2024年3月8日 星期五

Sino–, –phile, cinéphile, affinity groups, proclaiming loyalty, institute


The Liberation of Being a Fair-Weather Fan

Dumping your sports team sounds blasphemous. But sometimes you have to prioritize a different kind of loyalty.

By Steven Leckart

Gillibrand’s Affinity for Asia Becomes an Asset
Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand’s experiences in Asia could help her with a fast-growing constituency.

Another point worth noting is that Taiwanese people's affinity for political parties is on the decline, especially among those willing to publicly declare themselves DPP supporters. Only 3.9 percent called themselves DPP backers in this year's survey, down from 9.6 percent at the beginning of 2008. The number of those proclaiming loyalty to the KMT fell to 19 percent, from 20.8 percent a year ago. In contrast, the majority claiming they did not support any political party grew from 55 percent last year to 63.3 percent in this year's survey. (Table 22)

Sinophile Rudd loses Asian friends
Asia Times Online - Kowloon,Hong KongCobbled together hastily before his departure this week to Japan and Indonesia, Rudd's proposal is unlikely to go very far. It is his personal vision as ...

Institute training on the job.
Institute leadership.

institute (START) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to start or cause a system, rule, legal action, etc. to exist:
She is threatening to institute legal proceedings against the hospital.

譬如說 Nancy Lee Swann
三處 不過沒注
他們1946 談的後來都有文章或書
The W. Edwards Deming Institute® is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1993 by noted consultant Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
The aim of the Institute is to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace.

Sinological Institute,正常的譯名應作漢學研究所,是屬於該校文學院的一部分,但Institute這字在英文也不見得是指我們台灣認知的研究所而言,它可以是研究院,有時甚至可以指與「大學」平起平坐的學院,美國的MIT(麻省理工學院)CIT(加州理工學院)中的I都是Institute


━━ n. 中国学.
Si・nol・o・gist ━━ n.


Chinese: Sinology.
[From Late Latin Sīnae, the Chinese, from Greek Sīnai, from Arabic Sīn, China, probably from Chinese Qín, Qin. See Qin.]

-phile Show phonetics
someone who enjoys a particular thing or has it as a hobby, or who likes a particular place:
A bibliophile likes books and an oenophile enjoys wine.
An Anglophile likes England or Britain.


or –phil
  1. One that loves or has a strong affinity or preference for: audiophile.
  2. Loving; having a strong affinity or preference for: Francophile.
[New Latin -philus, from Greek -philos, beloved, dear, from philos, beloved, loving.]

affinity Show phonetics
1 [S] an attraction or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics:
She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.

2 [C or U] a close similarity between two things:
There are several close affinities between the two paintings.


周日讀紐約時報周刊中的Language專欄:"Spoiler" By WILLIAM SAFIRE(June 6, 2004) 最後一段談美國形象在歐洲幾乎「人人噓之」的不堪情況下,希臘新任總理拿出古希臘文字根"philo" ,意思為loving,說他是「親美的」,卻使用" philo-American"而不是我熟悉的Americanphile ,這令我相當困擾。應該都通用嗎?

The Greek word philo, used as a prefix, means ''love of,'' or at least ''a predisposition for''; philosophy, for example, is ''the love of wisdom.'' At a luncheon last month in New York, the new prime minister of Greece, Costas Caramanlis, was asked by journalists if he noticed a wave of anti-Americanism sweeping Europe. He replied that he was a philo-American. Though not a fresh coinage, philo-American was such a refreshing locution that I thought it should be called to your attention. 】

過去我在 Simon UNIVERSITY有引周作人一文:他為「親日派」一詞注了一個英文解釋:Japanophile

「……我們承認一國的光榮在於他的文化──學術與藝文,並不在他的屬地利權或武力,……中國並不曾有真的親日派,因為中國還沒有人理解日本國民的真相的光榮,這件事只看中國出版界沒有一冊書或一篇文講日本的文藝或美術,就可知道了。日本國民曾經得到過一個知己,便是小泉八雲(Lafcadio Hearn,1850-1904),他才是真的親日派!中國有這樣的人麼?我慚愧說,沒有。」

我們查字典可知「親法派」為 Francophile 「親英/中派」為Anglophile/Sinophile???

phile suffix
someone who enjoys a particular thing or has it as a hobby, or who likes a particular place:
A bibliophile likes books and an oenophile enjoys wine.


Amazon.com has agreed to buy Shelfari, the social-networking site for bibliophiles announced in a company blog post Monday night.

An Anglophile likes England or Britain.


De Quincey records a remark of Wordsworth's: "It is in the highest degree unphilosophic to call language or diction `the dress of thoughts'... he would call it `the incarnation of thoughts.'"
R. A. SAYCE 撰 STYLE IN LITERATURE 載入 The Dictionary of the History of Ideas

philology noun [U] OLD-FASHIONED
the study of language, especially its history and development
—後者仍保留廣義的語言、文學甚至於國家文化等方面之研究,而英倫從18世紀開始以"grammatical learning"視之。

我以為anti-Americanism 的相反詞,應以 pro-Americanism 為宜。

affinity groups:(大哥大)認同(親和)團體的廣告

In the 1990s a model of organization also called "affinity groups" were adopted by corporations, who found them effective for increasing minority and women into participation into company life. Some large U.S. corporations have affinity groups of African American, Latino, female, GLBT (gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered), Christian, or disabled employees.[6]
By LOUISE STORY A start-up company is trying to apply the concept of affinity groups to the cellphone market, as banks have long done with credit cards.
May 7, 2007

Cellphones Tailored for Any Organization

1 [S] an attraction or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics:
She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.

2 [C or U] a close similarity between two things:
There are several close affinities between the two paintings.

Cinephiles Travel for Uncut Versions
Qilai Shen/European Pressphoto Agency
Cinephiles Travel for Uncut Versions
The phenomenon of so many people visiting Hong Kong to see uncensored films has highlighted changing attitudes toward government censorship of the arts in China.


A film or movie enthusiast.
[French cinéphile : ciné, cinema; see cineaste + -phile, -phile.]

 mf movie fan

(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)



Friday, May 11, 2007
Fox Atomic
A group of Londoners run through a tunnel as London is being firebombed in "28 Weeks Later."
“28 Weeks Later,” the sequel to the savvy zombie flick “28 Days Later,” “is not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach,” says A. O. Scott. Set in the aftermath of an attack in London, “it is brutal and almost exhaustingly terrifying, as any respectable zombie movie should be. It is also bracingly smart, both in its ideas and in its techniques.” If you’re really brave, you’ll not only see it when it opens today, but do so in the company of dozens of costumed zombies. Cinephile braaaaaaiiiinnns!
“28 Weeks Later,” at a theater near you. Zombie party, 6 to 8 p.m., meet at Union Square South for a 9:15 p.m. screening. Look undead.
