2024年3月30日 星期六

program "Digital Eye" uses the power of digital technology to unravel the reality of the deforestation process.convection對流, foreground, Flying Car, screen, split-screen, take heat/precedence, on the cheap, green sceen, screener, hurting Chinese audiences' feeling

Millions of forest trees are disappearing every year. The investigative journalism program "Digital Eye" uses the power of digital technology to unravel the reality of the deforestation process.

中國官媒環球時報報道指,奧斯卡提名電影《不割蓆》記錄了香港的暴力事件,但「由於缺乏藝術性,只充滿了偏頗的政治立場,因此不應該獲獎」。 「否則,它將損害中國觀眾的情感,並可能在中國電影市場上損失慘重。」

But with it must come a change in consciousness and conviction that accepts the study of social science will – must – get ‘harder’, as it foregrounds methods, statistics and data analysis.
Before Flying Car Can Take Off, There’s a Checklist
For the Terrafugia Transition, federal regulators have had to determine which rules — aircraft or automotive — take precedence, because the vehicle is both.

Authorities in São Paulo, Brazil, already permit taxi journeys by helicopter. Several firms hope scaled-up drones will revolutionise personal transport, as one of our most popular stories of 2019 explains
Urban air mobility

Hollywood-Style Tricks on the Cheap
A $250 kit lets you play around with green screen techniques, setting actors in front of any background of your choosing.

Google Takes Heat Over App Security
A major software attack that distributed malicious programs to around 260,000 Android phones has put pressure on Google to do more to secure its online store for smartphone apps.


Syllabification: (fore·ground)
Pronunciation: /ˈfôrˌground/
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(the foreground)
  • the part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in a picture or photograph:the images show vegetation in the foreground
  • the most prominent or important position or situation:whenever books are chosen for children, meaning should always be in the foreground


[with object]
  • make (something) the most prominent or important feature:sexual relationships are foregrounded and idealized


late 17th century: from fore- + ground1, on the pattern of Dutch voorgrond

on the cheap
Economically, at very little cost, as in We're traveling around Europe on the cheap. [Colloquial; mid-1800s]


n. Physics
    1. A form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.
    2. The transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of a difference in temperature or a change in phase.
  1. The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness.
  2. An abnormally high bodily temperature, as from a fever.
    1. The condition of being hot.
    2. A degree of warmth or hotness: The burner was on low heat.
    1. The warming of a room or building by a furnace or another source of energy: The house was cheap to rent, but the heat was expensive.
    2. A furnace or other source of warmth in a room or building: The heat was on when we returned from work.
  3. A hot season; a spell of hot weather.
    1. Intensity, as of passion, emotion, color, appearance, or effect.
    2. The most intense or active stage: the heat of battle.
    3. A burning sensation in the mouth produced by spicy flavoring in food.
  4. Estrus.
  5. One of a series of efforts or attempts.
    1. Sports & Games. One round of several in a competition, such as a race.
    2. A preliminary contest held to determine finalists.
  6. Informal. Pressure; stress.
  7. Slang.
    1. An intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals.
    2. The police. Used with the.
  8. Slang. Adverse comments or hostile criticism: Heat from the press forced the senator to resign.
  9. Slang. A firearm, especially a pistol.
green sceen

(2) Also called "chroma key," it is a technique for superimposing one video image onto another. Widely used to place an interesting scene behind people such as a news reporter on TV, it is also used for creating special effects such as floating a car on the ocean.

The Blue or Green Screen

The foreground image is shot in front of a backdrop, which is a single, solid color, typically blue or green. When both images are combined, the background pixel takes precedence wherever a pixel of the solid color is found in the foreground image. If the foreground image is a person and the backdrop is blue, no articles of blue clothing can be worn or the background image will bleed through in those locations.

TSA Screeners Indicted in Drug Smuggling Scheme
Four agents at LAX are accused of helping drug smugglers pass through security and onto their outbound flights. By Rachael Levy | Posted Thursday, April 26, 2012, at 2:25 PM ET

In this file photo, TSA agents screen passengers at Los Angeles International Airport in May 2011. Four agents (not pictured) were indicted this week in a drug smuggling scheme.

Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images.

Four TSA agents at Los Angeles International Airport have been helping drug smugglers pass through security with large amounts cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs, according to a 22-count federal indictment unsealed Wednesday.

The Associated Press reports that a total of seven people—three alleged drug couriers and four TSA agents—are facing charges for five incidents over a six-month period last year in which the agents allegedly accepted payments of up to $2,400 to allow the smugglers through security and onto their outbound flights. If convicted, the TSA agents face life in prison.

Prosecutors say that a 30-year-old former TSA employee, Naral Richardson, was the mastermind behind the scheme, arranging for drug couriers and the screeners to meet beforehand and providing cellphones to facilitate the walk-throughs, one of which included 44 pounds of cocaine, according to the Los Angeles Times. Richardson and the others are said to have used code words, such as "white girls" to refer to cocaine or "Green Bay Packers" to mean marijuana, when discussing the drugs.

As the AP explains, the scheme was foiled when one courier's 10 pounds of cocaine were found after he had gone to the wrong terminal last February, setting off a series of undercover investigations that led to Wednesday’s indictment. You can read more about the case over at the Times.

The New Yorker

A split-screen look at the magic of New York City's Christmas traditions, from the 1930s to today.



1 画面, 映像スクリーン, 螢光面.

2 (映画用の)スクリーン, 銀幕;((the 〜))((集合的))映画(界)

appear on the screen
3 ついたて, びょうぶ, 仕切り;(教会の聖歌隊席の周囲の)仕切り

a folding screen
a sliding screen
障子, ふすま.
4 ((米))(虫よけ用の)網, 金網.

5 遮蔽(しゃへい)物;防護物

behind a screen
陰で, 人目につかないところで
put on a screen of indifference
escape under (the) screen of night
6 (じゃり・穀物用の)ふるい.

7 前衛部隊, 前衛艦隊.

8 《物理学》遮壁

an electric [a magnetic] screen
9 《写真》スクリーン:ピントを合わせるためのすりガラス板.

10 《スポーツ》スクリーンプレイ, 遮蔽戦法.


1 …を(風・光・熱などから)守る, 覆う((out));…を見えなくする, 隠す;…を(危険・悪い影響などから)守る, かばう, 保護する((off/from ...))

screen one's face from the sun with one's hand
screen one's children from bad influence
2 ((しばしば受身))〈人・物・考えなどを〉ふるいにかける, 選別する((out));(武器の所持・保菌の有無などについて)〈人を〉検査する((for ...))

screen a person for stomach cancer
Job applicants were screened by the personnel department.
3 〈窓に〉(…よけの)網戸をつける((against ...))

screen the windows against insects
4 〈場所を〉仕切る((off))

screen off a corner of a hall
5 ((しばしば受身))〈映画・テレビを〉上映[放映]する;〈小説・劇などを〉映画化する.


screen well [badly]

screen・er [名] 多義
A screener (SCR) is an advance screening of a film sent to critics, awards voters, video stores (for their manager and employees), and other film industry professionals, including producers and distributors.[1] A screener often has no post-processing.


  • 発音記号[présədəns, prisíːdns][名][U]
1 (序列・地位・重要性などの)(…より)優先, 上位, 優位((over, of ...))
This task takes [has] precedence over [of] all others.
2 (儀式・正式の会合の)優先[上席]権;席次, 序列
in order of precedence
give precedence to him
3 (空間・時間的に)先だつこと, 先行.
