2023年3月31日 星期五

現代史的dark side, .Goblin mode/effect (Wiki/馮睎乾十三維度)


從新舊冷戰、俄烏戰爭、網路戰爭、經濟戰⋯⋯,看現代史的dark side.
可能是 1 人、站立和顯示的文字是「ス 世 パ上 イ 彰 え界 た た史 ち を スパイ オタク 新冷戦 池上さんが ロシア・ウクライナ戦争 解説! サイバースパイ スパイ 日経BP 経済スパイ ダークサイド 現代史の裏側」的圖像

the parts of a person, a group, an activity, etc. that are unpleasant, evil, or harmful: She sings about the dark side to love.


哥布林,或譯作哥布靈、高扁、鬼怪、地精、惡鬼、妖怪、大耳怪,是一種傳說中的類人生物,一般都有長長的尖耳,鷹鉤鼻和金魚眼。 維基百科. 美式. 英式. n. 小妖怪. 牛津中文字典. goblin. 頑皮的醜小鬼,小妖精
飾演者 保羅·費斯
電影 王者無敵

Goblin mode

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Goblin mode is a neologism for rejecting societal expectations and living in an unkempt, hedonistic manner without regard to self-image.[1] Although usages of the term date back to 2009 with varying definitions, the term went viral in 2022 due a Tweet[2] by Twitter satirist @JUNlPER, featuring a doctored headline of an interview with Julia Fox, where she alleges that then-boyfriend Kanye West's dislike of her going "goblin mode" was the cause of their breakup.[3][4] This doctored image prompted a huge spike in searches for "goblin mode", leading Fox to deny having used the term. The term has also been linked to a viral Reddit post in which a user admits to acting "like a goblin" when alone at home.[5][6]

The term quickly became viral on platforms such as TikTok, often as a response to other trends on the platform such as cottagecore or self-improvement.[5][7] In April 2022, Elon Musk posted an image macro implicitly attributing his proposed acquisition of Twitter to him being in "goblin mode".[8] In June 2022, the term was defined on Dictionary.com as "a slang term for a way of behaving that intentionally and shamelessly gives in to and indulges in base habits and activities without regard for adhering to social norms or expectations".[1] In December 2022, online respondents selected the term from Oxford Languages' shortlist as the Word of the Year.[9]

The popularity of "goblin mode" may be linked to a rejection of the carefully curated lifestyles often presented by users of social media platforms. The trend has also been linked to a manner of coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society since this is described as a way of life that gives people permission to ditch societal norms and embrace their basic instincts and in social media, letting their inner goblin out has been a freeing experience.[5][10][11]

牛津年度代表詞——Goblin Mode
日前牛津字典公布2022年最具代表性的詞語,頭三位分別是「goblin mode」、「Metaverse」和「#IStandWith」,超過30萬人投票,「goblin mode」以93%得票率勝出。「Goblin mode」直譯是「小妖精模式」,什麼意思呢?牛津的解釋是:
‘Goblin mode’ – a slang term, often used in the expressions ‘in goblin mode’ or ‘to go goblin mode’ – is ‘a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.’
(俚語,常寫作「in goblin mode」或 「to go goblin mode」,表示一種毫無歉意地放縱、懶惰、邋遢或貪婪的行為,其人往往不在乎社會規範或期望。)
有人根據以上意思,譯成「躺平」或「擺賴」——粵語講法則是「Pun2 Pe5」。Pun2 Pe5,我見過不同寫法,有人寫「本啤」、「本Pair」,我認為正確寫法是「拚憊」。「拚」即「拚死」的「拚」,「憊」(粵音「備」)則表示疲困,引申為懶;二字串連起來,即什麼也不管了,放任懶散的意思。所以,如果你不想用大陸語「躺平」,也可寫「拚憊」。
為什麼「goblin mode」一詞會名列榜首,代表2022年呢?其實這個詞早在2009年已見於Twitter,只是一直沒成為潮語,直到今年2月後,才在社交平台遍地開花。TikTok 上的「#goblinmode」標籤,表示拒絕「理想化的行為」、不堅持「展示最美好的自己」,而在Reddit 上這短語則形容「表現得像妖精」的人。
諷刺的是,大比數落後於「goblin mode」的年度熱門詞「Metaverse」,則鼓勵網民沉浸在虛擬世界,用所謂「分身」跟人交往。一真一假,一虛一實,大家都選擇了「真實」。「Goblin mode」這次高票當選,象徵了「真實」的(階段性)勝利。
由此可見,雖然「goblin mode」的意思,跟中国人所謂「躺平」有點接近,但社會脈絡截然不同。所以,我認為照字面直譯「妖精模式」可能更好。
διαρραγείης, ὡς μόθων εἶ καὶ φύσει κόβαλος
可惜事隔數日,這頭寵物依然不見影,無視公眾期望,擺出一副「毫無歉意地放縱、懶惰」的姿態,就像他當年不顧形象躺在地上一樣,這不是goblin mode是什麼?香港官員總算有一件事趕上世界潮流,可喜可賀!
圖/ 香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞
