Throughout his life, Shorter was a fierce and articulate defender of the right to stand alone — or better yet, to take risks in reliable company. Speaking in 2018 about his approach to playing with his quartet, Shorter was (as usual) both metaphorical and direct. “It’s a little thing we call trust and faith,” he said. “To me, the definition of faith is to fear nothing.”
68 Days of Silence: Why the White House Stayed Mum on Classified Documents
By Michael D. Shear, Peter Baker and Katie Rogers
Advisers to President Biden calculated that the Justice Department would view possession of the documents as little more than a good-faith mistake.
It's Interfaith Harmony Week, an opportunity to promote unity between all people, regardless of their religion or faith.Now, more than ever, we can each do our part to show greater solidarity with others as we seek to end the #COVID19 pandemic and rebuild better. : Participants at a special event to mark World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2016 at UNHQ in NYC.
It's Interfaith Harmony Week, an opportunity to promote unity between all people, regardless of their religion or faith.
Now, more than ever, we can each do our part to show greater solidarity with others as we seek to end the #COVID19 pandemic and rebuild better.
: Participants at a special event to mark World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2016 at UNHQ in NYC.
The British Library collection includes 170 million items from almost every language and faith group. If you viewed five items a day, every day, it would take you 80,000 years to see the whole collection. Start viewing online:
An Account of the Arctic Regions, with a history and description of the Northern Whale-Fishery from 1820. Shelfmark G.2603 vol. II
an act of faith
Why Airlines Are Passing Up Wider Coach Seats27
On December 10th General Motors announced that come next April Mary Barra will take the helm as chief executive. The first woman to head a big global automotive manufacturer, the 51-year-old Barra will replace Dan Akerson, GM's current chairman and chief executive, who decided to move up his own retirement because of the illness of his wife
Reviving an Interfaith Legacy
Pakistan’s leaders need to rediscover their moral compass and back minorities.
Explaining the Crisis With Dogma
The Republican members of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission say the financial crisis was caused primarily by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Joe Nocera writes.
Of course Heschel, with his rabbinic features, could not have looked too much like the jolly gentleman expected to visit homes late Christmas Eve. But the spirit evident in this anecdote must have served him well over the years as he taught aspiring rabbis, met with Pope Paul VI and became a leader in the civil-rights, anti-Vietnam War and interfaith movements. At his death in 1972 he was one of this country’s best-known Jewish figures.
good faith 【法】(取引・契約にあたっての)誠実(さ).
Compliance with standards of decency and honesty: bargained in good faith.
(dôg'mə, dŏg'-)
n., pl., -mas, or -ma·ta (-mə-tə).
- A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church.
- An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. See synonyms at doctrine.
- A principle or belief or a group of them: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present" (Abraham Lincoln).
[Latin, from Greek, opinion, belief, from dokein, to seem, think.]
[名](複〜s, 〜・ta 〔-t〕)[U][C]
1 (教会などの)教義, 教理;信条;定見, 定説, 定論
the dogma that the end justifies the means
2 独断, 独断的な説[主張, 意見], ドグマ
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語dógma(意見)←dokeîn(よいと思われる)]Pope promotes interfaith relations in meetings with Muslims, Protestants
political dogma
(ĭn'tər-fāth')Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith forum.
Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith forum.
relating to or involving different religions or members of different religions:action to encourage interfaith dialogue
faith :喩 (1) 信德;信仰;信條;信理;信奉:指人答復天主愛的邀請,讓祂作心中的主人,並願意按照祂的旨意行事;拉丁文為 fides ;是天主所賜三超德之一,其他二德是望德 hope 、愛德 charity 。 (2) 信心;信任。
faith, act of : (1) 信心行為;啟發信德。 (2) 信德頌:慣用祈禱文之一。
faith, profession of :信仰的宣認;信仰的表白:包括宣佈信仰的行動和經文。譬如教會首長就職前應作信仰的宣認。
faith and order movement :信仰與組織合一運動:系基督教國際傳教協會推行的合一運動。
faith healing :信仰醫治;信心醫療;信心治病。
faithful, Mass of the :信友彌撒:今稱聖祭禮儀,指自奉獻禮至領聖體部分,屬於彌撒的聖祭禮儀,與前一段的聖道禮儀共同構成彌撒之全部。
faithful, prayer of the :信友禱詞。詳見 prayer of the faithful 。