2024年3月23日 星期六

perceptively, acolyte, laissez-faire, amplitude, orientation. an election denier and Donald Trump supporter, is seeking to appeal to establishment Republicans.

Albert Camus is often found on the right side of many of the 20th century's great moral issues: he joined the French resistance to Nazism, campaigned against the death penalty, and wrote perceptively about the evils of Stalinism. He was born on this day in 1913

In “Chinese Shadows,” Mr. Ryckmans wrote that even though Mao and his acolytes would leave the scene, and there would be an inevitable relaxation of authoritarian rule, the fundamental characteristics of Communist rule would not change.
“Among various descriptions of Communist China made at different times, one may note differences,” he wrote, “yet if these descriptions have been made conscientiously and perceptively, they will show more than ephemeral journalistic truths, for modifications will be in quantity, never in quality — variations in amplitude, not changes in basic orientation.”


Both authors point to the tragedy of her career even though her book sales turned her into a multimillionaire and a cultural icon. She lived to see laissez-faire triumph over collectivism and one of her leading acolytes, Alan Greenspan, appointed to the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. But nothing was ever good enough for her and she felt surrounded by traitors. Ms Heller is particularly informative on the way that the “collective” fell apart when she fell out with Branden.

Sex and advertising

Retail therapy

How Ernest Dichter, an acolyte of Sigmund Freud, revolutionised marketing(14)

  • 発音記号[lèsei féər]
1 レッセフェール:経済上の自由放任主義.
2 無干渉[放任]主義.
[フランス語=let act]

An assistant or follower:she runs the department through a small group of acolytes
ac·o·lyte (ăk'ə-līt') pronunciation
  1. One who assists the celebrant in the performance of liturgical rites.
  2. A devoted follower or attendant.
[Middle English acolit, from Old French, from Medieval Latin acolytus, from Greek akolouthos, attendant. See anacoluthon.]


  • 発音記号[ǽkəlàit]
  • [名]
1 (礼拝儀式で)侍者(altar boy);《カトリック》(ミサ聖祭に奉仕する)侍祭.
2 ((形式))(要人の)従者, 助手;信奉者.

amplitude Line breaks: amp¦li|tude
Pronunciation: /ˈamplɪtjuːd /


1Physics The maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium:the amplitude of alpha rhythms[COUNT NOUN]: waves with amplitudes greater than or equal to 20 mm

1.1The maximum difference of an alternating electric current or potential from the average value:the detection of signals only a few microvolts in amplitude

2Astronomy The angular distance of a celestial object from the true east or west point of the horizon at rising or setting.
Breadth, range, or magnitude:
the amplitude of the crime of manslaughter lies beneath murder
Mathematics The angle between the real axis of an Argand diagram and a vector representing a complex number.


mid 16th century (in the senses 'physical extent' and 'grandeur'): from Latin amplitudo, from amplus 'large, abundant'.

1 広いこと,広さ,大きさ.
2 (…が)十分なこと((of ...))
That country has an amplitude of coal.
3 (知力などの)幅の広さ((of ...)).
4 物理学電気振幅
the amplitude of the wave
5 天文出没方向角;数学偏角(argument).


  1. having or showing sensitive insight.
    "an extraordinarily perceptive account of their relationship"
