2023年3月30日 星期四

seethe, grant, Public anger in China is seething over weeks of cover-ups by officials

Trump is seething

A handful of brave doctors and academics have been pleading for openness to avoid further deadly policy blunders over coronavirus

Xi Jinping and his inner circle appear to have granted half that request


Public anger in China is seething over weeks of cover-ups by officials
Xi Jinping and his inner circle appear to have granted half that request

The word curry denoting the spicy food comes from the Indian words 'kari' or 'karil' and was known in the English-speaking world by the late 16th century. A translation of Van Linschoten's His Discours of Voyages into ye Easte & West Indies, 1598, records that:
"Most of their fish is eaten with rice, which they seeth in broth, which they put upon the rice, and is somewhat soure... but it tasteth well, and is called Carriel."


\ ˈsēṯẖ  \

Definition of seethe

 (Entry 1 of 2)
1to suffer violent internal excitementseethe with jealousy
2ato be in a state of rapid agitated movement
bto churn or foam as if boiling
3archaic BOIL
1to soak or saturate in a liquid
2archaic BOILSTEW

Definition of seethe (Entry 2 of 2)
a state of seething EBULLITION

Seethe:(怒りで)煮えくり返る、(群衆が)ごった返す - ネイティブな ...

自動詞 Seethe は本来料理などで、「(液体が)沸騰して泡状になる」ことを指す。注目すべきなのは比喩的な使い方である、「(人間が)沸騰する、煮えくり返る」「(人々が)ごった返す、興奮する」の方の意味。メディアでも意外とよく見かける単語の一つ。下の例文の ...


\ ˈgrant  \

Definition of grant

 (Entry 1 of 4)
1ato consent to carry out for a person allow fulfillment ofgrant a request
bto permit as a right, privilege, or favorluggage allowances granted to passengers
2to bestow or transfer formallygrant a scholarship to a studentspecifically to give the possession or title of by a deed
3ato be willing to concedegrant you that the house is not in perfect condition.
bto assume to be truegranting that you are correct
Definition of grant (Entry 2 of 4)
1the act of granting
2something grantedespecially a gift (as of land or money) for a particular purpose
3aa transfer of property by deed or writing
bthe instrument (see INSTRUMENT entry 1 sense 5) by which such a transfer is madealso the property so transferred
4a minor territorial division of Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont originally granted by the state to an individual or institution
 biographical name (1)
\ ˈgrant  \
Definition of Grant (Entry 3 of 4)
Cary 1904–1986 originally Archibald Alexander Leach American (British-born) actor
 biographical name (2)
Definition of Grant (Entry 4 of 4)
Ulysses S. 1822–1885 originally Hiram Ulysses Grant American general; 18th president of the U.S. (1869–77)
