2024年3月23日 星期六

heap, ordain, acolyte, ordination, foreordain, a Trump Acolyte, Struggles to Find Her Path

Since Amazon Web Services launched in 2006, Andy Jassy has been its chief architect and evangelist, building it from a nascent idea to a multibillion-dollar business that dominates the internet. Now he is set to take over as Amazon's chief executive later this year.

To anyone not a convinced acolyte, the survival of the cult of Isaiah Berlin, more than twenty years after his death in 1997, presents something of a puzzle'

It is no longer socially acceptable to dump employees on to the heap of unemployed. Loss of market, and resulting unemployment, are not foreordained.

Pope says church should study ordaining women as deacons


China to Ordain New Catholic Bishop

Breaking ThroughInc.com - New York,NY,USA
An acolyte of Peter Drucker, McFarland once asked the management guru how
to tell which companies in an industry were likely to grow large. ...

 acolyte  (1) 輔祭職。 (2) 四品職位:為教會四小品中的最高級,現已取消。其職務為在彌撒中輔祭,即從旁協助司祭舉行禮儀。 (3) 輔祭人員:(尤指)執燭者,無品級之男女教友也可擔任。拉丁文稱作 acolythus 
資料來源(2): Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]
Acolyte \Ac`o*lyte\, n. [LL. acolythus, acoluthus, Gr. ? following, attending: cf. F. acolyte.]
1. (Eccl.) One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic church, being ordained to carry the wine and water and the lights at the Mass.
2. One who attends; an assistant. ``With such chiefs, and with James and John as acolytes.'' --Motley.

ordain (CHURCH)
verb [T often passive] ━━ vt. (神・運命が)定める; (法律が)規定する; 【宗】(牧師に)任命する.
to officially make someone a priest or other religious leader, in a religious ceremony:
He was ordained (as) a priest in Oxford cathedral in 1987.

noun [C or U]
the act or ceremony of making someone a priest or other religious leader

ordain (CHURCH) 

verb [T often passive] 
to officially make someone a priest or other religious leader, in a religious ceremony:
He was ordained (as) a priest in Oxford cathedral in 1987.

noun [C or U]
the act or ceremony of making someone a priest or other religious leader

按立 授品典禮;授秩禮

聖禮- Wikipedia

神职授任禮 (又稱按立Ordination)能消除许多罪过,使人执行圣職,仍然能够将天父赐予的恩宠普及其他信徒; 懺悔禮(即告解,Confession/Penance)指向神父表白、实行身 ...[PDF]


ordination:授品典禮;授秩禮:教會授與聖秩(品)聖事之儀式;領受者應有天主之感召並經教會上級之認可。可參看聖秩(神品、聖品)聖事 holy orders。分主教 of bishop、司鐸 of priest、執事 of deacon 三等級。
ordination of bishop:晉陞主教;晉牧。
ordination of deacon:晉陞執事。
ordination of presbyter(priest):晉陞司鐸;晉鐸。


tr.v., -dained, -dain·ing, -dains.
To determine or appoint beforehand; predestine.
foreordainment fore'or·dain'ment or fore·or'di·na'tion (-ôr'dn-ā'shən) n.

noun [C]
an untidy pile or mass of things:
a heap of clothes/rubbish

verb [T + adverb or preposition]
to put things into a large untidy pile:
He heaped more food onto his plate.

(of a spoon or plate) containing as much as possible:
Add a heaped teaspoonful of sugar.

plural noun, adverb INFORMAL
a lot:
Let Sarah pay for dinner, she's got heaps of money.
Our new house is heaps bigger than our last one.
