2024年3月16日 星期六

aesthetics, lute, luthier, violin, Oud, air guitar, neuroaesthetics. awareness of the ideas associated with the aesthetic movement in England which insisted on the autonomy of art, and its freedom from social, religious or ethical considerations.

In 1881 Vernon Lee published the first of her works which dealt specifically with questions of aesthetics. "Belcaro" consists of eight essays concerning the philosophy of art.
These essays indicate Lee's awareness of the ideas associated with the aesthetic movement in England which insisted on the autonomy of art, and its freedom from social, religious or ethical considerations. #ClassicsInContext
Delve into her work: https://oxford.ly/3P2oI24
可能是顯示的文字是「 OXFORD UNVERSTYPR "...the work of art itself exists in the lines, tints, lights and shades of the picture or statue, in modulations and harmonies of a composition." "-Vernon Lee the 」的塗鴉

"Network Aesthetics opens with an epigraph from Howards End, an imperative to “Only connect!” that Jagoda rightly notes is a condition that seems to go without saying in the 21st century. He spends the rest of the book complicating this, though, gently pushing at each turn against the sentiment that connection is as predetermined as we think."

FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics
Marcel Proust playing air guitar on a tennis racket. /// Only at FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics.

A violin, called the Vieuxtemps and made by the 18th-century Italian luthier Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù, fetched over $16m when it was sold to an anonymous buyer in a private deal last year. This makes it the most expensive violin ever sold. Despite the recent economic downturn, instrument prices have continued to rise at remarkable rates http://econ.st/1htLg6T

烏德琴Oud的正面及背面。照片中的琴由Viken Najarian製造。

A survey of new art and design books, from the work of Will Burtin to a history of type design and a primer on the Californian aesthetic.

Johns Hopkins University

Here's what you might want to know about the emerging field of neuroaesthetics:
The emerging field of neuroaesthetics hopes to answer the question or why we find meaning in art, dance, music, and architecture.

aestheticUS ALSO esthetic
1 relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty:
The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal.

2 describes an object or a work of art that shows great beauty:
furniture which is both aesthetic and functional

aestheticsUS ALSO esthetics
noun [U]美學
the formal study of art, especially in relation to the idea of beauty


(US esthetics)


  • 1[usually treated as singular] A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.
    1. 1.1The branch of philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste.

aestheticallyUS ALSO esthetically 
I like objects to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

aestheteUS ALSO esthete
noun [C]
a person who understands and enjoys beauty:
The ugliness of the city would make an aesthete like you shudder.

歐洲樂器魯特琴被認為是從烏德琴衍生出來的樂器。歐洲人是在十字軍東征期間接觸到烏德琴的,當時有人將烏德琴帶回歐洲,魯特琴在法文中是Luth、英文Lute、德文Laute、義大利文Liuto、荷蘭文Luit、在西班牙文中是Alaud 而英文中luthier這詞,即撥弦樂器製作匠,也是來自Luth。
Pronunciation: /ˈluːtɪə/


  • a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars.


late 19th century: from French, from luth 'lute'
Word of the Day:

Literally, 'lute maker', it has become a general term for a maker of violins or other string instruments. Similarly, the derivative 'lutherie' (lute making) has acquired the meaning of instrument making in general.
