2024年3月23日 星期六

impel, pelt, repel, ransack, Luftwaffe. “The idea that we’ll be somehow self-sufficient, that is not realistic,”

“The idea that we’ll be somehow self-sufficient, that is not realistic,” said Bindiya Vakil, the chief executive of Resilinc, which maps supply chains for the semiconductor and other industries. “We are part of this global supply chain, whether we like it or not.”

"Every man who has power is impelled to abuse it." ~ Baron de Montesquieu

Venezuelan protesters at the border greeted as heroes members of the security forces who switched sides. But most stayed loyal to the regime and repelled deliveries of humanitarian aid

After a day of drama, a stalemate over aid to Venezuela
Is military intervention the next step?

Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation
A nation anxiously searches for ways to feed itself, as the economic collapse of recent years has left it unable to produce or import sufficient food.

 The most pelted politician of modern times.

Anti-Japan Protests Mount in China
Angry crowds across China ransacked Japanese businesses, smashed Japanese cars and pelted Tokyo's embassy in Beijing with eggs and plastic bottles in weekend protests over disputed islands in the East China Sea.

On July 10, 1940, during World War II, the 114-day Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces began attacking southern England by air. By late October, Britain managed to repel the Luftwaffe, which suffered heavy losses.

Luftwaffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftwaffe - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
Luftwaffe is a generic German term for an air force. It is also the official name for two of the four historic German air forces, the Wehrmacht air arm founded in ...

Taiwan farmers pelt police with animal waste
TAIPEI — Furious Taiwanese pork farmers pelted police with rotten eggs and animal faeces Thursday as anger over policies on US meat imports sparked a mass protest. Thousands of protesters gathered in downtown Taipei to voice fears that President Ma

Belfast endures worst sectarian violence in a decade

Northern Ireland has suffered a second night of clashes between Protestant
and Catholics in the worst sectarian violence in 10 years. Police were
pelted with petrol bombs and fireworks and several were injured.


(pĕlt) pronunciation
  1. The skin of an animal with the fur or hair still on it.
  2. A stripped animal skin ready for tanning.
[Middle English, probably from Old French pelete, diminutive of pel, skin, from Latin pellis.]

pelt2 (pĕlt) pronunciation

v., pelt·ed, pelt·ing, pelts. v.tr.
  1. To strike or assail repeatedly with or as if with blows or missiles; bombard: pelted each other with snowballs.
  2. To cast, hurl, or throw (missiles): children who pelted stones at the neighbors' windows.
  3. To strike repeatedly: Hailstones pelted the tent.
  1. To beat or strike heavily and repeatedly.
  2. To move at a vigorous gait.
  1. A sharp blow; a whack.
  2. A rapid pace: galloped away at a pelt.
[Middle English pelten, variant of pilten, perhaps ultimately from Latin pultāre, to beat, variant of pulsāre, frequentative of pellere, to strike.]
pelter pelt'er n.


  • 発音記号[pélt]
1 …に投げつける;[pelt A with B/pelt B at A]〈A(人・動物)にB(石など)を〉続けて投げつける, 投げて攻撃する;〈A(人)にB(質問・非難)を〉浴びせる
pelt a person with questions
pelt snowballs at one another
2 〈風・雨などが〉…を強く打ちつける.
1 〈人が〉(…を)打ちつける, (…に)石を投げつける((at ...)).
2 〈風・雨などが〉強く打つ, 激しく降る((down))
sheets of rain pelting the roof
The rain came pelting down.
3 ((英俗))急ぐ, 走る.
4 ((まれ))非難[悪口]を浴びせる.
1 (人・物を)打ちつけること, 強打, 殴打, 一撃.
2 [U](急)速度
(at) full pelt
3 (風・雨の)強い降り.

Minds are exceedingly hard to change. Ask any advertiser who has tried to convince consumers to switch brands, any CEO who has tried to change a company's culture, or any individual who has tried to heal a rift with a friend. So many aspects of life are oriented toward changing minds--yet this phenomenon is among the least understood of familiar human experiences. Now, eminent Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, whose work has revolutionized our beliefs about intelligence, creativity, and leadership, offers an original framework for understanding exactly what happens during the course of changing a mind--and how to influence that process. Drawing on decades of cognitive research and compelling case studies--from famous business and political leaders to renowned intellectuals and artists to ordinary individuals--Gardner identifies seven powerful factors that impel or thwart significant shifts from one way of thinking to a dramatically new one. Whether we are attempting to change the mind of a nation or a corporation, our spouse's mind or our own, this book provides insights that can broaden our horizons and improve our lives. Howard Gardner is the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and senior director of Harvard Project Zero. The recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship and 20 honorary degrees, he is the author of more than 20 books.

tr.v., -pelled, -pel·ling, -pels.
  1. To urge to action through moral pressure; drive: I was impelled by events to take a stand.
  2. To drive forward; propel.
[Middle English impellen, from Latin impellere : in-, against; see in–2 + pellere, to drive.]
━━ vt. (-ll-) 推し進める; 促す, 駆り立てる, 強いて…させる ((to)).
 ━━ a., n. 推進する(力).
im・pel・ler ━━ n. ジェットエンジンの羽根車.


  • 発音記号[rǽnsæk]

1 …を(…を求めて)くまなく捜す, 捜し求める((for ...))
ransack one's dictionaries for a word
2 〈土地などを〉略奪のためにくまなく捜す, (…を求めて)荒し回る((for ...)).

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  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ripél]
[動](〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 〈侵略者などを〉追い返す, 撃退する, 〈攻撃などを〉防ぐ, 退ける
repel the enemy's attack
2 〈考えなどを〉追い払う;〈提案などを〉受け入れない, 認めない;〈人・誘惑を〉はねつける, 寄せつけない. ▼「援助の申し出を断る」の意ではrepulseを用いる
repel a proposal
3 〈物が〉…をはねのける;〈水などを〉はじく, 通さない, 〈磁石などが〉…を押し戻す, 反発する.
4 〈人に〉不快[嫌悪]を感じさせる
I am repelled by the very thought of him.
1 追い払う, 退ける, はねつける, はじく.
2 不快[嫌悪]を感じさせる.
[ラテン語repellere (re-後へ+pellere追う=追い返す). △COMPELEXPELREPULSE
