2024年3月15日 星期五

stereotyping. infuriating, monomaniacal, stewing. The silent film “The Callahans and the Murphys” was pulled after an uproar over stereotyping.

Turkey needs the West and the West needs Turkey, no matter how infuriating its leader.

 The picture that emerges is a rounded, humane one. Marx is committed to revolution, without being a monomaniac. He is an intensely loving father, playing energetically with his children and later grandchildren, but also suffering what would now be diagnosed as a two-year depression following the death of his 8-year-old son Edgar. He is clearly also an infuriating colleague, capable of spending 12-hour days in the reading room of the British Museum but stewing on book projects for years, only to fail to deliver. Engels, Sperber writes, spent decades repeating the same message: Get the work done!
這部傳記展現的畫面是豐滿的、人性化的。馬克思對革命富有獻身精神,但卻不是一個偏執狂。他是一個極為慈愛的父親,勁頭十足地跟他的孩子們,以及後來的孫 子們玩鬧,在8歲的兒子埃德加(Edgar)早夭後,他遭受了兩年心理折磨,其癥狀現在應該會被診斷為抑鬱症。馬克思顯然也是一個令人抓狂的同事, 他可以每天在大英博物館閱覽室里待上12個小時,但計劃寫的書卻是一拖數年,最後也沒能交稿。斯珀伯寫道,恩格斯幾十年里一直在反覆對他說同一件事:快把活兒幹完!

Men have better motor and spatial abilities than women and more monomaniacal patterns of thought. Women have better memories. They are more socially adept and are better at dealing with several things at once. That's just stereotyping. Or is it?
http://econ.st/1MpJKyP ‪#‎econarchive‬ (2013)

MEN and women do not think in the same ways. Few would disagree with that. And science has quantified some of those differences. Men, it is pretty well established,...


(mŏn'ə-mā'nē-ə, -mān') pronunciation
  1. Pathological obsession with one idea or subject.
  2. Intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a single subject or idea.
monomaniac mon'o·ma'ni·ac' (-mā'nē-ăk') n.
monomaniacal mon'o·ma·ni'a·cal (-mə-nī'ə-kəl) adj.
monomaniacally mon'o·ma·ni'a·cal·ly adv.


Definition of infuriating


  • making one extremely angry and impatient:that infuriating half-smile on his face


[as submodifier]:the truth is infuriatingly hard to pin down

Definition of stew



  • 1 [mass noun] a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan:lamb stew [count noun]:add to casseroles, stews, and sauces
  • 2 [in singular] informal a state of great anxiety or agitation:she’s in a right old stew
  • 3 archaic a heated public room used for steam baths.
  • a brothel: the stews of Southwark


  • 1(with reference to meat, fruit, or other food) cook or be cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan: [with object]:beef stewed in wine
  • [no object] British (of tea) become strong and bitter with prolonged brewing.
  • 2 [no object] informal remain in a heated or stifling atmosphere:sweaty clothes left to stew in a plastic bag
  • worry about something, especially on one’s own:James will be expecting us, so we will let him stew a bit


stew in one's own juice

informal be left to suffer the consequences of one’s own actions.
