The longer it takes for a diagnosis, the greater the risk that patients infect those around them. But confirming cases can be tough. Lack of beds and limited testing ability raise fears of nation unprepared to cope
Japan seized with anxiety over homegrown outbreak
As Coronavirus Explodes in China, Countries Struggle to Control Its Spread
The time to prevent more epidemics is now, and countries are trying to seize the moment.
Eco-tourism can help to protect and revive coral reefs
freehold maisonette 1922
新任立法會主席梁君彥,早前被揭漏報持有兩家英國公司的股權。立法會網站顯示,事件揭發後,梁君彥在上周三下午向立法會補回申報,補交的利益文件顯示,梁持有兩家英國公司Sun Hing (UK) 以及47 Onslow Gardens的股權,前者申報業務為成衣貿易,後者則為用來持有物業(Freehold)。
Two Syrian Archbishops Abducted in Syria
The Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox archbishops of Aleppo are the most senior church clerics seized in the conflict.
Major Banks Aid in Payday Loans Banned by States
Banks have become enablers of loans with interest rates far exceeding
state limits. Subrina Baptiste, in photo, says lenders seized
child-support funds in her account.
A cat has been detained in the grounds of a jail in Brazil with contraband goods for prisoners strapped to its body with tape.
The second extant Chinese translation is Taisho Tripitaka 671 (入楞伽經). This second edition was translated by Bodhiruci in 513 CE[6], and divided into ten fascicles.[7] This edition is criticized in the imperial preface to the later translation, which says that it contains extra words and sentences mixed in that detract from the original meaning.[8]
On Nov. 23, 1943, during World War II, United States forces seized control of the Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese.
The Gilbert Islands (Gilbertese: Tungaru;[1] formerly Kingsmill Islands[2]) are a chain of sixteen atolls and coral islands in the Pacific Ocean. They are the main part of Republic of Kiribati ("Kiribati" is the rendition of "Gilberts" in Gilbertese[1]) and include Tarawa, the site of the country's capital and residence of almost half of the population.[citation needed]
- a set of rooms for living in, typically on two storeys of a larger building and having a separate entrance.
- 音節
- fas • ci • cle
- 発音
- fǽsikl
- fascicleの変化形
- fascicles (複数形)
1 小束, ふさ.
2 (出版物の)分冊.
3 《植物》錐花.
4 《解剖学》神経(線維)束.a·toll (ăt'ôl', -ŏl', ā'tôl', ā'tŏl')

A ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon.
[Maldivean atolu, probably akin to Sinhalese ätul, interior (from the interior lagoon), probably from Sanskrit *antala-, interior, variant of antara-.]

An atoll is created as a coral reef builds up around an eroding volcanic island.
(Academy Artworks)
atoll [at・oll]
- 発音記号[ǽtɔːl | ǽtɔl]
Ayatollah, Calling Britain Enemy No. 1, Taps Into Deep Distrust Rooted in History
LONDON — When Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used his speech at Friday Prayer in Tehran to denounce Britain as “the most evil” of Iran’s enemies, he was striking a chord with a deep resonance in the psyche of Iranians, the legacy of a long history of British imperial intrusions into their country’s affairs.
n. Islam.
- A high-ranking Shiite religious authority regarded as worthy of imitation in matters of religious law and interpretation.
- Used as a title for such a leader.
[Persian āyatollāh, from Arabic ’āyatu llāh, sign of God : ’āyatu, bound form of ’āya, sign, Koranic verse + allāh, Allah; see Allah.]
1 [with object] take hold of suddenly and forcibly:she jumped up and seized his arm he seized hold of the door handle
In England and Wales a freehold is the ownership of real property, or land, and all immovable structures attached to such land, as opposed to a leasehold in which the property reverts to the owner of the land after the lease period has expired.
Freehold (law) - Wikipedia
1 [with object] take hold of suddenly and forcibly:she jumped up and seized his arm he seized hold of the door handle
- 2take (an opportunity) eagerly and decisively:he seized his chance to attack as Carr hesitated
seize the day
Phrasal Verbs
Middle English: from Old French seizir 'give seisin', from medieval Latin sacire, in the phrase ad proprium sacire 'claim as one's own', from a Germanic base meaning 'procedure'seize
- seize
- 発音
- síːz
- seizeの変化形
- seized (過去形) • seized (過去分詞) • seizing (現在分詞) • seizes (三人称単数現在)
- seizeの慣用句
- seize hold of,
2 〈物などを〉(人から)(力ずくで)奪う, 強奪する((from ...));…を(法によって)差し押さえる, 押収する
The police seized the contraband.
7 《海事》〈ロープを〉くくりつける.
1 [seize on [upon] A]
(1) 〈人が〉〈A(物)を〉(急にまたは力ずくで)つかむ, 握る
(2) 〈人が〉〈A(機会・口実など)を〉とらえる, 利用する
(3) 〈恐怖・病気などが〉〈A(人)を〉襲う.
(1) 〈人が〉〈A(物)を〉(急にまたは力ずくで)つかむ, 握る
(2) 〈人が〉〈A(機会・口実など)を〉とらえる, 利用する
(3) 〈恐怖・病気などが〉〈A(人)を〉襲う.
2 〈機械・車などが〉(過熱などのために)動かなくなる;〈体の一部が〉急に動かなくなる;〈交通が〉渋滞する;〈組織・交渉などが〉行き詰まる((up))
seize hold of ...
〈物を〉つかむ.In England and Wales a freehold is the ownership of real property, or land, and all immovable structures attached to such land, as opposed to a leasehold in which the property reverts to the owner of the land after the lease period has expired.
Freehold (law) - Wikipedia
- 音節
- con • tra • band
- 発音
- kɑ'ntrəbæ`nd | kɔ'n-
- contrabandの慣用句
- contrabandist, (全1件)
1 [U]((集合的))((複数扱い))輸出入禁止品;不正貿易品, 密輸品.
3 《国際法》戦時禁制品(contraband of war).
4 《米国史》(南北戦争中)北軍に逃亡した[連行された]黒人奴隷.