2024年3月25日 星期一

front, fray, affray, two-front fray, "one-size-fits-all, organized crime. accused the hackers of working as a front for Beijing’s top spy agency. Mutual Frustrations Arise in U.S.-Ukraine Alliance.bond between U.S.-Ukraine IS FRAYING.

bond between A and  B IS FRAYING 

3 days ago — A fraught relationship has recently turned bitter, with insults and barbs threatening European unity at a critical moment.
5 days ago — More than two years into their wartime alliance, the bond between the United States and Ukraine is showing signs of wear and tear, ...

Mar 6, 1996 — They were all bound together -- the company, the workers and the town. To a lot of people here, Dayton was the Cash, and the Cash was Dayton. " ...
2 days ago — Neither the Emirates nor Israel is likely to walk away from the deal, analysts say: It remains a diplomatic lifeline for Israel while its ties ...
JERUSALEM — Divvying up blame for the icy relationship between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been a ...
Apr 30, 2016 — Michael Kirby Smith for The New York Times Ms. Taylor says her relationship with her husband is “better than ever” since learning that she has ...

Frantic for Coronavirus Gear, Americans in Need Turn to China’s Elite

People and companies with vested interest in sustaining the U.S.-China relationship are stepping in as ties fray between the two countries.

Egyptian Raids on U.S. Groups Draw Ire
Egyptian soldiers and police stormed nongovernmental organization offices throughout the country, adding new tensions to fraying ties between Egypt's interim military leadership and its allies in Washington.

H-P Joins a Two-Front Fray
H-P's acquisition of Palm highlights how big technology companies are increasingly engaged in a two-front war to dominate the consumer and corporate tech markets.

Rare Glimpse Into Fujitsu Fray

An executive-suite battle has erupted at one of Japan's most-respected technology companies after its former president claims he was forced out over alleged ties to organized crime.

In an interview with The Times, Mr. Feinberg -- who chafes at being called the new "compensation czar" -- said he would differentiate among compensation plans at industrial companies like G.M. and financial companies like Citi, and said he would not look for a "one-size-fits-all approach."

'One-size' approach
"All children are different, and there's no magic one-size-fits-all way of teaching children anything."
Speaking earlier, a spokeswoman for the Department for Education said: "Standards of reading need to rise. At the moment around one in six children leaves primary school unable to read to the level we expect.

They are entering the fray as PC makers call on their smartphone expertise as they find that ever-smaller machines attract consumers. Notebook sales have overtaken those of desktop PCs in the consumer market and netbooks have become the fastest growing part of the notebook market.

Catholic Democrats: Is Their Support for Obama Fraying?

By Amy Sullivan / Washington
Catholics who supported the President expected him to reverse policies on abortion funding and stem-cell research. But they're starting to feel their voices aren't being heard

Lieberman, Then and Now
In his speech tonight, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, pictured at the Democratic National Convention in 2000, is likely to fray even further his ties to the Democrats.

Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub.


noun [C] LEGAL
a fight in a public place:


  1. A scuffle; a brawl. See synonyms at brawl.
  2. A heated dispute or contest.
tr.v. Archaic., frayed, fray·ing, frays.
  1. To alarm; frighten.
  2. To drive away.
  1. To strain; chafe: repeated noises that fray the nerves.
  2. To wear away (the edges of fabric, for example) by rubbing.

[Middle English frai, shortening of affrai. See affray.]
n Definition: fight, battle
Antonyms: agreement, harmony, peace


━━ n. (公共の場所などでの)乱闘, (けんか)騒ぎ.
A noisy quarrel or brawl.
tr.v. Archaic., -frayed, -fray·ing, -frays.
To frighten.
[Middle English, from Old French effrei, esfrei, from esfraier, esfreer, to disturb.]

  1. A scuffle; a brawl. See synonyms at brawl.
  2. A heated dispute or contest.
tr.v. Archaic., frayed, fray·ing, frays.
  1. To alarm; frighten.
  2. To drive away.
[Middle English frai, shortening of affrai. See affray.]

fray2 (frā) pronunciation

v., frayed, fray·ing, frays. v.tr.
  1. To strain; chafe: repeated noises that fray the nerves.
  2. To wear away (the edges of fabric, for example) by rubbing.

To become worn away or tattered along the edges.
A frayed or threadbare spot, as on fabric.
[Middle English fraien, to wear, bruise, from Old French fraier, to rub, from Latin fricāre.]
v., chafed, chaf·ing, chafes. v.tr.
  1. To wear away or irritate by rubbing.
  2. To annoy; vex.
  3. To warm by rubbing, as with the hands.
  1. To rub and cause irritation or friction: The high collar chafed against my neck.
  2. To become worn or sore from rubbing.
  3. To feel irritated or impatient: chafed at the delay.
  1. Warmth, wear, or soreness produced by friction.
  2. Annoyance; vexation.
[Middle English chafen, from Old French chaufer, to warm, from Vulgar Latin *calefāre, alteration of Latin calefacere : calēre, to be warm + facere, to make.]
SYNONYMS chafe, abrade, excoriate, fret, gall. These verbs mean to wear down or rub away a surface by or as if by scraping: chafed my skin; water abrading the canyon walls; metal bristles that excoriated her scalp; rope that fretted a groove in the post; stone steps galled by years of heavy use.

  1. 1C〔通例the ~〕(物・人などの)前面解説的語義
  2. 1aC(大きな建物の)四面の1つ,(東西南北の)側面
  3. 1bC〔通例the ~〕解説的語義
  4. 1cC(衣服の)胸当て
  5. 2C〔通例the ~〕(建物・乗り物などの)前部解説的語義
    • sit in [atthe front of the class
    • 教室の最前列に座る(◆stand in front of the classは「(先生が)学生の前に立つ」)
  6. 2aC《音声学》前舌面
  7. 3C〔通例the ~〕(人・建物などの)前方(の空間)(解説的語義
    • look to the front
    • 前方を見る[向く]
  8. 3aC(海・川などと)隣接する場所解説的語義
    水辺,(…)フロント,〔the ~〕((英))海岸通り,(海岸沿いの)遊歩道
  9. 3bC(時間の)前途,将来
  10. 4C〔修飾語を伴って〕活動の前面解説的語義
    • on all fronts
    • すべての面で
  11. 4aC〔通例the ~〕(軍隊の)最前列,先頭,(最)前線,戦線,戦地
    • soldiers at the front
    • 戦地の兵士たち
    • go [be sentto the front
    • 戦地におもむく,出征する
  12. 4bC〔しばしば固有名詞で〕(共通目的のために戦う)戦線,連合;(政治的・社会的な)協力,提携,活動,運動
  13. 4cC《気象》前線
  14. 5C((略式))体面解説的語義
    • put on [up] a (goodfront
    • 見えを張る,体裁をつくろう
    • keep up a front
    • 体裁を保つ
  15. 5aC((略式))(違法活動の)見せかけ,表看板,隠れみの≪for
  16. 5bC((略式))(団体の)看板役,引き立て役,お飾り,宣伝塔
  17. 6U((まれ))ごう慢,厚かましさ,うぬぼれ


  1. at the front
    • 〈問題などが〉表面化して,表立って
  1. change front
    • 1 《軍事》攻撃方向を変える,戦線を方向転換する
    • 2 (議論の)ほこ先を転じる
  1. come [be] to the front
    • 前面に現れてくる,顕著になる
  1. get in front of oneself
    • ((米略式))急ぐ;まごつく
  1. in front
    • 前(方)に[の];(競争で)先立って
      • Go in front.
      • 先に行ってください
  1. in front of A
    • 1 A(人・物)の前方に[へ,を];A(建物)の入口の外で,表で;A(人)の面前で[に]
  1. lead from the front
    • 先頭に立って導く
  1. on the home [domestic] front
    • 国内では
  1. out front=((英))out in [the] front
    • 1 ((英))外で,表で;家の前に
    • 2 競争相手にまさって,先頭を切って
    • 3 観客の中に[で],観覧席に[で]
  1. up front
    • ((略式))
    • 1 前もって;前金で
    • 2 最初から;表立って,公然と
    • 3 前に
    • 4 《スポーツ》フォワード[センター]の位置で
  1. 1(最)前部の,表面[前面,正面]の;重要な
    • front window
    • (車の)フロントウインドウ
  2. 2《音声学》〈母音が〉前舌の
  3. 3((略式))表向きの,隠れみのの
    • front company
    • (犯罪組織の作る)偽装会社
    • front and rear
    • 腹背[前後]から
    • keep one's eyes front
    • 正面を見すえる
  1. 1〔通例受身形で〕〈物・建物などの〉前面を(…で)覆う,(…を)つける[張る]≪withby
    • a glass-fronted case
    • ガラスケース
  2. 2((英))〈建物などが〉…に面する解説的語義
  3. 2a((英))〈景色などが〉〈建物などに〉面する,〈建物・町などの〉正面にある;〔A is fronted with [by] B〕A(建物など)がB(景色など)を正面に見る
  4. 3((特に英))〈人が〉〈番組・音楽グループなどの〉活動の前面に立つ解説的語義
  5. 3a((略式))(…の)隠れみのの役を果たす≪for≫;((俗))(人に)うそをつく,約束を破る(cop out
  6. 3b((豪・NZ・略式))〈人が〉ひょっこり姿を現す;出頭する(up
  7. 4((俗))…に挑戦的な態度をとる,立ち向かう,…と対決姿勢をとる;((英古))…に直面する,敢然と立ち向かう
  8. 5《音声学》…を前舌面で発音する;《言語学》〈文の要素を〉前置する
  1. 1(軍隊などで)前へ
    • Eyes front!
    • (号令で)直れ
  2. 2(ホテルのボーイへのフロントからの呼びかけ)フロントへ


  1. front and center
    • (号令で)中央前へ;出てこい
