2024年3月27日 星期三

deter, deterrent, silo, set-piece, geoeconomic deterrence, piece together, paradoxically, round-up, swoop, strategic ambiguity. Ailments of the mouth can put the body at risk for a slew of other ills. Some practitioners think dentistry should no longer be siloed

Ailments of the mouth can put the body at risk for a slew of other ills. Some practitioners think dentistry should no longer be siloed

Why Isn't Dental Health Considered Primary Medical Care?
Ailments of the mouth can put the body at risk for a slew of other ills. So

The US Navy will soon enter a brief period of vulnerability when its Cold War-era submarines and cruisers go into mass retirement before a more China-focused new batch of materiel comes into service.
"In my estimation the next five to eight years, the mid- to late 2020s, may be the period of greatest peril for a failure of deterrence" in the Taiwan Strait, Tom Shugart at the Center for a New American Security told Nikkei Asia.

US Navy's mass retirement of ships to dent Taiwan deterrence

也有些美國學者與外交人員,敦促美國終止對台的「戰略模糊」(strategic ambiguity)策略。「戰略模糊」的意思是,美國不會明確表態中國犯台時美方的反應,透過曖昧說詞提醒台灣政治人物不要貿然行動,也避免激怒中國。

美國智庫「戰略暨國際研究中心」(CSIS)的中國及台灣安全專家葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)指出,拜登政權在談論兩岸議題時展現出決心,是因為「非常擔心意外與失算的可能性」。像葛來儀這樣人脈廣闊的學者,對近來多次爆發的意外摩擦與未來五到十年可能爆發的軍事衝突,表示憂慮,是一記警鐘。

美國智庫外交關係協會的研究員布萊克維爾(Robert D. Blackwill)認為,美國應該要建立可信的「地緣經濟嚇阻力」(geoeconomic deterrence),並強化相應的軍事能力。布萊克維爾表示,美國和日本等盟友應該清楚表態,只要中國出兵台灣,就會被踢出以美元為基礎的金融及貿易體系。

This round-up appears to have targeted famous figures for maximum deterrent effect

Hong Kong police swoop on the territory’s most prominent democrats

Sanctions do not work. China cannot stop it. 
What is left? Deterrence, says Singapore's former top diplomat.

The defense secretary offered a broad interpretation of the nation’s powers of self-defense in a post-Sept. 11 world.

The ‘Armada’ That Wasn’t There A10

The Pentagon and White House sell a mirage as a military deterrent.

Brown University

“I was frustrated by scientists I grew up around who were always all about their field and didn’t understand the wider context,” says Helen Bergstrom ’15.

She says Brown's focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and the open curriculum has allowed her to dive deeply into other subject areas that piqued her interest, such as environmental law: “I didn’t just want to get an engineering degree—I wanted to get a broad understanding of everything that goes into engineering science and policy.”

Breaking Down Silos
In the bowels of Barus and Holley, amidst myriad tanks of oxygen and hydrogen, Helen Bergstrom ’15 feels at home. In between running experiments for her senior thesis, the chemical engineering concentrator...

Goalkeeper fined for sipping water while opponents scored from set piece
Chongquing Lifan’s Sui Weijie stood oblivious during a quickly taken...

The Devil's in the deterrant (sic) : countries with citizens that believe strongly in hell have lower crime rates ‪#‎econarchive‬ (2012)http://econ.st/1vHAJLm

Obama Weighs ‘Limited’ Strikes Against Syrian ForcesPresident Obama is exploring a range of military actions against Syria designed to “deter and degrade” the ability of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime to launch chemical weapons, officials said.

Standing still: a new form of protest in Turkey

Thousands of people are now expressing their anger with Turkish Prime
Minister Erdogan by standing silent and motionless in streets and squares -
a new tactic that they hope will deter police violence.

Taiwan's military deterrent remains strong, Ma says.
Leaders Piece Together an Effort to Keep the Euro Intact
European leaders are working overtime on a tentative deal to try to save the euro, which they hope to complete at a crucial summit meeting this week. 
 "He has got a terrific image and used it very well. He never had a trick, wasn't particularly quick, but he was very good at set-pieces and deliveries, he made chances and made goals and was fantastic for clubs.

piece together
Join or combine parts into a whole, as in With information from several observers, she pieced together an account of what had actually taken place. [Late 1500s]

Mention "nukes," and most oil bulls think "Iran." But speculators bidding Nymex crude back above $100 a barrel Wednesday should recall a fundamental aspect of nuclear strategy.
Classic Cold War nuclear deterrence rested on the concept of mutually assured destruction. In practice, this meant that if you ever got to the point where you actually had to press the button, then your whole strategy had failed: There could be no "winners" of a global nuclear war (except maybe the rats and cockroaches). Paradoxically, the value of nuclear weapons was highest when they remained in their silos.
The same goes for emergency measures in the financial markets. Oil, alongside many stock markets, jumped Wednesday after several major central banks announced a joint effort to ease dollar funding for European banks. Cue high fives all round as liquidity eases. But the very fact that the Fed and its various counterparts had to do this speaks to an interbank-lending market that is seizing up amid the euro zone's existential crisis. Central banks don't announce emergency measures unless there's an emergency—which is usually not great for demand.
China's move Wednesday to cut reserve requirements for its banks also drew a collective "yay!" from the oil market. But while China's move isn't in the same league as the dollar-swap measure, it is still indicative of an effort by Beijing to use easier lending to head off various signs of a slowdown in the economy of the world's No. 1 consumer of most industrial commodities.
Set this against the fact that the latest official data showed a surprise jump in U.S. oil inventories and continuing sluggish gasoline demand—hardly indicating a tight market. Investors shouldn't let shock-and-awe blind them to the mundanities of supply and demand.

par • a • dox • i • cal • ly
[副]逆説的に;((文修飾))逆説的に言えば, 矛盾しているように思われるかもしれないが(paradoxically enough).


  • 発音記号[sáilou]

1 まぐさ・セメント・穀物などの貯蔵[発酵]用の通例塔状の建造物;(穀物などの貯蔵用)地下室, 室(むろ).
2 《軍事》ミサイルとその発射装置の地下格納設備.

(') pronunciation
n., pl., -los.

noun (plural silos)

1A tall tower or pit on a farmused to store grain.
A pit or other airtight structure in which green cropsare compressed and stored as silage.
2An underground chamber in which a guided missile is kept ready for firing.
3A system, process, department, etc. that operates in isolation from others:it’s vital that team members step out of their silos and start working together[AS MODIFIER]: we have made significant strides in breaking down that silo mentality

verb (siloessiloingsiloed)

[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
Isolate (one system, process, department, etc.) from others:most companies have expensive IT systems they have developed over the years, but they are siloedwhy are so many companies still siloing their SEOand social media marketing?(as adjective siloedmanagers have been told to break down the walls between siloed applications

Definition of deter

  1. verb (deters, deterring, deterred)

[with object]
  • discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences:only a health problem would deter him from seeking re-election
  • prevent the occurrence of:strategists think not only about how to deter war, but about how war might occur


mid 16th century: from Latin deterrere, from de- 'away from' + terrere 'frighten'


Pronunciation: /dɪˈtɛr(ə)nt/

Definition of deterrent

  • a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something:cameras are a major deterrent to crime
  • a nuclear weapon or weapons system regarded as deterring an enemy from attack: Britain’s nuclear deterrent


  • able or intended to deter:the deterrent effect of heavy prison sentences



early 19th century: from Latin deterrent- 'deterring', from the verb deterrere (see deter)
Gates Gives Rationale for Expanded Deterrence 

  1. The act or a means of deterring.
  2. Measures taken by a state or an alliance of states to prevent hostile action by another state.


  • 発音記号[ditə'ːrənt | -tér-]
[形]〈物・事が〉妨げる, 抑止する
deterrent weather
1 (…を)引き留めるもの, (…の)妨害物((to ...)).
2 (軍事)抑止力
the ultimate deterrent
 de・ter・rence ━━ n. 制止, 抑止; 戦争抑止.


(dĭ-tûr'əns, -tŭr'-) pronunciation
  1. The act or a means of deterring.
  2. Measures taken by a state or an alliance of states to prevent hostile action by another state.


発音記号[ditə'ːrəns | -tér-]
[名]制止[抑止](物), 妨害(物);戦争阻止
mutual deterrence

set piece


  • a passage or section of a novel, play, film, or piece of music that is arranged in an elaborate or conventional pattern for maximum effect:the film lurches from one comic set piece to another
  • a formal and carefully structured speech: [as modifier]:his first set-piece speech of the campaign
British a carefully organized and practised move in a team game by which the ball is returned to play, as at a scrum or a free kick: in the 89th minute another set piece produced the third goal [as modifier]:a hat-trick of exciting tries from set-piece moves

set piece

sét pìece

1 (文芸などで)型にはまった作品;(演劇などで)常套(じょうとう)的場面[所作など].
2 仕掛け花火.
3 《演劇》張りぼて, 小道具.
4 精密な計画に従って遂行される軍事作戦[試合の作戦].
