Andy Warhol lived with his mother, Julia Warhola, for most of his life. They would draw and eat together. Warhol also claimed that his mother’s home-made art, fashioned from cut-out food cans, influenced the making of his own tinned work.

Happy Mother's Day!

British Tax Deal With Google Puts Government on Defensive
New York Times
LONDON — When it was announced last Friday,Google's agreement to pay 130 million pounds in back taxes was welcomed by the country's ...
HTC Calls Up a New Marketing Chief
Embattled smartphone maker HTC Corp. is trying to send a clearer signal to consumers. The company, which has seen its popularity erode amid stiff competition, is shaking up its marketing.
2. Oust, replace, or supplant someone, as in He cut out all her other boyfriends. [Mid-1600s]
3. Also, cut out for. Suited or fitted by nature, as in Dean's not cut out for lexicography. [Mid-1600s]
4. Also, cut out for. Assigned beforehand, prepared, predetermined, as in We have our work cut out for us. [Early 1600s]
5. Deprive, as in He cut her out of his will. [Early 1800s]
6. Stop, cease, as in He cut out the motor, or Cut out that noise! [c. 1900] Also see cut it out.
7. Leave, especially in a hurry; also, run away. For example, I'm cutting out right now, or At the first hint of a police raid they cut out. [Slang; first half of 1800s] Also see cut and run; cut the comedy.
Experts say a medieval practice of shoving iron rods through "bad" corpses endured until the early 1900s.
| Posted Wednesday, June 6, 2012, at 4:27 PM ET
"Dracula" was inspired by the same Balkan folklore that led villagers to nail iron rods through "bad" corpses before burialPhoto by Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images.
Looks like vampires aren't ready to cede the slow summer news cycle to zombies without a fight.
Archaeologists working off of Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast have
reportedly unearthed two corpses from the Middle Ages buried with iron
rods shoved through their chests, the latest bizarre examples of a
medieval practice designed to quell the rise of vampires.
An expert explains to BBC News that
Balkan villagers nailed down corpses of the dead believed to be "bad"
to prevent them from rising from their graves and attacking locals, a
burial practice that endured in some regions until the early 1900s. The Associated Press
notes that such cases typically involved people who committed murder or
other such acts in their lifetimes. Archaeologists have uncovered about
100 such "vampire burials" in Bulgaria alone.
As Polls Shift, Taiwan President's Campaign Chief Goes on the Defensive
Wall Street Journal (blog)
AP Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou discusses his campaign platform for the upcoming presidential elections regarding cross-strait relations during a press conference at the Presidential Office Taipei, Taiwan, Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. ...
Reports that Chinese billionaires might stiff-arm a philanthropy invitation from Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have spawned a national test of Chinese generosity.
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The skill
In rugby league, rugby union, American football and Australian football, ball-carriers run towards defenders who are attempting to tackle them. By positioning the ball securely in one arm, the ball-carrier can fully extend his other arm, locking his elbow, and outstretching his palm. Then, the ball-carrier pushes directly outwards with the palm of his hand onto the chest or shoulder of the would-be tackler. The fend is a pushing action, rather than a striking action.A stiff-arm fend may cause the tackler to fall to the ground, taking him out of the play. Even if the tackler keeps his feet, it becomes impossible for him to complete a tackle, as he cannot come close enough to wrap his arms around the ball-carrier.
A well-executed stiff-arm fend can be a very powerful offensive weapon. In Australian football, it can allow a player to break free from an imminent pack, often completely changing the direction of play. In rugby and American football, the stiff-arm fend can be effectively used to fend off pursuing defenders, or to create holes in a defensive line to the front. This is particularly important in rugby, where American football-style blocking is not permitted, making a stiff-arm fend the only legal way to physically create a hole in the defence.
The term don't argue was coined in Australia to describe the stiff-arm fend. The term describes what a commentator imagined the ball-carrier might be saying as he shoved his opponent in the face or chest, and is used as a noun.
Ball-carriers in Australian football must be careful to avoid fending opponents in the head or neck, otherwise they will concede a high tackle free kick. High fends will generally be allowed in rugby unless the referee rules that the fend is too forceful, constituting a strike rather than a push. In Rugby, as stiff-arm tackle (ie: locked elbow and extended arm prior to making contact with the defender) is dangerous play. A player makes a stiff arm tackle when using a stiff-arm to strike and opponent (Laws of the Game, Rubgy Union, Law 10.4, dangerous Play and Misconduct, Section (e), dangerous tackling). Therefore, a stiff-arm fend, as described above is permitted (even a high fend) so long as it does not constitute striking the opponent (similar to an open handed punch).
on the defensive
Prepared for withstanding aggression or attack, as in The debate team's plan was to keep their opponents on the defensive, or This teacher put students on the defensive about their mistakes. [c. 1600]
- 発音記号[ʃʌ'v][動](他)
1 [III[名]([副])/V[名][形]]〈物を〉(後ろから)押す, 押し動かす(⇒PUSH(他)1);〈物・人を〉(後ろから)乱暴に押す[突く], 乱暴に押しやる[のける]
3 ((比喩))…を押しのける, 押しつける, 押し通す.
4 〈いやな事・物を〉(他の人に)押しつける.
5 〈麻薬を〉売りさばく.
2 押し(わけて)進む((along, past, through));((略式))席をつめる((over, up, along)).
3 ((略式))(いやいや)立ち去る, 出発する.
shove a person around
shove it (up your ass)
((俗))((相手の申し出に対する強い拒絶))(そんなものは)くそくらえだ.▼通例take the ... and shove itの形で用いる. 「そんなものは自分のけつの穴にでも突っ込め」が原義
━━[名]((通例a 〜))突くこと, ひと押し
give a shove
- stiffs (複数形) • stiffed (過去形) • stiffed (過去分詞) • stiffing (現在分詞) • stiffs (三人称単数現在)
(1) 〈布地・紙などが〉堅い, 曲がらない. ▼rigidが曲げると壊れることを意味するのに対し, stiffは曲がりにくいことを強調する. ⇒FIRM1[類語]
(1) 〈布地・紙などが〉堅い, 曲がらない. ▼rigidが曲げると壊れることを意味するのに対し, stiffは曲がりにくいことを強調する. ⇒FIRM1[類語]
a stiff shirt
(2) 〈人・体・筋肉などが〉思うように動かない, こわばった, こった, 痛い;(死んで)硬直したのりでぱりぱりのシャツ.
feel stiff
3 〈風・潮流などが〉強い, 激しい;((略式))〈酒が〉強い, 水で割ってない;〈薬が〉よくきく
stiff winds
4 〈人・態度・行為などが〉断固とした, 不屈の, 頑固な, 高慢な;形式ばった, 堅苦しい, ぎこちない, よそよそしい;〈文体・言葉などが〉型にはまりすぎた
a stiff greeting
5 〈仕事などが〉むずかしい, 骨の折れる, やっかいな;〈斜面・地形などが〉険しい, でこぼこの;〈抵抗などが〉がん強な, 執拗(しつよう)な
a stiff examination
a stiff fight
6 〈市況が〉堅い, 強含みの;((略式))〈値段などが〉法外な, 不当な;〈刑罰・要求などが〉きびしい, 過酷な
a stiff price
a stiff penalty
7 〈綱などが〉ぴんと張った.
8 〈のり・バター・ゼリーなどが〉堅めの, 堅練りの, 凝固した, 密な, きめ細かな;〈土などが〉もろくない
9 〈船が〉揺れに対して安定性がある(⇔crank).
10 (…が)ぎっしり詰まった, 充満した, 混雑した((with ...)).
11 ((俗))酔っぱらった.
1 死体.
2 酔っぱらい.
5 ((米))浮浪者, ルンペン.
6 ((米略式))労働者(working stiff).
7 チップの出し惜しみをする人, けちんぼう.
━━[動](他)((米略式))〈人に〉金を払わない, (特にレストランなどで)チップを払わない.
[古英語stif. ラテン語stīpāre(つめ込む)と同系. △STIFLE1, STEEVE1]