2024年3月21日 星期四

template. meetup, wedded rocks. Wedding Presents. But when we talk about templating literature or artistic works, there’s resistance. Why is that?

Wedded Rocks. Shin hanga by Hasui Kawase 1883-1957.

#artelino #shinhanga #hasuikawase #hasui #kawase #japaneseprint #weddedrocks #futami

Desiree Rios/The New York Times

A Bond Built Over Coffee Leads to Success in Love and Business

Sahra Nguyen and Erics Kun’s connection grew slowly during early morning meetups at Brooklyn cafes. Now, they are partners in life and at Nguyen Coffee Supply.


noun. a pattern, mold, or the like, usually consisting of a thin plate of wood or metal, serving as a gauge or guide in mechanical work. anything that determines or serves as a pattern; a model: You can use my notes as a template for employee evaluations.

In the book, you talk about the use of templates, and how template culture has pervaded nearly every industry. But when we talk about templating literature or artistic works, there’s resistance. Why is that?

It’s the shameful little secret of authorship. Going back for a long time, we’ve relied on templates. But there is a romantic notion of the author as a solitary genius that invents everything by themselves. I’m arguing against that, but the other important part is we should view authorship as labor. We see that right now in a major way with the writer strikes in Hollywood and elsewhere. Labor has been disrupted by automation. But if you were a blacksmith in Victorian England, you just felt automation much earlier, before this templating culture came for the author.

在書中,您討論了模板的使用,以及模板文化如何滲透到幾乎每個行業。 但當我們談到文學或藝術作品的模板時,就會遇到阻力。 這是為什麼?

這是作者身分的可恥小秘密。 回顧很長一段時間,我們一直依賴模板。 但有一種浪漫的觀念認為作者是個孤獨的天才,自己發明了一切。 我反對這一點,但另一個重要的部分是我們應該將作者身份視為勞動。 我們現在在好萊塢和其他地方的作家罷工中看到了這一點。 勞動力已經被自動化打亂了。 但是,如果您是維多利亞時代英國的鐵匠,您會更早感受到自動化,在這種模板文化到來之前。

noun C ]
pattern made of metalplastic, or paper, used for making many copies of a shape or to help cut material accurately
something that is used as a pattern for producing other similar things:
We used the structure of his report as the template for ours.
system that helps you arrange information on a computer screen:
letter template

  1. an informal meeting or gathering.
