‘We Were Helpless’: Despair at the C.D.C. as the Pandemic Erupted
Current and former employees recalled rising desperation as Trump administration officials squelched research into the new coronavirus.
Critics say the search giant is squelching competition before it begins. Should the government step in?
Jury Orders Rolling Stone and Writer to Pay $3 Million
Jurors found a reporter, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, liable for $2 million and said Rolling Stone owed $1 million in a defamation case over a discredited article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia.
Beneath her cheeky exterior, Lynda is a vulnerable girl who seeks love and a place in life; she lives in a time when it was difficult for teenagers like her to do that in their own way.
They are my buddies I feel so proud to live the same era together!
It's kind of cheeky to call them "buddies" though...

This man *really* likes being naked
Man travels the world doing naked handstands, to raise awareness of 'planned obsolescence'
Everyone likes taking a few cheeky snaps while on holiday. Photographs...
Discredited Hero’s Backers Rebut Charges
Supporters of Giovanni Palatucci, who was once praised for saving thousands of Jews, rebutted charges by researchers who described him as a Nazi collaborator.
It would be otiose to point out them in detail.
Floccinaucinihilipilification (noun)
Pronunciation: [flak-si-na(w)-si-ni-hi-li-pi-Definition: Holding or judging something to be worthless.
Usage: The word's main function is to be exhibited as an example of a long English word, longer by a letter than the word most people think is the longest, "antidisestablishmentarianism,
Suggested Usage: The word was first recorded in a letter by William Shenstone written in 1741 and published in 1777: "I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-
China Takes Chilling Look at Security in Its Schools
BEIJING — Video of a Dec. 14 attack that wounded 23 students in Henan Province has refocused attention on protective measures at schools and officials’ efforts to squelch coverage.
Former President Bill Clinton drew sharp lines between the choices voters face, using the economic successes of his presidency as a case for re-electing Barack Obama.
ICARUS Team Rebuts CERN's Faster-Than-Light Findings
New round of experiments renew fight over major Einstein theory.
New Snag for Oracle in Sun Deal
Europeans are concerned that the combination could squelch the growth of a popular, free corporate database program owned by Sun.
McKellen says celebrity has allowed him to finally relax as an actor. "The Lord of The Rings changed my life," he says. "[Becoming a star] confirmed that all that hard work, getting good as an actor, had paid off. People now accept that I am what I always wanted to be." The proof, says McKellen, is that he can afford to be "a bit cheeky" in the roles he chooses. What he means is that he can do precisely what he wants. And he's achieved that by doing exactly as he pleases. Which, whenever the curtain does finally fall, wouldn't be a bad obituary.
Murdoch ad squelched by FT, Chinese daily
The papers so far have refused to publish ads celebrating the media mogul's latest coup, The Wall Street Journal, and other career triumphs.
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- As Rupert Murdoch claims his hard-won prize The Wall Street Journal, his News Corporation conglomerate is planning an unprecedented newspaper advertising campaign that at least two newspapers that usually have little in common - the Financial Times and the China Daily - have so far declined to run.
In the wake of Thursday's approval of Murdoch's $5 billion takeover of Dow Jones (DJ), the Journal's publisher, the News Corporation (NWS, Fortune 500) is spending more than $2 million to place the ad tomorrow in newspapers in the United States, Britain, Australia, and Asia. The ad will run in the Journal, Murdoch's New York Post, and The New York Times - Murdoch's stated archrival.
A News Corp. official said it was the first time the company has done branded advertising. Spanning three pages and playing off Dow Jones' motto, the headline is "Free People, Free Markets, Free Thinking," and trumpets Murdoch's convention-challenging accomplishments over several decades. Those include the launches of the Sun tabloid and BSkyB satellite broadcasting in England, the creation of Fox television (and The Simpsons) in the United States, the Fox News Channel, and the purchase of MySpace two years ago.
"It's the first time we've given the company a narrative that expresses how we've gone against convention in providing greater choice and diversity in entertainment and information to consumers around the world," said a company insider.
The somewhat cheeky ad can also be seen as a giant rebuttal against critics who have feared the worst from Murdoch's takeover of one of the most influential and respected newspapers in the world. Skeptics have cited past instances of Murdoch's imposing his own views on newspapers he owns, and accused him of taking products he owns down-market.
"Today the greatest brand in financial journalism joins up with the world's most restless global media company," the ad proclaims.
According to News Corp. officials, the FT's ad department asked that the creative be slightly changed to "one of" the greatest brands in financial journalism - for obvious reasons. An FT official has not yet been reached.
China Daily's objections, according to News Corp. insiders, were more comprehensive, including - not surprisingly, the liberal use of the word "free" in the headline. Under advertising laws in Communist China, use of such words as "first" or "best" must be approved by authorities. Apparently Murdoch has rejected to the papers' requests to modify the ads.

Kids Station Toys Recalls Little Tikes Toy Cell Phones Due to Choking Hazard
Handstand - Wikipedia
A handstand is the act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted vertical position by balancing on the hands. In a basic handstand the body is held straight with arms and legs fully extended, with hands spaced approximately shoulder-width apart. There are many variations of handstands, but in all cases a handstand ...tyke, tike
noun [C]
1 UK INFORMAL a child who is badly behaved in a playful way:
Come here, you cheeky little tyke!
2 INFORMAL a young child
squelch ![]() | (verb) Suppress or crush completely. |
Synonyms: | quell, quench |
Usage: | The president ruled his country with an iron fist and had a special task force whose duty it was to squelch any sign of dissent. |
v., squelched, squelch·ing, squelch·es. v.tr.
- To crush by or as if by trampling; squash.
- To put down or silence, as with a crushing retort: squelch a rumor.
- To suppress or inhibit: a protein that squelches gene transcription.
To produce a splashing, squishing, or sucking sound, as when walking through ooze.
noun [C usually singular]
As the hikers walked down the path by the house, she could hear the squelch of their boots in the mud.
- squelch
- [動](他)1 …を押しつぶす, ぺちゃんこにする.2 …を押える;〈騒乱などを〉抑圧[鎮圧]する.3 ((略式))…をやりこめて黙らせる.━━(自)ピチャピチャ[グチャグチャ]音をたてる[音を...
1 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to make a sucking sound like the one produced when you are walking on soft wet ground:
He got out of the car and squelched through the mud to open the gate.
2 [T] US to quickly end something that is causing you problems:
A spokeswoman at the White House has squelched rumors about the president's ill-health.
3 [T] US to silence someone by making a critical remark:
The senator thoroughly squelched the journalist who tried to interrupt him during his speech.
noun [S or U] UK
rudeness or lack of respect:
He told me off for being late when he arrived half an hour after me. What a cheek!
[+ to infinitive] She's got some cheek to take your car without asking.
He had the cheek to ask me to pay for her!
She's always getting into trouble for giving her teachers cheek (= being rude to them).
to be rude to someone:
He's always getting into trouble for cheeking his teachers.
Tomorrow we’ll be announcing our first major exhibition of 2015! Here’s a cheeky preview…
adjective UK It is a concept from the UK not particularly shared by the US. It's basically sly and artful disrespect. Oscar Wilde, John Lennon, Jarvis Cocker , Noel Fielding, and Morrissey all come to mind with respect to being "cheeky".
slightly rude or showing a lack of respect, but often in a funny way:
She's got such a cheeky grin.
Don't be so cheeky!
ADJECTIVE ( cheekier, cheekiest)
chiefly Britishcheekily
adverb UK
noun [U] UK
Syllabification: (re·but)
Pronunciation: /riˈbət/
verb (rebuts, rebutting, rebutted)
Middle English (in the senses 'rebuke' and 'repulse'): from Anglo-Norman French rebuter, from Old French re- (expressing opposition) + boter 'to butt'. Sense 1 (originally a legal use) dates from the early 19th centuryrebut[re・but]
- 発音記号[ribʌ't]
rebutting evidence
━━(自)反証をあげる, 論駁[反論]する.
- 発音記号[ribʌ'tl]