2020年3月10日 星期二

tips, lead (n), uninsurable, risk/ insurance premium, spillover

Spillover” hardly touches on such pandemic-worthy animal pathogens as avian flu or multi-drug-resistant bacteria. What the book more fully describes is the unfolding convergence between veterinary science and human ...

Spillover infection - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Spillover_infection

Finally some few spillover events can result in the final adaptation of the microbe to the humans, who became a new stable reservoir, as occurred with the HIV virus resulting in the AIDS pandemic. In fact, most of the pathogens which are ...
UNIVERSITY | Student injured in fall from Bingham Hall
“I’ve been told he will make a full physical recovery,” Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway told the News Monday evening. “Members of the student’s family are now in town and we will follow their lead about further details.”

Massacre of Syrian Soldiers Raises Risk of Widening War

BAGHDAD — More than 40 Syrian soldiers who had sought temporary safety in Iraq were killed on Monday in an ambush, in the most serious spillover of violence into Iraq since the conflict began.

IMF:日本消費稅至少需上調至15%IMF urges Japan to tackle debt英國《金融時報》 中本美智代東京報導

Japan has come under renewed pressure to tackle its huge public debt, with the International Monetary Fund calling on the government to triple the national consumption tax to at least 15 per cent.
在處理巨額公共債務問題上,日本面臨新的壓力——國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)敦促日本政府將國民消費稅至少提高到15%,為原來的三倍。“Japan must tackle its deep-rooted fiscal problems,” David Lipton, first deputy managing director of the IMF, said in Tokyo on Tuesday.
IMF第一副總裁戴維•利普頓(David Lipton)週二在東京表示,“日本必須解決其根深蒂固的財政問題。”The immediate priority for Japan was to pass proposed legislation to raise the consumption tax, but more needed to be done to address the country's longstanding challenges of high public debt, low growth and deflation, Mr Lipton added.
利普頓表示,日本當前第一要務是通過一個上調消費稅的立法提案,但除此之外還需要採取更多行動,解決這個國家長期存在的一些挑戰,包括巨額公共債務、低增長以及通貨緊縮The IMF's call on Japan to do more to recover its fiscal health comes as the eurozone crisis threatens to further damage the global economic outlook.
在歐元區危機可能會進一步削弱全球經濟前景的形勢下,IMF呼籲日本拿出更多行動以恢復穩健的財政。While more than 90 per cent of Japan's public debt is held domestically, even a relatively small increase in Japan's risk premium* could have a spillover effect on global risk returns and growth, the IMF warned.
The return in excess of the risk-free rate of return that an investment is expected to yield. An asset's risk premium is a form of compensation for investors who tolerate the extra risk - compared to that of a risk-free asset - in a given investment.

IMF警告稱,雖然日本公共債務90%以上都是國內債務,但日本風險溢價即使是相對小幅的上升,也可能對全球風險回報和增長產生溢出效應。“In this regard, Europe's recent experience offers a cautionary tale. Once market confidence is lost, regaining it becomes very difficult,” it said.
IMF還稱,“在這點上,歐洲最近的經歷就具有警示作用。一旦市場失去信心,要重新恢復這種信心就很困難。”Japan is the world's most indebted country with gross public debt of 235.8 per cent of gross domestic product.
日本是全球負債最高的國家,其公共債務總額相當於國內生產總值(GDP)的235.8%。Even on a net basis, public debt was more than 125 per cent of GDP and was expected to rise further in the absence of fiscal consolidation, the IMF said in its annual assessment of the Japanese economy.
IMF在日本經濟年度評估報告中指出,即使是從淨債務來看,其占GDP的比重也已經超過了125%,如果不鞏固財政的話,這一比重會繼續增加。Last month, Fitch Ratings highlighted Japan's rapidly deteriorating fiscal situation when it downgraded the country's credit rating from double A to A plus.
上個月,惠譽(Fitch Ratings)將日本信用評級從AA降到A+,著重指出日本財政狀況在快速惡化。The Japanese government is locked in intense debate with the opposition over raising the consumption tax in two stages to 10 per cent by 2015.
關於是否在2015年前分兩個階段將消費稅提高到10%,日本政府正在與反對派展開激烈的辯論。Yoshihiko Noda, the prime minister, who has staked his political career on the tax increase, is seeking an agreement with the opposition by the end of the week.
增稅問題關乎日本首相野田佳彥(Yoshihiko Noda)的政治生涯,他尋求在本週末之前與反對派達成一致。While the Japanese government's tax plan was an important step towards fiscal consolidation, “reducing debt to sustainable levels will require more”, Mr Lipton said.
利普頓表示,雖然日本政府的稅收計劃是鞏固財政的重要一步,但“要將債務降到可持續水平,還需要採取更大力度的行動。”“Japan needs to move forcefully on many fronts,” combining fiscal, structural and monetary policies, to tackle its problems, he said.
他說,“日本需要在很多方面採取有力行動”,將財政政策、結構性政策和貨幣政策結合起來以解決問題。In particular, “it is important to look for structural policies that can support growth and mitigate some of the impact of fiscal adjustment,” Mr Lipton said.

The Reward for Donating a Kidney: No Insurance
It is unclear how often kidney donors have trouble obtaining insurance, but advocates say the fear of being uninsurable may be a powerful deterrent to donation.


F.B.I. Agents’ Role Is Transformed by Terror Fight
As part of the larger debate about the transformation of the F.B.I., some counterterrorism specialists question the value of threat squads that vet thousands of tips but find few leads
純文學叢書42: 波士頓紅豆/ 楊安祥/ 純文學1973年再版/

末篇附記考證"小費" tips

An acronym for "to insure prompt service," tips are gratuities given to a server, bellhop, etc. For providing a service.



1The initiative in an action; an example for others to follow:Britain is now taking the lead in environmental policies
1.1A piece of information that may help in the resolution of a problem:detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leadsI have a lead on a job that sounds really promising
1.2Someone or something that may be useful, especially a potential customer or business opportunity:setting up a social networking page can help you get numerous leadsthe goal of marketing is to generate leads so the sales people can close them
1.3(In card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play:it’s your lead
1.4The card played first in a trick or round:the ♦8 was an inspired lead
2(the lead) A position of advantage in a contest; first place:the team burst into life and took the leadthey were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead
2.1An amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others:the team held a slender one-goal lead
3The chief part in a play or film:she had the lead in a new film[AS MODIFIER]: the lead role
3.1The person playing the chief part:he still looked like a romantic lead
3.2[USUALLY AS MODIFIER] The chief performer or instrument of a specified type:a lead guitarist
3.3[OFTEN AS MODIFIER] The item of news given the greatest prominence in a newspaper or magazine:the lead story
4British strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other domestic animal:the dog is our constant walking companion and is always kept on a lead
5British wire that conveys electric current from a source to an appliance, or that connects two points of a circuit together.
6The distance advanced by a screw in one turn.
7An artificial watercourse leading to a mill.
7.1channel of water in an ice field.


  • 発音記号[inʃúərəns][名][U]
1 (…に対する)保険((against, on ...));保険方式;保険業
accident insurance
aviationair] insurance
cancer insurance
carautomobile] insurance
earthquake insurance
theft insurance
unemployment insurance
insurance claims
insurance policy
insurance against loss by fire
compulsoryvoluntary] insurance
Are you covered by insurance?
2 保険金(額)
claim for ...on your insurance
The damage is covered by insurance.
3 保険契約;保険証書[証券]
buy insurance
take out insurance [an insurance policyonuponone's house
He has $20,000 insurance.
4 保険料全額.
5 (分割して払う)保険料, 掛け金.
6 [U]((またan 〜))(…に対する)保護[予防]手段[装置]((against ...))
insurance against thieves
7 ((米俗))確実[安全]にするもの
You'd better buy a few extra for insurance.
念のため二, 三余分に買ったほうがいいよ.
8 保証, 請け合い. ▼ふつうassuranceを用いる.
9 《スポーツ》だめ押し(の得点).
1 保険の
an insurance adjuster
an insurance agent
an insurance broker
an insurance business
an insurance companyfirm
an insurance policy
an insurance premium
insurance reserve
2 《スポーツ》勝利が確実となる, だめ押しの
insurance run


  • 発音記号[príːmiəm]
1 ((しばしば〜s))保険料, 掛け金.
2 ((主に米))ハイオクガソリン.
3 (…に対する)割増金, プレミアム, 奨励金((for ...))
givepay] a premium for
4 (…の)賞, 賞品, 景品, 賞金((for ...))
The student got a premium for perfect attendance.
(1) 《経済》打歩(うちぶ).
(2) 《証券》額面以上の額;(株の借用)手数料.
6 謝礼(金).
7 ((米))(借用金に対する)割増利子.
at a premium
(1) プレミアムつきで, 異常な高値で.
(2) なかなか手にはいらない;重んじられて.
put [set, place] a (high) premium on ...
(1) …にプレミアムをつける.
(2) …を奨励[助長]する;重んじる.
there is a premium on
…が奨励される, たいせつだ.
1 上等な, 上質な;(他より)高価な.
2 割増の, プレミアの(ついた)
premium prices


spíll • òver
spillovers (複数形)
1 あふれさせること.
2 あふれたもの;流出;((a 〜))(…の)過剰((of ...)).
━━[形]あふれた, はいりきらない不適合
spillover spectators
 (spĭl'ō'vər) pronunciation
  1. The act or an instance of spilling over.
  2. An amount or quantity spilled over.
  3. A side effect arising from or as if from an unpredicted source: Late trains were a spillover of increased ridership.
