2020年3月1日 星期日

frothy, boudoir, boudoir shoot/photo, impervious, ebullient, taunting hash, mercuric, esplanade

“The singular character of late-19th century American furniture design is at the heart of [this] opulent show...”—The Wall Street Journalreviews “Artistic Furniture of the Gilded Age,” on view through May 1.

An ebullient treasure of 1880s interior design from a little-known craftsman.

Asked for his response, Cameron was ebullient: "I just don't accept that is the case," he told journalists. "We are a very active and strong participant in the EU… We're realists about the EU."

A sunny day on the Charles River Esplanade

When the lights go down at the end of the first movement of Paul Taylor’s “Esplanade” (1975) or “Mercuric Tidings” (1982) in the Taylor company’s current City Center season, the audience bursts into the kind of applause you usually hear only as a dance ends. Quite right, too: those movements are ebullient, complete experiences, rich in variety.

But then in both pieces the lights go up a moment later on a slow movement that shows some kind of poignancy. At once we know the world onstage has changed, deepened, grown darker and larger. Now we realize that we have far to go before we reach completion. In these two works and in so many others, Mr. Taylor’s is the art of drastic contrasts: of sun and shade, of heroes and insects, of rush and reflectiveness.

So does the ebullient, taunting hash of traditions, of public park with boudoir, of still life and figure painting, all crowded by a strangely vertical plane of water.

Gurley Brown's reply came in the form of a confession: "I am a serious little person."

If anything about the woman was impervious to scepticism, it was her devotion to work. A New Yorkmagazine profile of Gurley Brown in 1982 noted that her conversation was "frothy and not entirely believable about the boudoir" but "impassioned and totally credible about work".


  • 発音記号[impə'ːrviəs]
1 〈人・心などが〉(…に)影響されない, (…を)感じない, 鈍感な((to ...))
be impervious to criticism
2 〈物が〉(液体・気体を)通さない, 不浸透性の((to ...))
tent impervious to the rain.


  • 発音記号[frɔ'ːθi | frɔ'θi]
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 あわの(ような);あわ立つ
frothy beer [waves]
2 実質のない;つまらない;浅薄な
frothy chatter

Boudoir photography - Wikipedia


Boudoir photography is a photographic style featuring intimate, romantic, and sometimes erotic images of its subjects, primarily intended for the private ...

Search Results

Image result for BOUDOIR
boudoir (/ˈbuːdwɑːr/; French: [bu.dwaʁ]) is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished accommodation usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom.

Boudoir - Wikipedia



  • 発音記号[búːdwɑːr]

[名]((古))女性の寝室, 女性の居間[私室].
[フランス語. bouder(すねる)+-oir(場所). 原義は「貴婦人が腹を立てたとき退く部屋」]

es·pla·nade (ĕs'plə-näd', -nād') pronunciation
A flat open stretch of pavement or grass, especially one designed as a promenade along a shore.
[French, from Italian spianata, from spianare, to level, from Latin explānāre, to make plain. See explain.]

n. - 平坦的空地, 散步路, 遊憩場

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 遊歩道

Meaning #1: (chemistry) of or containing mercury
Synonym: mercurous
Pertains to noun: mercury (meaning #1)

very energetic, positive and happy:
He wasn't his usual ebullient self.

  • 発音記号[ibʌ'ljənt]
1 〈熱意・興奮などが〉(…で)ほとばしり出んばかりの, 熱狂的な((with ...));威勢のいい, 元気あふれる.
2 〈液体が〉煮え立って[煮えたぎって]いる, 沸きこぼれている.

verb [T]
to intentionally annoy and upset someone by making unkind remarks to them, laughing at them, etc:
The other children used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses.

noun [C]
The protesters shouted taunts at the police.

  1. A dish of chopped meat, potatoes, and sometimes vegetables, usually browned.
    1. A jumble; a hodgepodge.
    2. Informal. A mess: made a hash of the project.
  2. A reworking or restatement of already familiar material.

hash (FAILURE) 
make a hash of sth to do something very badly:
He made a complete hash of the last question.
