2023年3月30日 星期四

tofu, Curdle, soymilk, bloodcurdling, bean curd, Crispiest Tofu

Culture and Lifestyle

For the Crispiest Tofu, Give It the Milanese Treatment

Pistorius Neighbor: 'Bloodcurdling Screams' the Night of Killing3


Higher in protein than cow's milk, this milky, iron-rich liquid is a nondairy product made by pressing ground, cooked soybeans. Soymilk is cholesterol-free and low in calcium, fat and sodium. It makes an excellent milk substitute for anyone with a milk allergy; such milk substitutes are often fortified with calcium. There are also soy-based formulas for infants with milk allergies. Soymilk has a tendency to curdle when mixed with acidic ingredients such as lemon juice and wine; it's intentionally curdled in the making of tofu.

sóya mìlk[sóya mìlk]

sóybean mìlk[sóybean mìlk]

豆漿 bean milk;

bean curd


  • 発音記号[kə'ːrdl]

curdle the[a person's] blood
〈人に〉恐怖で血の凍る思いをさせる, 肝を冷やさせる. ⇒BLOODCURDLING = [形]血も凍るほど恐ろしい, 身の毛もよだつ.


Syllabification: blood-cur·dling
Pronunciation: /ˈbləd ˌkərd(ə)liNG/adjective
Causing terror or horror: the warrior’s blood-curdling cry More example sentences
  • Then there was another thump at the gates, this time followed by a blood-curdling scream of terror and agony.
  • A horrible blood-curdling scream from somewhere to the left froze everyone, and they all looked towards the sound.
  • He heard blood-curdling screams, sounds of unspeakable horrors.
