2024年3月24日 星期日

kinetic, scrutiny, dynamo. escalated despite a reserved approach by Fleet Street — which promptly blamed Americans for the furor.


“It’s clear from all the air and maritime platforms Seventh Fleet has in the area that they are closely monitoring this exercise to ensure it doesn’t become kinetic,” Mr. Sayers said.

As with bonuses, Wall Street perks -- such as private jets, country club dues and gym memberships -- are likely to come under greater scrutiny as well.

Microsoft's Office Push Scrutinized
Microsoft is under EU scrutiny over its push to get the Office file format ratified as an international standard.
這次雖然失敗而其格式無法列為國際標準 可是爭取過程動用太多利誘 所以要"徹查"之

On Saturday, the two men again failed to reach an agreement on a fair price, and Mr. Ballmer walked away.
The decision also showed Mr. Ballmer’s analytic discipline; he had his number, and he wasn’t going further.
For most of his career, Mr. Ballmer has been overshadowed by Mr. Gates. Their friendship started in their days as students at Harvard University; their business partnership began when Mr. Ballmer joined Microsoft.
Though he became chief executive in 2000, Mr. Ballmer has typically been cast as a marketing dynamo: tireless, hyperkinetic and a booming orator, renowned for his uninhibited performances at Microsoft sales meetings. But Mr. Ballmer, colleagues say, has a deep mastery of strategy and finance. He is a math whiz who as a student scored a perfect 800 on the SAT math exam.


ki·​net·​ic | \ kə-ˈne-tik  also kī-  \

Definition of kinetic

1of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith
bDYNAMICENERGIZINGkinetic performer
3of or relating to kinetic art

noun plural dynamos ━━ n. (pl. ~s  ) 発電機, ダイナモ; 〔話〕 精力的な人.
1 [C] a device which changes energy of movement into electrical energy:
A dynamo on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are going round.

2 [C usually singular] an energetic force:
Onstage she is a human dynamo, spending the hour in perpetual motion.

, UK USUALLY scrutinise
verb [T] to examine something very carefully in order to discover information:
He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.

scrutiny Show phonetics
noun [U]the careful and detailed examination of something in order to obtain information about it:
The Government's record will be subjected to/come under (close) scrutiny in the weeks before the election.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

scru・ti・ny ━━ n. 精査, 吟味; じろじろ見る事, 凝視; 票数(再)検査.
scru・ti・neer ━━ n. 〔英〕 投票検査人.
scru・ti・nize ━━ v. こまかく調べる; じろじろと見る.
