2023年3月11日 星期六

eminence grise, up and running. Responding to Antibiotics.


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Aged 72 and confined to a wheelchair since an assassination attempt 25 years ago, Germany’s finance minister has the political energy of a younger man. Only nine days after German unification, an insane man shot him in the face and spine at a campaign event. He was paralysed from the waist down. But the tragedy brought out his grit. Within three months he was back at work. Wolfgang Schäuble is Germany’s eminence grise and hard man on Greece http://econ.st/1HSJ85t

éminence griseLine breaks: émi|nence grise
Pronunciation: /ˌɛmɪnɒ̃s ˈɡriːz/

Definition of éminence grise in English:

noun (plural éminences grises pronounced same)

A person who exercises power or influence in a certain sphere without holding an official position:for years he has been an éminence grise operating in the shadows of party policy-making


1930s: French, literally 'grey eminence'. The term was originally applied to Cardinal Richelieu's grey-cloaked private secretary, Père Joseph (1577–1638).

up and running

Definition of up and running in English:

(Especially of a computer system) in operation;functioning:the new computer is up and running
