Biden Creates Two National Monuments in the Southwest
The Spirit Mountain area in Nevada and Castner Range in Texas will be off limits to development.

From drones to frigates to fighter jets, Chinese companies are
aggressively pushing sales of high-tech hardware, mostly in the
developing world.
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Docks of Paris.
Docks of Paris
Perhaps the most adventurous of these new modern monuments is the Docks of Paris. Redesigned by the architects Jakob + MacFarlane, the complex was once a turn-of-the-last-century depot for goods hauled by boats on the Seine. Now it’s home to the Cité de la Mode et du Design, which includes a fashion school, a few hip shops and, on the roof, restaurants and bars.
When you see the Cité from the nearby Pont d’Austerlitz, its lime-green
glass-and-steel armature, which winds and warps its way up and down the
length of the old docks, resembles a giant bug perched atop the Left
Bank. Climbing the stairs at the riverside edge of the building is
exhilarating and disorienting, but it rewards with fantastic views, and
with restaurants and bars whose walls and roofs are made of sloping
berms of earth. The docks were mostly deserted when I visited them in
the winter, but the roof is said to be boisterous come summer, when
crowds of students and curious residents make their way onto the
In this exhilarating account of the Civil War's first stage, Adam Goodheart turns his lens upon some fascinating figures who loomed large at the time but have now been mostly forgotten.
The Fast-Draw-but-Don’t-Drink Law
Politicians continue to cave in to the gun lobby’s agenda that insists there is no place that should be off limits to guns.
Beyond farce in statehouse politics — think New York, Illinois and South Carolina — there can be danger. Think Tennessee, where the Legislature just overrode the governor’s veto and rescinded a law barring patrons from carrying handguns in bars and restaurants.
New Nazi Comedy Hits German Cinema Screens
A World War II comedy that hit cinema screens this week is the latest
German movie to tackle what has long been an off-limits subject: the Third
Prospect of Drilling Roils Political Waters
A new push in Washington to increase offshore oil and natural-gas drilling has intrigued politicians and alarmed environmentalists in Maryland, Virginia and Delaware, where the ocean has been off-limits to exploration for 19 years.
(By David A. Fahrenthold, The Washington Post)
A Boston River Now (Mostly) Fit for Swimming
Sixty-nine experienced swimmers showed up for a race in the Charles River after it had been officially off-limits to swimmers for more than 50 years.
The adjective off-limits has one meaning:
Meaning #1: barred to a designated group
Synonym: out-of-bounds
Not to be entered or frequented by a designated group: a bar that is off-limits to military personnel.mostly
- For the greatest part; mainly.
- Generally; usually.