TOKYO — Japan's national anthem was roundly booed by a seemingly capacity crowd in Pyongyang Tuesday as the former colonial power took on North Korea in a dead rubber World Cup qualifier. Live television footage from the hermit nation showed tens of ...
The Marquise reveals to Danceny that Valmont had seduced Cécile. Danceny challenges Valmont to a duel. Guilty and despairing, Valmont allows Danceny to fatally wound him. Before he dies, he asks Danceny to visit Tourvel and assure her of his true love; Valmont also hands him a collection of letters from Merteuil that detail her scheming. After hearing Valmont's message from Danceny, Madame de Tourvel dies. Danceny publishes Merteuil's letters, which become a scandal, and she is booed and disgraced by the audience at the opera. The movie closes as she suffers a breakdown.
- Living in Germany: A tatoo is no longer a stigma in Germany
Tattooing is one of the oldest art-forms, in the world. They have
spiritual, religious or social significance and tattoos have also been used
to mark criminals and prisoners. Throughout history there have been periods
where tattooing was permitted and then forbidden. Currently tatoos in
Germany are poular, and even the new president's wife, Christina Wulff,
sports a tatoo on her shoulder.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
#OnThisDay 1915 Virginia Woolf has a mental breakdown following the publication of her first novel The Voyage Out. It was the first of many incredible contributions from the author.
taboo, tabu
n., pl., -boos, also -bus.
- A ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion.
- A prohibition, especially in Polynesia and other South Pacific islands, excluding something from use, approach, or mention because of its sacred and inviolable nature.
- An object, a word, or an act protected by such a prohibition.
Excluded or forbidden from use, approach, or mention: a taboo subject.
tr.v., -booed, also -bued, -boo·ing, -bu·ing, -boos, -bus.
To exclude from use, approach, or mention; place under taboo.
[Tongan tabu, under prohibition.]
WORD HISTORY Among the many discoveries of Captain James Cook was a linguistic one, the term taboo. In a journal entry from 1777, Cook says this word "has a very comprehensive meaning; but, in general, signifies that a thing is forbidden-=@ellipsis4=- When any thing is forbidden to be eat, or made use of, they say, that it is taboo." Cook was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga) at the time, so even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages, the form taboo from Tongan tabu is the one we have borrowed. The Tongans used tabu as an adjective. Cook, besides borrowing the word into English, also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itself and a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo." From its origins in Polynesia the word taboo has traveled as widely as Cook himself and is now used throughout the English-speaking world.
n., pl., boos.
n., pl., boos.
- A sound uttered to show contempt, scorn, or disapproval.
- Informal. Any sound or word: You never said boo to me about overtime.
Used to express contempt, scorn, or disapproval or to frighten or surprise another.
v., booed, boo·ing, boos. v.intr.
To utter a boo.
To express contempt, scorn, or disapproval of by booing: booed the singer off the stage.
boo2 (bū)
n. Slang
[Origin unknown.]
A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.
intr.v., -chaed, -cha·ing, -chas.
To perform this dance.
A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.
intr.v., -chaed, -cha·ing, -chas.
To perform this dance.
[American Spanish chachachá, of imitative origin.]