The standoff comes eight years after Russia annexed Crimea and sparked fighting in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, where a low-level conflict that has since killed more than 14,000 people is still rumbling on between Kyiv and pro-Russian separatists.
Why is Russia threatening to invade Ukraine?
Why is Russia threatening Ukraine?
Despite heavy promotion, stellar reviews, and awards buzz, West Side Story stumbles at box office.
West Side Story Fails To Cause a Box Office Rumble
Though beloved by critics, Steven Spielberg’s remake of the Oscar-winn
White minstrel entertainers co-opted the banjo from enslaved people from the 1800s into the early 1900s. "You can’t talk about the history of the banjo, if you can’t talk about racism, slavery," one scholar says.
Now, a digital museum is tackling the instrument's complex history.
You don’t need to leave the couch to visit this digital banjo museum-in-the-making.

The Banjo’s Beauty, And Its Cultural Baggage, Is On Display In A New Digital Museum
The Wall Street Journal
"I can remember when Hong Kong was still a special place, not just one of the many cities controlled by Beijing. That’s changed."
So Long, Hong Kong: China’s Squeeze Triggers Rumblings of a New Exodus
... Like cattle, always looking downward with their heads bent toward the ground and the banquet tables, they feed, fatten, and fornicate. In order to increase their possessions they kick and butt with horns and hoofs of steel and kill each other, insatiable as they are."
--from THE REPUBLIC by Plato
Is there a coup brewing? John Boehner faces a looming threat from conservatives to oust him as speaker, and it's tying his hands on funding the Department of Homeland Security.
Hill fight features rumblings of Boehner coup
Boardrooms rattled
A Swiss plebiscite on executive pay is a reminder that popular resentment can rumble, even in an affluent society 85
Honeymoons in Space
Newt's baggage will never be weightless, even at the Milky Way Marriott.
Subject: Tractatus Motto
Wittgenstein places a motto at the very beginning of the Tractatus
Kurnberger wrote:
Motto:...and whatever a man knows, whatever is not mere rumbling and roaring that he has heard, can be said in three words.
Motto:...and whatever a man knows, whatever is not mere rumbling and roaring that he has heard, can be said in three words.
Anybody know the three words in question?
New Luggage Rule in EU Sows Confusion
Travelers shopping at airports around the world and flying through Europe face the prospect of confusion and confiscations amid changes to European Union restrictions on liquids in hand-luggage due to take effect Friday.
Japan’s last big earthquake, which hit the coastal city of Kobe in January 1995, measured 7.3. That was a mere rumble compared with the force that struck off the northern coast of Japan on Friday. Yet by the time the bodies had been counted, almost 6,500 people were dead.
hill fight 上坡、艱苦的戰
titivated, estimable
'As Husbands Go'
Reviewed by ANN HODGMAN
This novel turns suburban bliss into tabloid fodder when a woman's estimable husband is found murdered.
- Possible to estimate: estimable assets; an estimable distance.
- Deserving of esteem; admirable: an estimable young professor.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin aestimābilis, from aestimāre, to value.]
estimableness es'ti·ma·ble·ness n.estimably es'ti·ma·bly adv.
a titivated social diary
"[Karen Kilimnik's] journey has been marked by theatricality -- such as putting small, roughly painted pictures in a Venetian palazzo titivated with flowers and feathers." Philippa Stockley; A Wacky Take on the 18th Century; Evening Standard (London, UK); Feb 21, 2007.
tit·i·vate (tĭt'ə-vāt')

tr.v., -vat·ed, -vat·ing, -vates.
To make decorative additions to; spruce up.
titivation tit'i·va'tion n.

- The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.
- The movable equipment and supplies of an army.
- Superfluous or burdensome practices, regulations, ideas, or traits.
- A woman prostitute.
- An impudent girl or woman.
[Middle English bagage, from Old French bague, bundle, perhaps of Germanic origin. Sense 4, perhaps from French bagasse, from Provençal bagassa, ultimately from Arabic baġīy, prostitute, from baġā, to fornicate.]
1 [U]((集合的))((主に米))(荷物を詰めてある旅行用の)手荷物(((英))luggage). ▼店で売られている旅行かばんの総称は((米))でもluggage
a baggage check
手荷物預かり証(((英))luggage ticket)
手荷物預かり証(((英))luggage ticket)
a baggage tag
手荷物の荷札(((英))luggage label)
手荷物の荷札(((英))luggage label)
a baggage room
手荷物一時預かり所(((英))left-luggage office)
手荷物一時預かり所(((英))left-luggage office)
a baggage handler
excess baggage
a piece [two pieces] of baggage
much [a little] baggage
2 [U](軍隊・探検隊の)携帯装備, 軍用こうり.
3 [U]((略式))(ある人に)特定の考え方[感じ方].
4 ((古風・おどけて))醜い[扱いにくい]老婆;おてんば;浮気女.
[中フランス語←古フランス語bagues(束)+-AGE=束をなしたもの] As Life Spins On,
- have sexual intercourse with someone one is not married to.
the Midway Beckons
State fairs still rumble to life each year, celebrating half-forgotten American traditions and deep-fried everything.
As Certain as Taxes: New Version of Office
Microsoft is about to release a new version of its best-selling software, spruced-up and ready to rumble with the likes of Google Docs.
1 旅行かばん類;((主に英))(旅行者の)手荷物(((主に米))baggage)(▼((米))でも店で売る旅行かばんはluggage)
several pieces of luggage
数個の手荷物(▼×five luggagesとはいわない)
数個の手荷物(▼×five luggagesとはいわない)
a luggage carousel
a luggage van
((英))(鉄道の)荷物車(((米))baggage car).
((英))(鉄道の)荷物車(((米))baggage car).
2 ((英))軍の携帯用装備.

v., -bled, -bling, -bles. v.intr.
- To make a deep, long, rolling sound.
- To move or proceed with a deep, long, rolling sound.
- Slang. To engage in a gang fight.
- To utter with a deep, long, rolling sound.
- To polish or mix (metal parts) in a tumbling box.
- A deep, long, rolling sound.
- A tumbling box.
- A luggage compartment or servant's seat in the rear of a carriage.
- Slang.
- Pervasive, widespread expression of unrest or dissatisfaction.
- A gang fight.
[Middle English romblen, perhaps from Middle Dutch rommelen or from Middle Low German rummeln.]
rumbler rum'bler n.rumblingly rum'bling·ly adv.
rumbly rum'bly adj.
1 〈雷・地震・車・腹などが〉ゴロゴロ[ガラガラ]音を立てる[鳴る], とどろく
My stomach is rumbling.
2 〈車などが〉ガラガラ[ゴロゴロ]音を立てて進む.
3 長々と話す;〈議論などが〉いつまでも尾を引く, 長びく((on)).
4 ((米俗))〈不良・ギャングが〉けんかする.
1 〈音を〉ゴロゴロ[ガラガラ]と出す;…を低い[ガラガラ]声で言う.
2 …をゴロゴロ[ガラガラ]音を立てて進ませる.
3 〈金属部品を〉(みがくために)回転箱に入れてガラガラ回す.
4 ((英略式))〈ごまかし・隠し事などを〉発見する, 見破る.
1 (遠雷・重い車などの)ゴロゴロ[ガラガラ]という音, とどろき, 轟音(ごうおん)
the rumble of thunder
2 ((米俗))(特に不良グループ同士の路上での)けんか, 出入り.
3 ランブルシート(rumble seat);(馬車の背後の)従者席.
4 =tumbling-box.
5 道路の凹凸.
[中英語(rumは擬声語, -bleは反復を表す語尾). △RUMOR]
- 音節
- pleb • i • scite
- 発音
- plébəsàit
- plebisciteの変化形
- plebiscites (複数形)
1 国民投票;一般投票. ⇒REFERENDUM 1
2 国民の総意の表明.
3 大衆討議(による決定).
4 《ローマ法》一般投票により制定された法.