【感謝大家 9/22/2005】
woo留言: re:此人很anti-flash 。意思為何?(HC 後補:我是看Business Week 九月初追弔前HP 公司的CEO:「再會! Lew PLATT 先生」)引 "He is the anti-flash CEO" 。它也應該是一種塗料。」Wikipedia article "Anti-flash white")
CH 留言:「
Anti-flash - 校長猜得沒錯,應是一種反閃光攝影的塗料。
Photo Fog is spray on anti-flash defense against
photo radar, red light cameras, and speed cameras. 」
---- 小讀者 貼不進來, 再試一次...
( 大" 巫" 點名, 小仙只好厚顏自動對號入座...)
1. 直覺是腳踏實地, 一步一腳印,紮實真實, 不鬧外面熱鬧耀眼亮麗虛好看, 或一閃即逝突如其來的閃亮乍現或神來之筆...
2. 再查BW 原文, 似印證此假設 (對照之下, Fiorina 就比較 flashier...) (HC 案:Florina 為上一任HP 公司的CEO ,她接Lew 之位,到位不久就不諮詢 Lew 了。Lew 頗內斂,退休惜別會還感激早已不在位的CEO John Young )可以更偏向一步一腳步的 (consistency...)
3. 再查字典定義: flash - Gaudy or ostentatious display. Or a sudden perception: a flash of insight. Or A sudden, brief, intense display of light...
4. 再查 Jim Collins 其人立論:
Disciplined people don't need hierarchy, bureaucracy, or motivational incentives, concludes Collins' research. A Level 5 leader will not only be disciplined as an individual and bulldog-tough on the Hedgehog Concept but also will create a culture of discipline, one in which consistency is valued over flash.
What Collins discovered is this: Becoming great is about substance, it's not about flash. It's about focus, not universal coverage. It's about facts, not opinion. And most of all, it's about a team that has the discipline, passion, courage, and commitment to be the best.
Walgreens's experience is the norm for good-to-great performers. Leaders at Abbott said, "It wasn't a blinding flash or sudden revelation from above." From Kimberly-Clark: "These things don't happen overnight. They grow." From Wells Fargo: "It wasn't a single switch that was thrown at one time."
( 大" 巫" 點名, 小仙只好厚顏自動對號入座...)
1. 直覺是腳踏實地, 一步一腳印,紮實真實, 不鬧外面熱鬧耀眼亮麗虛好看, 或一閃即逝突如其來的閃亮乍現或神來之筆...
2. 再查BW 原文, 似印證此假設 (對照之下, Fiorina 就比較 flashier...) (HC 案:Florina 為上一任HP 公司的CEO ,她接Lew 之位,到位不久就不諮詢 Lew 了。Lew 頗內斂,退休惜別會還感激早已不在位的CEO John Young )可以更偏向一步一腳步的 (consistency...)
3. 再查字典定義: flash - Gaudy or ostentatious display. Or a sudden perception: a flash of insight. Or A sudden, brief, intense display of light...
4. 再查 Jim Collins 其人立論:
Disciplined people don't need hierarchy, bureaucracy, or motivational incentives, concludes Collins' research. A Level 5 leader will not only be disciplined as an individual and bulldog-tough on the Hedgehog Concept but also will create a culture of discipline, one in which consistency is valued over flash.
What Collins discovered is this: Becoming great is about substance, it's not about flash. It's about focus, not universal coverage. It's about facts, not opinion. And most of all, it's about a team that has the discipline, passion, courage, and commitment to be the best.
Walgreens's experience is the norm for good-to-great performers. Leaders at Abbott said, "It wasn't a blinding flash or sudden revelation from above." From Kimberly-Clark: "These things don't happen overnight. They grow." From Wells Fargo: "It wasn't a single switch that was thrown at one time."
noun: flash-point
- 1.a place, event, or time at which violence or hostility flares up."the conflict reached a flashpoint last year"
- 2.CHEMISTRYthe temperature at which a particular organic compound gives off sufficient vapour to ignite in air."this particular resin is very volatile and has a fairly low flashpoint"
- 1very fashionable or expensive in a way that is deliberately intended to impress people
-------- rl留言:「 re: anti-flash
如果此處的 flash與攝影機的閃光燈有關,我們曉得anti- 有「防、反」等義,那麼,根據我對「不上相」的意思的了解,我不覺得「此人很anti-flash 」是指「此人很不上相」。我認為是指「此人很不愛曝光」。
又若,此處的 flash在時下興起的「快閃族」有關,那麼,顯然是「此人很討厭快閃族的作風」。
以上敬請批評指教。 」****
SYNONYMS gaudy, flashy, garish, loud, meretricious, tawdry.
These adjectives mean tastelessly showy: a gaudy costume; a flashy ring; garish colors; a loud sport shirt; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments.
flash, sunburn, sunscreen, flash crash/ burn/fire, burn, flashy, flashbulb, in-crowdhttp://word-watcher.blogspot.tw/2010/05/flash-crash.html
flash, sunburn, sunscreen, flash crash/ burn/fire, burn, flashy, flashbulb, in-crowdhttp://word-watcher.blogspot.tw/2010/05/flash-crash.html