfare and create a bonanza for politicians. His view that ambitious ­government-sponsored programs often produce unintended consequences served as an intellectual underpinning of the Reagan-Thatcher revolution of the 1980s and ’90s. Now that the aspirations of that revolution are being revived by Tea Partiers and other conservatives, it is useful to review some of the intellectual foundations on which it rested.

大河内一楼氏、台湾のクリエイターに向けて講演ト『Petit Fancy13』
アニメ!アニメ!Anime Anime
台湾で開催されたアニメ・マンガイベント『Petit Fancy13』(10月23日、24日 主催・月刊FRONTIER、台湾動漫画推進協会)に参加した。『コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ』『キングゲイナー』などのアニメ作品で知られる脚本家・大河内一楼さんといっしょだ。 ...

front running

frónt rúnning
《証券》株式の先回り売買取引.Front running is the illegal practice of a stockbroker executing orders on a security for its own account while taking advantage of advance knowledge of pending orders from its customers. When orders previously submitted by its customers will predictably affect the price of the security, purchasing first for its own account gives the broker an unfair advantage, since it can expect to close out its position at a profit based on the new price level. The front running broker either buys for his own account (before filling customer buy orders that drive up the price), or sells (where the broker sells for its own account, before filling customer sell orders that drive down the price).
    1. An international border.
    2. The area along an international border.
  1. A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.
  2. An undeveloped area or field for discovery or research: theories on the frontier of astrophysics.
[Middle English frountier, from Old French frontier, from front, forehead, front. See front.]

1 ((主に英))(…間の/他国との)国境(地方)((between .../with ...))
the Franco-German frontier
a fortress on the frontier
France has frontiers with Germany and Spain.
2 ((米・カナダ))(開拓地と未開拓地との)境界地方;辺境, フロンティア, (特に)米国西部開拓時代の辺境.
3 ((しばしば〜s))限界, 極限
beyond the frontiers of language
4 ((しばしば〜s))(学問・研究の)未開拓の分野;(ある分野での)知識の最前線, 最先端の業績
the frontiers of medical science
push back the frontiers
1 国境(地方)の[にある]
a frontier town
frontier disputes
2 ((米))辺境(地方)の;辺境開拓者の
frontier spirit

RPT-Opposition to huge India nuclear plant hardens after Japan crisis
Long-running opposition to the proposed plant at Jaitapur has hardened amid the unfolding nuclear crisis in Japan, with village posters depicting scenes of last month's devastation at the Fukushima plant and warning of what could be in store for this ...

(här'dn) pronunciation

v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens. v.tr.
  1. To make hard or harder.
  2. To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship.
  3. To make unfeeling, unsympathetic, or callous: "To love love and not its meaning hardens the heart in monstrous ways" (Archibald MacLeish).
  4. To make sharp, as in outline.
  5. To protect (nuclear weapons) by surrounding with earth or concrete.
  1. To become hard or harder.
  2. To rise and become stable. Used of prices.
  3. To become inured.
SYNONYMS harden, acclimate, acclimatize, season, toughen. These verbs mean to make resistant to hardship, especially through continued exposure: was hardened to frontier life; is acclimated to the tropical heat; was acclimatized by long hours to overwork; became seasoned to life in prison; toughened by experience.

1 〈物を〉堅くする, 固める, 硬化する;((しばしば受身))〈水を〉硬水にする.
2III[名]([副])]〈人・心を〉非情にする, 頑固にする, かたくなにする, 〈性格・感情などを〉強固にする, ますます強化する;((受身))(…に対して)無感覚になる((to ...))
harden a person's convictions
Constant failure hardened him to criticism.
3III[名]([副])]〈体などを〉がんじょうにする, 強健にする, 鍛える
Years of farm work has hardened his body.
4 〈軍事施設を〉核爆撃に備えて補強する;〈ミサイルを〉地下サイロに入れる.
1 〈物が〉堅くなる, 硬化する, 固まる;〈水が〉硬水になる.
2 〈心などが〉無情になる;〈顔つきなどが〉きびしくなる, こわばる.
3 〈人が〉(困難などに)慣れる, 粘り強くなる, 〈事が〉確固たるものとなる, 強固になる.
4 〈市場・物価などが〉落ち着く, 堅調になる, 高くなる, 上がる.


('bē-ən) pronunciation

    1. Of or relating to the caution and avoidance of direct confrontation typical of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus.
    2. Cautious or dilatory, as in taking action.
  1. Of, relating to, or being a member of the Fabian Society, which was committed to gradual rather than revolutionary means for spreading socialist principles.
[Latin Fabiānus, after Quintus FABIUS MAXIMUS VERRUCOSUS.]
Fabian Fa'bi·an n.
Fabianism Fa'bi·an·ism n.費邊主義指的是謹慎小心、看時局,邊戰邊走的作法或心態。
Fabianist Fa'bi·an·ist n.

2 費邊(Fabitus Maximus)是古羅馬時代的將軍與政治家,以善用緩慢等待時機的戰術而著稱。

2022年5月28日 星期六

spread, riff, raff, rift, bawdy, risqué, pomology, viol, tambourine, pizzicati【逐字學英文國際日報】44:

Guns are a central part of life in Uvalde, yet the deaths of 19 children and two teachers have opened rifts.

Yale Alumni Magazine

Do you ever wish Yale’s founders had gotten their act together just two years sooner? 1699 sounds so much older than 1701. Anyway, today's Mystery Monday: tell us where we spotted this carved riff on the university seal.
“I’ve always lived off my artwork all my life. I’ve lived all over the world. I’ve had fourteen common law wives. I’ve never needed money because I’m talented. Talent is better than money because it’s always with you. Let me give you an example. Back in 1970 I was getting dinner with a Japanese model at the Sao Paulo Hilton in Brazil. This guy from Texas was sitting at the table next to me, and he’s trying to order a steak, but he keeps sending it back to the kitchen. He keeps saying: ‘The steaks are better in Texas.’ After the second time he sends it back, the master chef comes out, and I hear him say in Portuguese: ‘I’m going to kill this man!’ Now being a Galician myself, I know the character of the Latin American people. If a French person says he’s going to kill you, you don’t have to worry. The French are lovers and all lovers are cowards. Trust me—several of my former wives are French. I know this. But when a Latin American tells you that he’s going to kill you, it’s time to leave. So I walked over to the man’s table and bought him a bottle of wine, and I talked with him about Texas. I knew all about Texas because I competed in fishing tournaments there. After a few minutes of talking, I tell the man: ‘If you order one more steak, you’re going to get killed with a machete.’ So he took my advice and he left. The entire restaurant staff came out and started singing to me with tambourines. They brought out free wine and a full spread. They said, ‘Your money is no good here.’ The Japanese model was so impressed. See what I mean? Talent.”

Yeah well, maybe they don't want to see you, tech bro 'riff raff'.

In an open letter to the city’s Mayor Ed Lee, entrepreneur Justin Keller said…

This and more in today’s roundup.

Coming up in September, a new exhibition will open at the The Lewis Walpole Library ."Bawdy Bodies: Satires of Unruly Women" will open September 24. Nearer the time, we'll post details, including some of the exciting associated events for the academic and public communities.

"Bawdy Bodies: Satires of Unruly Women" Opens September 24. Keep an eye here and on our webpage for associated programming. We're planning events for both the a⋯⋯

By donating his Picasso-riffing piece Gazing Ball (Charity), Jeff Koonsraised money for vaccination and education programmes – and he’s part of an art world increasingly given to donations of valuable work

“I remember very well [Jimi] sitting on the bed or the floor at home in Brook Street; sometimes he would play a riff for hours until he had it just right. Then he’d throw his head back and laugh. Those were the moments he’d got it right for himself, not for anyone else.”
Ed Vulliamy, who was born on the street where Jimi Hendrix died, reports on the rock legend’s time in the capital in the 60s – the focus of a new biopic –...

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was condemned for eternity to push a boulder up a hill only for it to roll down again. Over in San Francisco, artist Lee Materazzi decided to create her own mini version of the myth in her garage. She painstakingly created installations and as soon as they were done she dismantled them and started something new... (via Guardian culture)
San Francisco artist Lee Materazzi has created a homespun riff on the Greek myth of Sisyphus, writes Kathryn Bromwich

'I, Hogarth'

Reviewed by ANDREA WULF
A scene from Hogarth'sMichael Dean's novel imagines the bawdy, philanthropic life of the painter William Hogarth.
Rift Widens Over Mining of Uranium in Virginia
CHATHAM, Va. — Bills introduced to the General Assembly would lift a moratorium on uranium mining at a site in southern Virginia, but the issue has divided the region.

Marcia Mount Shoop, as theologian in residence, leads a workshop at the White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, N.C.
Travis Dove for The New York Times
On Religion

A Rape Survivor Ministers Body and Soul

Marcia Mount Shoop, a Presbyterian minister, has used her experience of being sexually attacked at 15 to develop teachings aimed at the rift between mind and body.

Poetry of Wallace Stevens

Peter Quince at the Clavier
Just as my fingers on these keys
Make music, so the self-same sounds
On my spirit make a music, too.
Music is feeling, then, not sound;
And thus it is that what I feel,
Here in this room, desiring you,
Thinking of your blue-shadowed silk,
Is music. It is like the strain
Waked in the elders by Susanna;
Of a green evening, clear and warm,
She bathed in her still garden, while
The red-eyed elders, watching, felt
The basses of their beings throb
In witching chords, and their thin blood
Pulse pizzicati of Hosanna.
In the green water, clear and warm,
Susanna lay.
She searched
The touch of springs,
And found
Concealed imaginings.
She sighed,
For so much melody.
Upon the bank, she stood
In the cool
Of spent emotions.
She felt, among the leaves,
The dew
Of old devotions.
She walked upon the grass,
Still quavering.
The winds were like her maids,
On timid feet,
Fetching her woven scarves,
Yet wavering.
A breath upon her hand
Muted the night.
She turned --
A cymbal crashed,
Amid roaring horns.
Soon, with a noise like tambourines,
Came her attendant Byzantines.
They wondered why Susanna cried
Against the elders by her side;
And as they whispered, the refrain
Was like a willow swept by rain.
Anon, their lamps' uplifted flame
Revealed Susanna and her shame.
And then, the simpering Byzantines
Fled, with a noise like tambourines.
Beauty is momentary in the mind --
The fitful tracing of a portal;
But in the flesh it is immortal.
The body dies; the body's beauty lives.
So evenings die, in their green going,
A wave, interminably flowing.
So gardens die, their meek breath scenting
The cowl of winter, done repenting.
So maidens die, to the auroral
Celebration of a maiden's choral.
Susanna's music touched the bawdy strings
Of those white elders; but, escaping,
Left only Death's ironic scraping.
Now, in its immortality, it plays
On the clear viol of her memory,
And makes a constant sacrament of praise.

Happy Sweating and Singing

"Lysistrata Jones," a new musical by Douglas Carter Beane and Lewis Flinn, is a modern riff on Aristophanes' bawdy comedy.

Worries Grow Over Gulf Rift
The U.A.E.'s central bank said it would pump liquidity into local banks, but didn't offer specific support to Dubai, raising worries of a rift.

informal A large and impressively elaborate meal:his mother laid on a huge spread

  1. A narrow fissure in rock.
  2. A break in friendly relations: a rift between siblings.

v., rift·ed, rift·ing, rifts. v.intr.
To split open; break.

To cause to split open or break.

[Middle English, of Scandinavian origin.]

rift2 (rĭft) pronunciation
  1. A shallow area in a waterway.
  2. The backwash of a wave that has broken upon a beach.
[Probably alteration of dialectal riff, reef, from Dutch rif, riffe. See reef1.]

(rĭf) pronunciation
  1. Music. A short rhythmic phrase, especially one that is repeated in improvisation.
  2. A clever or inventive commentary or remark: "Those little riffs that had seemed to have such sparkle over drinks ... look all too embarrassing in cold print" (John Richardson).
intr.v., riffed, riff·ing, riffs.
To play or make riffs.

[Origin unknown.]


Definition of riff in English:


1A short repeated phrase in popular music and jazz, frequently played over changing chords or harmonies or used as a background to a solo improvisation:brilliant guitar riff
1.1monologue or spoken improvisation, especially a humorous one, on a particular subject:
extended riffs on the pitfalls of contemporary romance


1Play riffs:the other horns would be riffing behind him
1.1 Perform a monologue or spoken improvisation on a particular subject:
he also riffs on racism and the economy


1930s: perhaps an abbreviation of refrain2.

Urban Dictionary: Raff


The female Raff is a rare find. She is beautiful inside and out. She is a dedicated lover and friend. She has a mother's intuition and often finds herself surrounded ...

Riff Raff (rapper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Riff Raff was born Horst Simco in Houston, Texas, on January 29, 1982 to parents Anita Simco, a maid, and Ronald Simco, a Vietnam War veteran with severe ...

Rabelais's Gargantua bawdily refers to it as "Saint Patrick's hole".

(') pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Humorously coarse; risqué.
  2. Vulgar; lewd.
bawdily bawd'i·ly adv.
bawdiness bawd'i·ness n.
[形](-i・er, -i・est)〈人・話・場所が〉俗悪な, 下品な, みだらな.bawd・i・ly[副]bawd・i・ness[名]
[名]((古))売春宿, 女郎屋.

: a small drum; especially : a shallow one-headed drum with loose metallic disks at the sides played especially by shaking or striking with the hand



noun \ˌpit-si-ˈkä-(ˌ)tō\
plural piz·zi·ca·ti
: a note or passage played by plucking strings


(pō-mŏl'ə-jē) pronunciation
The scientific study and cultivation of fruit.

[Latin pōmum, fruit + -LOGY.]
pomological po'mo·log'i·cal ('mə-lŏj'ĭ-kəl) adj.
pomologically po'mo·log'i·cal·ly adv.
pomologist po·mol'o·gist n.