It is a shaking business to stand up in public toward the end of an improvised life and call it learned. I didn't realize, when I started out, after an isolate childhood, to see what might be going on elsewhere in the world, that there would be a final exam. I suppose that what I have been doing all these years is piling up learning. But, at the time, it seemed to me that I was trying to figure out what to do next, and hold off a reckoning: reviewing the situation, scouting out the possibilities, evading the consequences, thinking through the thing again. You don't arrive at many conclusions that way, or not any that you hold to for very long, so summing it all up before God and Everybody is a bit of a humbug. A lot of people don't quite know where they are going, I suppose; but I don't even know, for certain, where I have been. But all right already. I've tried virtually every other literary genre at one time or another. I might as well try Bildungsroman.
But for lovers of contemporary architecture, Paris can be a surprisingly rich place. The latest crop of French architects is producing some of the best new work the city has seen. They are an eclectic group comfortable taking large risks while still melding the work into an august context. The buildings are a far cry from past examples of modern Paris design, like the clunky Tour Montparnasse, the badly dated Opéra Bastille and the cold skyscrapers of La Défense, the Modernist business district to the city’s west. These architects are producing treasures sprinkled amid the dense historic fabric. Often the contrast between old and new makes these buildings all the more striking. They are sleek diamonds in an aging rough.
The Flimflam Man
By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: August 5, 2010
One depressing aspect of American politics is the susceptibility of the political and media establishment to charlatans. You might have thought, given past experience, that D.C. insiders would be on their guard against conservatives with grandiose plans. But no: as long as someone on the right claims to have bold new proposals, he’s hailed as an innovative thinker. And nobody checks his arithmetic.
Series - October Books 這是 MIT 由十位主編所編的藝術叢書
October Books - Series - The MIT Press
Series - October Books. Associated Journal. October. Topic Areas ... This first book-length study of Robert Ryman argues that his work is a continuous ...October
- (Abbr. Oct.) The tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
- Chiefly British. Ale brewed in October.
[Middle English Octobre, from Old French and from Old English October, both from Latin Octōber, eighth month, from octō, eight.]
2 ((英))10月に醸造されるビール, 秋ビール.
- Nonsense; humbug.
- A deception; a swindle.
To swindle; cheat.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin.]
flimflammer flim'flam'mer n.flimflammery flim'flam'mer·y n.
Pronunciation: /ˈhʌmbʌg/
Translate humbug | into Italian noun
verb (humbugs, humbugging, humbugged)
[with object]Origin:
mid 18th century (in the senses 'hoax, trick' and 'deceiver'): of unknown originhumbug[hum・bug]
- 発音記号[hʌ'mbʌ`g][名]
1 [U][C]詐欺, ぺてん;欺まん(性);たわごと, でたらめ.
2 ((古風))詐欺師, ぺてん師
a humbug in art
3 ((英))ハッカキャンデー.
━━[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)〈人を〉だます, だまして(…)させる((into doing));〈人を〉だまして(金品などを)巻き上げる((out of ...)).
━━(自)詐欺を働く, ぺてんをやる.
[名][U]ごまかし, ぺてん.rough
- rough
- 発音
- rʌ'f
- roughの変化形
- roughs (複数形) • roughed (過去形) • roughed (過去分詞) • roughing (現在分詞) • roughs (三人称単数現在)
- roughの慣用句
- rough as a cob, in rough, in the rough, (全7件)
[形](〜・er, 〜・est)
(1) 乱暴な, 荒っぽい;粗野な, がさつな, 騒々しい;(人に対して)むごい, 非情な((on ...));有害な;〈地域が〉暴力[犯罪]の多い
(1) 乱暴な, 荒っぽい;粗野な, がさつな, 騒々しい;(人に対して)むごい, 非情な((on ...));有害な;〈地域が〉暴力[犯罪]の多い
a rough reply
a rough mob
look rough
(2) 《スポーツ》反則(行為)の.((略式))ひどい姿だ
4 ((略式))〈生活・仕事などが〉つらい, 苦しい, 不快な, いやな;(人にとって)不運な, つらい, たいへんな((on ...));((叙述))((略式))気分が悪い
9 〈言葉・計画・考えなどが〉大ざっぱな, 粗削りの, ラフな;おおよその, 概略の, あらましの
a rough draft
草稿, 下書き
草稿, 下書き
a rough estimate
a rough outline
a rough guess
10 《音声学》気音発声の, 気息音 〔h〕 を伴う.
11 ((米俗))困難な, 危険な.
(as) rough as a cob
2 ((the 〜))やっかいな[つらい]事, 難儀;虐待
3 ((主に英))乱暴者, ごろつき.
4 ((the 〜))《ゴルフ》ラフ.
in rough
おおざっぱに, ざっと.
in the rough
(1) 未加工[未完成]のままの[で]. ⇒ROUGH DIAMOND(2) 概略で, おおよそ.
(3) だらしなく, 乱雑に;準備[用意]もなく.
(4) ((米略式))困って, 難儀して.
2 おおよそ, あらまし.
live rough
sleep rough
戸外で寝る, 野宿する.
1 〈物を〉粗く[ざらざらに, でこぼこに]する;〈頭髪などを〉もじゃもじゃにする((up)).
2 ((略式))〈人・動物・物などを〉乱暴[手荒]に扱う, 痛めつける((up));〈人を〉いらだたせる((up)).
3 〈物を〉荒ごしらえする((down, off, out));〈草稿・略図などを〉ざっと書く[描く];…の概略を述べる((in, out));…をざっと描き加える((in))
4 《スポーツ》〈相手選手に〉反則的妨害をする.
1 粗く[ざらざらに, でこぼこに]なる.
2 荒々しくふるまう, 乱暴する.
rough it
[名]Bildungsroman 教育/成長小說
Pronunciation: /ˈbɪldʊŋzrəʊˌmɑːn/