2024年3月24日 星期日

The arsonists, anarchists, looters, and agitators.an outside agitator, filing and promoting federal claims of harassment of Jews that he knows will garner media attention and put pressure on college administrators, students and faculty.

I was going to go to Bedminster, New Jersey, this weekend, but wanted to stay in Washington, D.C. to make sure LAW & ORDER is enforced. The arsonists, anarchists, looters, and agitators have been largely stopped. I am doing what is necessary to keep our communities safe — and these people will be brought to Justice!

He has also been an outside agitator, filing and promoting federal claims of harassment of Jews that he knows will garner media attention and put pressure on college administrators, students and faculty.

Definition of loot

[mass noun]
  • private property taken from an enemy in war: the rooms were stuffed with the loot from Francis’s expeditions into Italy
  • stolen money or valuables:the gang escaped with their loot
  • informal money:ten thousand quid is a lot of loot


[with object]
  • steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot:police confronted the protestors who were looting shops
  • steal (goods) in a war, riot, etc.:tonnes of food aid awaiting distribution had been looted
  • Indian steal (something) from someone:a gang looted Rs. 1.5 lakh from a passenger



early 19th century (as a verb): from Hindi lūṭ, from Sanskrit luṇṭh- 'rob'
