2021年12月31日 星期五

damp, dampen, sleek, hefty, pendulum, put a damper on. Covid Wave Dampens New Year Celebrations Worldwide

The bubble may have already burst.

London Mansion Prices Fall 11.5%
London’s most expensive homes and apartments have slumped in value as the government’s stamp duty sales tax damps demand.


Princeton UniversityClass Day 2015 相簿中新增了 21 張相片 — 和 Folasade Runcie其他 10 人

A rainy day moved Class Day into the Chapel but didn't put a damper on the tradition, complete with awards, laughter and keynote speech by director Christopher Nolan.

"Four days into the new less complacent United Kingdom, thank you Scotland for staying with us – even if it did dampen your independence dream. Believe me, we Mancs (and Geordies and Brummies etc) understand that dream. Perhaps it’s time for the English to have a referendum. But instead of asking whether we want independence from the UK, we should be asking whether we want independence from England" (via Comment is free)

I don’t want to be English

Simon Hattenstone: Scotland’s referendum forced me to confront my own identity and I didn’t like what I saw. Perhaps it’s time we English had a referendum on independence - from England

Young Japanese Women Vie for a Once-Scorned Job

Yuli Weeks for The New York Times
Eri Momoka is a single mother who turned her hostess career into a lucrative fashion business, where she designs and sells hostess clothing and often appears on television. More Photos >

Published: July 27, 2009

TOKYO — The women who pour drinks in Japan’s sleek gentlemen’s clubs were once shunned because their duties were considered immodest: lavishing adoring (albeit nonsexual) attention on men for a hefty fee.

U.S. retail sales tumbled 1.1% last month as credit turmoil continued to hit auto sales, damping hopes for a rapid economic turnaround.

Physics makes things trickier still, causing different parts of the body to move at different speeds. Your skis or snowboard may be sliding along at a slow 10 m.p.h., but if you catch a tip or edge on something stationary, the rest of you plunges forward and accelerates. "The body acts as an inverted pendulum, so the upper body moves much faster than the lower body," says Shealy.

The Beijing authorities are taking a conciliatory stance on closer collaboration in art in the hope of improving their image on Taiwan, with the goal of dampening opposition to an eventual reunification on terms favorable to the mainland.

In Washington, a Split Over Regulation of Wall Street 

Congress and the Bush administration strongly disagree about whether the pendulum should swing back to tighter control.


1 [C] a device consisting of a weight on a stick or thread which moves from one side to the other, especially one which forms a part of some types of clocks:
The pendulum in the grandfather clock swung back and forth.
The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.

2 [S] a change, especially from one opinion to an opposite one:
As so often in education, the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme and testing is popular again.


: to make (something) somewhat or slightly wet
: to make (something) less strong or active

Full Definition of DAMP

transitive verb
a :  to affect with or as if with a noxious gas :  choke
b :  to diminish the activity or intensity of <damping down the causes of inflation> damp

s out compass oscillations>
c :  to check the vibration or oscillation of (as a string or voltage)
:  dampen
intransitive verb
:  to diminish progressively in vibration or oscillation

Examples of DAMP

  1. His hands were damped with sweat.
  2. damp

 his drive for success>damp Show phonetics
slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable:
The grass is still damp.
This shirt still feels a bit damp.
It was a damp, misty morning.

noun [U] UK
when something is slightly wet:
Is that a patch of damp on the wall?
The whole house smells of damp.


verb [T]
1 (ALSO dampto make something slightly wet:
Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.

2 to make feelings, especially of excitement or enjoyment, less strong:
Nothing you can say will dampen her enthusiasm.
I didn't want to dampen his spirits.

dampness Show phonetics
noun [U] (UK ALSO damp)
when something is slightly wet:
It's the dampness in the air that is bad for your lungs.

adj., sleek·er, sleek·est.
  1. Smooth and lustrous as if polished; glossy: brushed her hair until it was sleek.
  2. Well-groomed and neatly tailored.
  3. Healthy or well-fed; thriving.
  4. Polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous way; slick.
tr.v., sleeked, sleek·ing, sleeks.
  1. To make sleek; slick: sleeked his hair with pomade.
  2. To gloss over; conceal.
[Variant of SLICK.]
sleekly sleek'ly adv.
sleekness sleek'ness n.
SYNONYMS sleek, glossy, satiny, silken, silky, slick. These adjectives mean having a smooth gleaming surface: sleek black fur; glossy auburn hair; satiny gardenia petals; silken butterfly wings; silky skin; slick otters.


Line breaks: damp¦en
Pronunciation: /ˈdamp(ə)n /


1Make slightly wet:the fine rain dampened her face
2Make less strong or intense:nothing could dampen her enthusiasm

2.1Reduce the amplitude of (a sound source):slider switches on the mixers can dampen the drums
put a damper/dampener on sth to stop an occasion from being enjoyable:
Both the kids were ill while we were in Boston, so that rather put a damper on things.

くじくもの; 【楽】(ピアノの)響きどめ[ダンパー]; (弦楽器の)弱音器; (ストーブの)空気調節弁; (切手などの)湿し器; 興ざまし ((人, 物)).
put a damper on …の興をそぐ.

A robust economy, an increasingly clear political landscape and promises of hefty state spending make Russian stocks an attractive bet, but any slowdown in the global economy could put a damper on that performance.

China's largest personal computer maker swung to a fiscal fourth quarter loss due to hefty restructuring charges and weak demand.

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Of considerable weight; heavy.
  2. Rugged and powerful. See synonyms at heavy.
  3. Informal. Of considerable size or amount: a hefty serving of mashed potatoes; received a hefty bonus.
heftily heft'i·ly adv.
heftiness heft'i·ness n.

2021年12月26日 星期日

underlying, signifier, double track diplomacy

Australia's first Omicron death was a man in his 80s with underlying health conditions, said authorities.

British diplomat Henry Wotton said in 1604 that "an ambassador is a gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country."
What then, are the two mixed signals coming from prominent Chinese diplomats over the pandemic?
In this week's China up close.


China up close | China plays double-track diplomacy in pandemic blame game

Like pretty much everything else the English have adopted, we quickly made cutlery into a class signifier.与英国人所接受的其它事物大同小异的是,他们很快把餐具变身为身份等级的标志。

  1. present participle of underlie.
  1. 1.
    significant as a cause or basis of something but not necessarily manifest or obvious.
    "the flu can be particularly severe for the elderly and those with underlying conditions"
  2. 2.
    lying or situated under something.
    "the underlying muscles of the face"

double track

ダブル・トラック; 複線; ダブルトラック; 複線軌道

Definition of signifier

1one that signifies

2a symbol, sound, or image (such as a word) that represents an underlying concept or meaning— compare SIGNIFIED

deflate, shibboleth, reflation, reflationary boom, cajole, plead, wheedle, plea bargain, bargain-basement, China Is the World’s Worst Polluter. Don’t Expect It to Be a Climate Crusader

Among those was a low-key, playful, healthy distance maintained from the hothouse art world back east, with its moneyed, myopic obsessions, self-importance and shibboleths. Mr. Thiebaud poked fun at that world from time to time. A painting of a drawer of neckties became a mock Morris Louis; a picture of scattered crayons spoofed Richard Serra. The humor deflated pretense, which Mr. Thiebaud in person entirely lacked.

聽說Jefferies出了一個全面看好台灣的報告?A reflationary boom candidate: Taiwan,

China Is the World’s Worst Polluter. Don’t Expect It to Be a Climate Crusader A2

Cajoled by the U.S. for years, China has become a convert on climate change. That doesn’t mean it will fill the void as the White House turns apostate.

Japan’s No. 1 Reflationist Does a Victory Dance3

Boston Globe Is Another Metro Paper Gone Local


The sale continues a recent trend in the struggling newspaper industry: newspapers being returned to local owners, often at bargain-basement prices.

The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress.

California Teen Pleads Guilty to Killing Gay Classmate

Brandon McInerney given 21-year sentence as part of plea bargain.

  1. a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.
    "the majority, under the influence of vague nineteenth-century shibboleths, understood him to be associating himself with the doctrine that every nation has a right to be a sovereign state"


bargain basement

a store or part of a store where goods are sold cheaply: [as modifier]:bargain-basement prices


  • 発音記号[kədʒóul]
[動](他)〈人を〉甘言でつる[だます], おだてて(…)させる((into doing));〈人を〉おだてて(…を)やめさせる[巻き上げる]((out of ...))
cajole her into buying a dress
cajole one's father out of money [=cajole money out of one's father
[フランス語cajoler(カシドリのようにべちゃくちゃしゃべる). もとはおそらく擬声語. △CACKLE

(kə-jōl') pronunciation
tr.v., -joled, -jol·ing, -joles.
  1. To persuade by flattery, gentle pleading, or insincere language.
  2. To elicit or obtain by flattery, gentle pleading, or insincere language: The athlete cajoled a signing bonus out of the team's owner.
[French cajoler, possibly blend of Old French cageoler, to chatter like a jay (from geai, jai, jay; see jay2) and Old French gaioler, to lure into a cage (from gaiole, jaiole, cage; see jail).]


v., -flat·ed, -flat·ing, -flates. v.tr.
    1. To release contained air or gas from.
    2. To collapse by releasing contained air or gas.
  1. To reduce or lessen the size or importance of: Losing the contest deflated my ego.
  2. Economics.
    1. To reduce the amount or availability of (currency or credit), effecting a decline in prices.
    2. To produce deflation in (an economy).
To be or become deflated: The balloon deflated slowly.

deflator de·fla'tor n.

Reflation is the act of stimulating the economy by increasing the money supply or by reducing taxes, seeking to bring the economy (specifically price level) back up to the long-term trend, following a dip in the business cycle. It is the opposite of disinflation, which seeks to return the economy back down to the long-term trend.

I already looked much older than my age and I'd wheedle my way into nightclubs.

Reflation is a fiscal or monetary policy designed to expand output, stimulate spending, and curb the effects of deflation, which usually occurs after a period of economic uncertainty or a recession. The term may also be used to describe the first phase of economic recovery after a period of contraction.2020/11/13


verb [IT + adverb or preposition] DISAPPROVING
to try to persuade someone to do something or give you something by praising them or being intentionally charming:
She's one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants.
She wasn't invited, but somehow she managed to wheedle her way in.
I tried all manner of different approaches - I wheedled, threatened, demanded, cajoled.


I knew by your wheedling tone that you wanted something from me.

retold, ascetic, observe, deeply observant, relief worker, feasts and famines, Passover, Talmudic

香港本土何東歐亞貴族之後新進藝術家何慧恩(Sophia Hotung ),就以紐約人雜誌為藍本成的《香港人》封面,展出多幅《香港人》為題的畫作,無懼展示對香港的愛。
鄧達智的設計作品擺放在荷里活道邊,背景街對面的「老五馬經報社」,剛好有一股濃烈的香港味襯托,非常的「曾灶財」——不錯,由意大利回來,你的眼睛會更加artistically observant。

A Midsummer Night's Dream

7/15馬克白 Macbeth
The Taming of The Shrew

Much Ado About Nothing


Shakespears retold
MY life has turned Talmudic. A friend, aware of my religious upbringing, talked me into doing a new translation of the Haggadah — the book from which the story of Exodus is retold in Jewish households, read aloud at the Passover dinners taking place tonight.

It took a lot of convincing; I’ve been — for a long time — proudly and radically secular. But, as with the rest of my deeply observant family, once I’m committed to an undertaking, it’s zealousness or bust. “Born to Be Ascetic” is the tattoo my mother sports across her back...or the one she would, were she the tattooing kind.

Farming's Sudden
Feasts and Famines

As grain prices rise and fall and perhaps rise again, growers struggle to navigate a new age of volatility and high costs.

More Tragedy Amid China's Mourning
As China observed three minutes of silence to mourn the country's tens of thousands of earthquake victims, more than 200 relief workers were reported buried in a mudslide in Sichuan province.


[動](他)1 ((形式))[III[名]/that節]…を見る, 〈…ということに〉気づく;[V[名]do/[名]doing]〈人が〉(…するのを)見守る;[V[名](to be)[名][[形...
[名]1 観察者, 観測者;監視者;《軍事》航空偵察員, 機上偵察員.2 (法律・慣習などの)遵守者.3 (会議の)オブザーバー, 立会人.4 意見を述べる人, 評者.5 ((the O-))オ...
observe (OBEY) Show phoneticsverb [T] FORMAL to obey a law, rule or custom:People must observe the law. Nobody should be an exception.The old people in the village still observe the local traditions.Do you observe Passover?

Tokyo marks 15th anniversary of subway gas attack
Washington Post
Tokyo subway workers observed a moment of silence Saturday to mark the 15th anniversary of a fatal nerve gas attack, Japan's deadliest act of domestic ...

observe abstinence :守小齋;(吃)小齋:按教會規定,小齋日禁食熱血動物的肉,但魚、蛋及乳類食物不在此限(法典 1251 )。
observe fast :守大齋;節食;(吃)大齋:按教會規定,大齋日只能飽食一餐,其他兩餐可進少量食物(法典 1252 )。
observe the holy days :守瞻禮日;過宗教節日:指按照教會的規定,善度宗教節日;譬如當天應該參加彌撒、禁止勞役(法典 1246-1247 )。
relief (HELP) Show phonetics noun [C or U]food, money or services which provide help for people in need:an international relief operationrelief agencies/suppliesPop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa.
relieve Show phoneticsverb [T] 1 to provide relief for a bad situation or for people in need:emergency food aid to help relieve the famine2 to take the place of someone and continue doing their job or duties:I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to relieve me.
3 FORMAL to free a place that has been surrounded by an enemy army by military force:An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.
noun [C or U]
when there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death, or a particular period when this happens:
Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
There were reports of refugees dying of famine.
Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845-46.

Passover Show phonetics
noun [C or U] (ALSO Pesach)
a Jewish celebration in March or April every year to remember the escape of the Jews from Egypt

the Talmud honetics
noun [S]
the collection of ancient Jewish laws and tradition for religious and social matters


avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons:
They live a very ascetic life.

noun [C]
He lived as an ascetic.

2021年12月25日 星期六

twist, tenuous, acidification, perch/ web of life, twists and turns

Mr. Trump’s daily coronavirus briefing has given him a unique perch from which he can try to rebrand himself.

Times Literary Supplement

"My impression is that the title ‘professor’ is used with the most enthusiasm by those with the most tenuous claim on it..."What's a 'professor'? | Mary Beard  Part of the issue is that often ‘Professor’ is a pretty undefined term.WWW.THE-TLS.CO.UK

North Korea Accuses U.S. of Disrupting Its Internet

The nation blamed the U.S. for disruptions to its already tenuous connection, and insisted it did not hack Sony Pictures.

Russian Proposal Catches Obama Between Putin and House Republicans

The twists and turns in the Syria debate have whipsawed the United States capital and made a tenuous situation even more volatile for President Obama.


Japan's Growth Outlook Remains Tenuous Despite Rebound1


Changing the Chemistry of Earth's Oceans

The burning of fossil fuels since the beginning of the industrial revolution is causing acidification, a change in the chemical balance that threatens the oceans' web of life.

China’s Exports Perch on Uncertain Truck System
By DAVID BARBOZA 6 minutes ago
Trucking’s tenuous status in China was underscored by a strike of 2,000 truckers complaining about rising fuel costs and transportation fees.

Better Numbers

The job market is showing slow and steady improvement. Employment is on the upswing, but the hole is deep and the gains tenuous.

In Japan, an Odd Perch for Google: Looking Up at the Leader


  1. A rod or branch serving as a roost for a bird.
    1. An elevated place for resting or sitting.
    2. A position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent.
  2. A pole, stick, or rod.
  3. Chiefly British.
    1. A linear measure equal to 5.50 yards or 16.5 feet (5.03 meters); a rod.
    2. One square rod of land.
  4. A unit of cubic measure used in stonework, usually 16.5 feet by 1.0 foot by 1.5 feet, or 24.75 cubic feet (0.70 cubic meter).
  5. A frame on which cloth is laid for examination of quality.

  1. To alight or rest on a perch; roost: A raven perched high in the pine.
  2. To stand, sit, or rest on an elevated place or position.
  1. To place on or as if on a perch: The child perched the glass on the edge of the counter.
  2. To lay (cloth) on a perch in order to examine it.
[Middle English perche, from Old French, from Latin pertica, stick, pole.]

(tĕn'yū-əs) pronunciation
  1. Long and thin; slender: tenuous strands.
  2. Having a thin consistency; dilute.
  3. Having little substance; flimsy: a tenuous argument.
[Latin tenuis.]
1 ((文))ほっそりした;〈空気などが〉薄い, 希薄な.
2 〈考え・意見などが〉薄弱[浅薄]な;〈差異などが〉微妙な.
tenuously ten'u·ous·ly adv.
tenuousness ten'u·ous·ness n.


  • very weak or slight:the tenuous link between interest rates and investment
  • very slender or fine; insubstantial:a tenuous cloud



1 (鳥の)止まり木;(人・動物の)休む場所
take one's perch
2 ((略式))高い場所;高い[安定した]地位
the perch of fame
Come off your perch.
3 ((英))パーチ.
(1) 長さの単位;5.03m.
(2) 面積の単位;25.3m2.
(3) 石材の体積単位;0.7m3.
4 御者台, 運転席;(車の)連桿(れんかん).
5 《繊維》検反機.
hop [tip over, drop off] the perch
knock a person off his perch
(1) 〈人を〉負かす, やっつける.
(2) 〈人の〉高慢の鼻をへし折る.
━━[動](自)〈鳥が〉止まり木に止まる, (…に)休む;〈人が〉座る, 落ち着く;〈植物・建物などが〉位置を占める((on, upon ...)).
1 〈鳥を〉(止まり木などに)止まらせる;((主に受身))〈人・物を〉(高い所に)置く, のせる((on ...))
perch oneself on a chair
2 〈織った布を〉検反する.


Because you are fond of fairy tales, and have been ill, I have made you a story all for yourself—a new one that nobody has read before.

And the queerest thing about it is—that I heard it in Gloucestershire, and that it is true—at least about the tailor, the waistcoat, and the

"No more twist!"

The Tailor of Gloucester


fine strong silk thread used by tailors, etc

  1. 1Cひねって回転させること,ねじり,ひねり
    • give a twist to ...
    • …をひねる
  2. 2C(物・身体の)ねじり,ひねり,つねり;〔the ~〕(ダンスの)ツイスト
  3. 2aCひねってゆがんだ形,ねじった形のもの;((英))両端をひねった小袋(◇塩・砂糖などを入れて売る);らせん形[状];(野球などの)カーブ;U《物理学》ねじり,ねじれ,ねじれによる変形,トルク
    • cinnamon twist
    • シナモンツイスト(◇ねじりパン)
    • twist of lemon
    • レモンツイスト(◇カクテルなどの飾りつけ)
    • twist of smoke
    • 一筋のよじれた煙
  4. 3C歪曲,曲解;(気質・態度などの)奇妙な癖,ゆがみ,ひねくれ;((英略式))ぺてん
  5. 4C((米))ひとひねり,ひと工夫,新味
    • give a new twist
    • ひとひねり加える
  6. 5CU(糸状の物を)より合わせること,より;強いより糸[ひも];巻きつけたもの;((英))ツイスト(◇2種類の違う飲み物を混ぜ合わせたもの)

  1. 6C(人・川などが)くねくねと進むこと,蛇行,曲がりくねり,湾曲(部)
  2. 6aC(事態の)曲折,急変,意外な展開

twists and turns

intricate or convoluted dealings or circumstances:the twists and turns of her political career