- Oct. 25, 2005Mom's Loopy, Lovely Way of Talking
University of Essex
We love out paternoster lift at the University of Essex Library and now more than 2.3 million people love it too! Read all about how this engineering rarity has become a social media hit.
We love out paternoster lift at the University of Essex Library and now more than 2.3 million people love it too!
Read all about how this engineering rarity has become a social media hit.
Swan’s Way
Pay tribute to our greatest living Icelandic pop queen/artist’s muse/radical fashionista at the Army of Bjork costume party. Pull out your feathers and make your own avian dress, fashion your hair into big knobs, or wear nothing, carry a big knife and go as her slice-happy character from Matthew Barney’s opus “Drawing Restraint 9.” Though you’ll never be as cute — seriously, it’s impossible — at least you can be as loopy. Especially since there will be glog.“The characters in the novel are strongly bound to the real people, the reality of this great literature,” said Thomas Katschewitz, 52, as the tour stopped to drink mulled wine and listen to an organ grinder play in front of the brothers’ old school.
“小說中的人物,必定與真實人物存在密切關聯,與這部偉大文學作品的現 實性密不可分。”今年52歲的湯瑪斯·凱希維茨(Thomas Katschewitz)參加了這個文學之旅,他講這話的時候,他們正駐足于曼氏兄弟母校門口,一邊欣賞街頭手風琴師的表演,一邊喝著加香料的熱葡萄酒。
Organ grinder, the operator of a street organ
Glog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glog - 頁庫存檔Glog may refer to: a graphics blog or graphical blog; online rich media poster; Mulled wine, also called Glögg; G-Log, software company ...
Yana Paskova for The New York Times
Check In, Swim Out: A Floating Hotel as Art
In Jamaica Bay, Constance Hockaday has created one of New York’s loopiest getaways.
The Guardian we're loopy about our Paternoster lift too- it's one of the last
Paternoste lift – 電梯
這種電梯的原型,現今大概只能在老電影中才看得到了。但你知道嗎? 今日的德國,大概還有200台 „Paternoster“ 電梯仍在運轉中,其中包括外交部及影片中、位於法蘭克福的旅館內。„Paternoster“ 這名字,譯為主禱文時,則是源自於祈禱時撥弄的念珠。 有朋友搭過這種電梯嗎?
Condé Nast Traveler
Want to get your adrenaline pumping? In Germany, there's an elevator that never stops moving—and getting on and off can be a bit...stressful. Take a look:
- mull
- [動](自)1 (…について)熟考[思案, 沈思]する, (…を)思いめぐらす((over ...)).2 へまをする, 失敗する.━━(他)1 …をめちゃめちゃ[台なし]にする, しくじる.2...
- mull
- [動](他)〈ワイン・ビールを〉温めて甘味や香料を加える.
- mull
- [名][U]柔らかい薄手の綿モスリン.
- mull
- [名]((スコット))岬(promontory).

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Consisting of or covered with loops.
- Offbeat; crazy: "the loopy energy of Harpo Marx" (Michael Wood).