2024年3月23日 星期六

leaker, rself-, leaker, sandman, spring a leak, self-sufficient, self-immolation, self-delusion. “We are part of this global supply chain, whether we like it or not.”

“The idea that we’ll be somehow self-sufficient, that is not realistic,” said Bindiya Vakil, the chief executive of Resilinc, which maps supply chains for the semiconductor and other industries. “We are part of this global supply chain, whether we like it or not.”

Air National Guardsman identified as suspected leaker of Pentagon documents

The FBI has identified a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, Jack Teixeira, as a suspect in the leak of classified intelligence documents, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Donald Trump on Friday branded his former FBI director a “leaker”, a day after James Comey gave testimony in which he accused the president of trying to quash an investigation and lying about him and the FBI.

Hong Kong Is Seen as Likely to Extradite Leaker if Asked
Edward J. Snowden, who acknowledged leaking U.S. government documents, selected a refuge where it may be possible to delay extradition but not avoid it.

Afghanistan: When Women Set Themselves on Fire

In Afghanistan, abused married women with few resources, some just teenagers, continue to turn to suicide by self-immolation.


Blog Watch: The Tibetan cry for help

Bloggers from around the world voice their opinions about the increasing number of self-immolation cases of Tibetans who demand an end to what they consider Chinese domination and aggression.

shape up, immolation

 leaked classified documents
Clinton Calls Leaks Attack on Global Community
The U.S. ordered a review of how agencies safeguard sensitive information and the secretary of state said the U.S. "deeply regrets" embarrassment caused by the leak of classified documents.



  • 1Of or directed towards oneself or itself:self-hatred
  • 1.1By one’s own efforts; by its own action:self-acting
  • 1.2On, in, for, or relating to oneself or itself:self-adhesive

More definitions of self-


tr.v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates.
  1. To kill as a sacrifice.
  2. To kill (oneself) by fire.
  3. To destroy.
[Latin immolāre, immolāt-, to sacrifice, sprinkle with sacrificial meal : in-, on; see in-2 + mola, meal, millstone.]
1 焼き殺す, 焼き打ちする.
2 ((形式))((文))…を(…に)いけにえに(供)する((to ...)).
3 …を犠牲にする;捧げる
immolate one's ambitions to a cause

[名]immolation im'mo·la'tion n.

[L. immolatio: cf. F. immolation.]
1. The act of immolating, or the state of being immolated, or sacrificed. Sir. T. Browne.
2. That which is immolated; a sacrifice.
3. Destruction by fire.


━━ n. 泉 (a hot [mineral] 〜 温[鉱]泉); 源泉; (時にpl.) 原動力; 起り, 始まり; 活気; 春; ((形容詞的)) 春の; 青春(時代); 跳躍, 弾力; ばね, ぜんまい; (板の)反り, 裂け目; 【建】迫元(せりもと).
━━ vi. (sprang, sprung; sprung) (源を)発する ((in)); 発芽する, 生じる, 起る, わき出る ((from, up)); 急になる ((into)); 跳躍する, はねる; はじける ((off, back)); そびえる ((up)); (板が)そる, ひびが入る, ゆがむ.
━━ vt. とび越す, とび立たせる; 裂く, 割る, はじき出す; (ばねを)はね返らせる, 引金をはずす; 不意に持出す ((on)); 曲げる; 〔俗〕 逃亡を助ける; 釈放する.
spring a leak 水漏りができる.
spring a mine 地雷を爆発させる.
spring・board 飛込み板; 足がかり ((for)); 踏台 ((to)).
spring board diving 飛び板飛込み.
 ━━ n.pl. 〜s, 〜) トビカモシカ.
spring chicken (フライ用の)若鶏; 〔俗〕 おぼこ娘, 青二才.
spring-clean ━━ vt., n. 徹底的に掃除する; 〔英〕 (a 〜) (春期)大掃除.
spring-cleaning n. (春期)大掃除.
spring equinox (the 〜) 春分.
spring・er ━━ n. 跳ぶもの ((人,犬,魚など)); =springer spaniel; =spring chicken; 【建】迫元石.
springer spaniel (獲物を飛び立たせる)スパニエル種の猟犬.
spring fever 春さきの憂うつ症; 浮ついた感じ.
spring gun (動物が触れると発射する)ばね(仕掛けの)銃.
spring・halt =stringhalt.
spring・head 源, 源泉.
spring lock ばね錠.
spring mattress スプリング(入り)マットレス.
spring onion 〔英〕 ネギ; 春タマネギ.
spring peeper スプリングピーパー ((北米東部産のカエル;春に甲高い声で鳴く)).
spring roll 〔英〕 =egg roll.
spring・tide =springtime.
spring tide 大潮, 高潮, 洪水.
spring・time 春, 春季.
spring・y ━━ a. ばねのような, 弾力のある; 軽快な.
spring・i・ly ad.
spring・i・ness n.
spring balance 【工】ばね秤, スプリングバランス.


Definition of leak


[no object]
  • 1(of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack:the roof leaked (as adjective leaking)a leaking gutter [with object]:the drums were leaking an unidentified liquid
  • [with adverbial of direction] (of liquid, gas, etc.) be accidentally lost or admitted through a hole or crack in a container or covering:water kept leaking in
  • 2(of secret information) become known:worrying stories leaked out
  • [with object] intentionally disclose (secret information):a report was leaked to the press (as adjective leaked)a leaked government document


  • 1a hole in a container or covering through which contents may accidentally pass:I checked all of the pipework for leaks
  • an instance of leaking:a gas leak [mass noun]:the leak of fluid may occur
  • 2an intentional disclosure of secret information:one of the employees was responsible for the leak


have (or take) a leak

informal urinate.



The first person to leave his group of friends and go home during a fun late night out. This person will often try and slip out (i.e. leak out) unnoticed to avoid the embarrassment and shame of being the first to leave his buddies.
Man, it's only 10 o'clock and there goes Lamont. He is such a leaker. 

A sub-catagory of hacker.

Someone who hacks into private computer systems and steals data, then releases them publically.
Hey, did you hear that some leaker got the Half Life 2 source code?


late Middle English: probably of Low German or Dutch origin and related to lack

N. & Pron.Also used as adv. (as in self-), self, oneself: 自己 [zi4ji3]↓;
自顧自 (be) selfish, self-regard(ing);
自好 self-respect(ing);
自暴自棄 give up hope in oneself, lose self-confidence (self-respect), self-degradation;
自私自利 (act) selfish(ly), self-seeking, egoistic;
自欺欺人 self-deceit (-deception), try to deceive others only to end in deceiving oneself;
自鳴得意 be puffed up with pride, be self-satisfied;
自持 assume a superior air, (exercise) self-control: 不能自持 cannot control one's passion;
Adj. & adv.自決 self-determination;
自反 self-examination;
自戕 self-destruction, do things harmful to oneself;
何以自處 what shall one do (to extricate oneself from a predicament)? 自制 self-control, -discipline;
自我陶醉 indulge in self-delusion as an escape from reality;
自我檢討 self-examination;
自相矛盾 self-contradictory;
self-justification: 不能自圓其說 unable to do that;
自給自足 self-sufficient, -cy;
Words1. 自愛 [zi4ai4], n. & adj., self-respect(ing).
9. 自大 [zi4da4], v.i., assume a superior air, look down upon all others, be self-assertive.
10. 自得 [zi4de2], adj., (1) self-satisfied: 意氣揚揚,甚自得也 proud and pleased with oneself; (2) be at peace with oneself, feeling perfectly happy: 俯仰自得 be contented and happy wherever one may be; 君子無入而不自得焉 a superior man is at peace with himself under any and every circumstance.
12. 自多 [zi4duo1], v.i. & adj., (be) self-satisfied or self-conceited.
14. 自發 [zi4fa1]2(1) v.i., (of persons) do s.t. on one's own initiative, (of things) to start by itself; (2) adj., self-moving.
24. 自助 [zi4zhu4], n., self-help: 自助之人 one who depends upon himself; 自助餐 cafeteria, (self-service) buffet.
27. 自治 [zi4zhi4], n. & adj., self-government, -ing: 自治領 (political science) a dominion, esp. of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
29. 自覺 [zi4jUe2]2, v.i. & adj. & n., (be) self-conscious, -ness; realize oneself.
30. 自決 [zi4jUe2]3, v.i., self-determine: n., 民族自決 national self-determination.
32. 自了 [zi4liao3], v.i., deal with a situation by oneself; 自了漢 a self-centered person.
36. 自律 [zi4lU4], v.i. & n., (exercise) self-control (self-discipline).
40. 自若 [zi4ruo4], adj., self-composed, serene, unruffled.
45. 自信 [zi4xin4], v.i. & n., self-confidence: 不敢自信 dare not trust my own opinion, etc.
47. 自省 [zi4xing3], v.i. & n., introspect; self-examination, introspection.
53. 自是 [zi4shi4], v.i. & adj. & adv., (1) (be) self-conceited; (2) henceforth, from then on.
64. 自尊 [zi4zun1], n., self-respect; 自尊心 ditto.
65. 自足 [zi4zu2], adj., (1) self-sufficient; (2) self-satisfied.
66. 自衛 [zi4wei4], n., self-defense.
70. 自用 [zi4yong4], adj., self-willed to the point of foolishness: 愚而好自用 enterprising but ignorant, (person) ignorant without knowing it.
