F.B.I. Tells Alaska Flight Passengers They May Have Been Crime Victims
Letters sent by the bureau are a sign that the Justice Department’s inquiry into Boeing, the maker of the plane whose panel blew off, is ramping up.
障礙政治:邁向消弭歧視的包容社會The New Politics of Disablement⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 障礙源自社會環境,而不只是身心狀態理解障礙者處境,別讓「幫助弱勢」淪為「製造依賴」⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 「古代人可能認為戴眼鏡不正常,但現在戴眼鏡的人到處都是。」⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 近視的人如果不戴眼鏡就無法看得清楚,行動不便的人也需要輔具才能行走,然而,前者通常不會被視為「身障」。由此可見,「損傷」本身並不構成「障礙」。誰是障礙者?這個問題的解答取決於社會如何界定「正常」,若僅從醫療的角度來定義障礙,無助於瞭解障礙的相對性。這正是為什麼,對障礙的研究與障礙政策的推動,亟需納入社會與政治的層面。⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 從歷史切入,本書指出身體損傷者在「前工業社會」仍可盡其所能,對生產做出貢獻。然而,進入以受薪勞動為主的資本主義時代後,障礙者在勞動市場遭到徹底邊緣化。到了二十世紀後半葉,雖然各國政府已進行相關立法,但由於資本主義這個框架沒有太大變動,障礙者仍在就業市場遭到「制度性歧視」。也正因大環境沒能改變,慈善組織的介入往往淪為「製造依賴」,讓受到幫助的弱勢群體,似乎永遠都要受人幫助……⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 剖析社會如何「使人障礙」(disable),並構思讓身心障礙者走向「自立生活」的政策,正是障礙政治努力的方向。隨著高齡化成為全球趨勢,身心的受損已經不是距離你我遙不可及的議題。本書邀請讀者一同思辨,如何在障礙的領域讓平權運動開枝散葉,並打造更具包容性的無障礙社會。⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ✦本書特色✦⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ◆兩名作者為「障礙研究」(disability studies)這門研究領域的奠基者,英文版的此書初次出版時即引起極大迴響,而再版時更是捕捉了最新的局勢發展,也就是新自由主義趨勢對全球福利政策的影響。⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ◆具有豐富的社會學、哲學與人類學討論,以跨學科的角度,詳實回顧了障礙研究的各項關鍵概念。⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
Ruling bloc rams casino bill through committee | The Japan Times
21 hours ago - The ruling bloc rams a divisive casino legalization bill through an Upper House committee, opening the door to its likely passage on ...By JAMES KANTER and MARK SCOTT
The decision by the European commissioner for competition ramps up trans-Atlantic tensions over how much companies with global operations should pay to countries where they do business.
A wild elephant in Thailand is caught on camera ramming a car in Khao Yai National Park, near the capital Bangkok.
The park chief said the aggressive behaviour was as a result of the mating season. No-one was injured in the incident.
“Tesco in Abbey has had a new fence and it’s basically just rammed with rubbish. We’ve asked several times they clean their ground as part of the agreement they have with us as the city authority and they continually, despite their claims otherwise, carry on just leaving it.”
Taiwan’s fishing fleet has a reputation as voracious, and in this incident the Philippines said its coastguard was acting against illegal fishing; it opened fire to disable the engine of a Taiwanese vessel after it tried to ram a Philippine cutter.
Bright-eyed young volunteers stuffed envelopes for him; Hollywood stars turned out for him; Simon and Garfunkel sang. To no avail. Richard Nixon won 49 states; he won Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.
Bank of America Ramps Up Job Cuts
of America is planning to cut 16,000 jobs by the end of the year. If
the cuts are made, the lender will likely lose its title as the U.S
banking industry's largest employer.
Record numbers of students flocked to college campuses this fall with high hopes of obtaining what many say is the new prerequisite for a middle-class life: a college degree. But the harsh reality is that little more than half those bright-eyed college freshmen, on average, will actually finish. The gap between access and completion has put a new focus on ramping up retention—the percentage of freshmen who return to the same institution for a second year of college. And that’s a task, observers say, for pre-collegiate educators as well as their college counterparts. The article is in Education Week.
"The housing market is the Vietnam War of the American financial system. The federal government is in so deep, they have to keep ramping up to find a way out. We’re going to have to destroy all these mortgages in order to save them."
HOWARD GLASER, a housing consultant.
1 [III[名]([副])]…に(…を)詰め込む, 詰める((with ...));…を(…に)詰め込む((into, in ...));〈枕などに〉詰め物をする
2 〈穴・傷口などを〉(…で)ふさぐ, 詰める((with ...));〈管などを〉ふさぐ, 〈鼻を〉詰まらせる((up))
3 (剥製(はくせい)を作るため)〈鳥などに〉詰め物をする.
4 〈七面鳥・子牛の肉などに〉(キャベツなどを)詰める, 詰め物をする((with ...)).
5 ((略式))〈人を〉食べ物で満たす;…に(食べ物を)食べさせる((with, on ...))
6 〈頭・人を〉(…で)いっぱいにする, …に(間違った考えを)ふき込む((with ...))
7 ((米))〈投票箱に〉不正票を投じる.
8 ((俗))〈女と〉性的交渉をもつ.
━━(自)((略式))たらふく食べる;がつがつ食べる.avail[a・vail] 音記号[əvéil]
avail oneself of ...
━━[名][U]((主に否定文・疑問文))((通例of, toを前に置いて))利益, 効力, 効用
[古フランス語a- (OF)+ラテン語valēre(価値のある). △PREVAIL, VALID]
1 保有, 保存, 保持[維持](力)
2 記憶(力).
Ramp up is a term used in economics and business to describe an increase in firm production ahead of anticipated increases in product demand. Alternatively, ramp up describes the period between product development, and maximum capacity utilization, characterized by product and process experimentation and improvements[1].
Pronunciation: /ram/
Definition of ram
- 1an uncastrated male sheep.
verb (rams, ramming, rammed)
[with object and adverbial of direction]
Definition of disable