2023年3月31日 星期五

現代史的dark side, .Goblin mode/effect (Wiki/馮睎乾十三維度)


從新舊冷戰、俄烏戰爭、網路戰爭、經濟戰⋯⋯,看現代史的dark side.
可能是 1 人、站立和顯示的文字是「ス 世 パ上 イ 彰 え界 た た史 ち を スパイ オタク 新冷戦 池上さんが ロシア・ウクライナ戦争 解説! サイバースパイ スパイ 日経BP 経済スパイ ダークサイド 現代史の裏側」的圖像

the parts of a person, a group, an activity, etc. that are unpleasant, evil, or harmful: She sings about the dark side to love.


哥布林,或譯作哥布靈、高扁、鬼怪、地精、惡鬼、妖怪、大耳怪,是一種傳說中的類人生物,一般都有長長的尖耳,鷹鉤鼻和金魚眼。 維基百科. 美式. 英式. n. 小妖怪. 牛津中文字典. goblin. 頑皮的醜小鬼,小妖精
飾演者 保羅·費斯
電影 王者無敵

Goblin mode

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Goblin mode is a neologism for rejecting societal expectations and living in an unkempt, hedonistic manner without regard to self-image.[1] Although usages of the term date back to 2009 with varying definitions, the term went viral in 2022 due a Tweet[2] by Twitter satirist @JUNlPER, featuring a doctored headline of an interview with Julia Fox, where she alleges that then-boyfriend Kanye West's dislike of her going "goblin mode" was the cause of their breakup.[3][4] This doctored image prompted a huge spike in searches for "goblin mode", leading Fox to deny having used the term. The term has also been linked to a viral Reddit post in which a user admits to acting "like a goblin" when alone at home.[5][6]

The term quickly became viral on platforms such as TikTok, often as a response to other trends on the platform such as cottagecore or self-improvement.[5][7] In April 2022, Elon Musk posted an image macro implicitly attributing his proposed acquisition of Twitter to him being in "goblin mode".[8] In June 2022, the term was defined on Dictionary.com as "a slang term for a way of behaving that intentionally and shamelessly gives in to and indulges in base habits and activities without regard for adhering to social norms or expectations".[1] In December 2022, online respondents selected the term from Oxford Languages' shortlist as the Word of the Year.[9]

The popularity of "goblin mode" may be linked to a rejection of the carefully curated lifestyles often presented by users of social media platforms. The trend has also been linked to a manner of coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society since this is described as a way of life that gives people permission to ditch societal norms and embrace their basic instincts and in social media, letting their inner goblin out has been a freeing experience.[5][10][11]

牛津年度代表詞——Goblin Mode
日前牛津字典公布2022年最具代表性的詞語,頭三位分別是「goblin mode」、「Metaverse」和「#IStandWith」,超過30萬人投票,「goblin mode」以93%得票率勝出。「Goblin mode」直譯是「小妖精模式」,什麼意思呢?牛津的解釋是:
‘Goblin mode’ – a slang term, often used in the expressions ‘in goblin mode’ or ‘to go goblin mode’ – is ‘a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.’
(俚語,常寫作「in goblin mode」或 「to go goblin mode」,表示一種毫無歉意地放縱、懶惰、邋遢或貪婪的行為,其人往往不在乎社會規範或期望。)
有人根據以上意思,譯成「躺平」或「擺賴」——粵語講法則是「Pun2 Pe5」。Pun2 Pe5,我見過不同寫法,有人寫「本啤」、「本Pair」,我認為正確寫法是「拚憊」。「拚」即「拚死」的「拚」,「憊」(粵音「備」)則表示疲困,引申為懶;二字串連起來,即什麼也不管了,放任懶散的意思。所以,如果你不想用大陸語「躺平」,也可寫「拚憊」。
為什麼「goblin mode」一詞會名列榜首,代表2022年呢?其實這個詞早在2009年已見於Twitter,只是一直沒成為潮語,直到今年2月後,才在社交平台遍地開花。TikTok 上的「#goblinmode」標籤,表示拒絕「理想化的行為」、不堅持「展示最美好的自己」,而在Reddit 上這短語則形容「表現得像妖精」的人。
諷刺的是,大比數落後於「goblin mode」的年度熱門詞「Metaverse」,則鼓勵網民沉浸在虛擬世界,用所謂「分身」跟人交往。一真一假,一虛一實,大家都選擇了「真實」。「Goblin mode」這次高票當選,象徵了「真實」的(階段性)勝利。
由此可見,雖然「goblin mode」的意思,跟中国人所謂「躺平」有點接近,但社會脈絡截然不同。所以,我認為照字面直譯「妖精模式」可能更好。
διαρραγείης, ὡς μόθων εἶ καὶ φύσει κόβαλος
可惜事隔數日,這頭寵物依然不見影,無視公眾期望,擺出一副「毫無歉意地放縱、懶惰」的姿態,就像他當年不顧形象躺在地上一樣,這不是goblin mode是什麼?香港官員總算有一件事趕上世界潮流,可喜可賀!
圖/ 香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞

corseted, loquacious, flirtatious, flirt with sth

Crackdowns by the authoritarian government have caused many to abandon dissident politics. But despair has led some to consider more radical methods
Is a liberation army forming in Belarus?
Is a liberation army forming in Belarus?
Belarus’s beleaguered opposition is flirting with violence

U.K. Economy Flirting With Recession

The British economy will struggle to avoid recession in 2009 as inflation remains above target and unemployment rises. Consumers will feel the squeeze

Ashish Chettri typing an SMS. Text messages have become a way to circumvent India's deep-rooted barriers to premarital mingling. (Prashanth Vishwanathan for the IHT)

Indian flirts fall in love with text messaging

MUMBAI: In this romantically corseted society, Ashish Chettri is as close as you get to a Don Juan.

He is an irrepressible flirt: a skirt chaser who claims to pursue three women at a time, a loquacious utterer of compliments, a ceaseless seeker of dates.

And that's just with his thumbs.

Like millions of Indians today, Chettri is a solely cellular Casanova: a suitor who flirts brazenly by text message, but pretty much only by text message.

Don Juan和 Casanova 為歐洲歷史上著名的大情人

flirt with sth (DANGER) phrasal verb
to intentionally put yourself in a dangerous, risky or difficult situation:
Like a lot of young men, he flirts with danger.

flirt Show phonetics
verb [I]
to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously:
Christina was flirting with just about every man in the room.

flirt Show phonetics
noun [C]
someone who behaves as if they are sexually attracted to a lot of people:
He's a compulsive flirt.

flirtation Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
when someone behaves as if they are sexually attracted to another person, without being seriously interested:
It was a harmless flirtation and nothing more.
See also flirtation at flirt with.

flirtatious Show phonetics
behaving as if you are sexually attracted to someone, usually not in a serious way:
She's very flirtatious.
a flirtatious relationship


adjective FORMAL
describes someone who talks a lot




corset (plural corsets)

  1. A woman's foundation garment, reinforced with stays, that supports the waistline, hips and bust.


to corset

Third person singular

Simple past

Past participle

Present participle

to corset (third-person singular simple present corsets, present participle corseting, simple past and past participle corseted)

  1. (transitive) To enclose in a corset; to wear a corset.
    Mabel dreaded the upcoming ball and the preliminary corseting it would entail.
  2. (figuratively) To restrict or confine.
    "I will not remain corseted by your notions of what is and is not proper!" she exclaimed.

flirt with sth, ace, buttonwood, sycamore, morosity, morosité, liberation army, conflict and armaments think-tank

Crackdowns by the authoritarian government have caused many to abandon dissident politics. But despair has led some to consider more radical methods
Is a liberation army forming in Belarus?
Is a liberation army forming in Belarus?
Belarus’s beleaguered opposition is flirting with violence

Newly available data suggests that China is the world's second-biggest arms producer, behind the United States and ahead of Russia, a leading conflict and armaments think-tank said on Monday.

 The recent adjustment of the clock indicated an optimistic attitude in light of recent progress in the fight to reduce the world's nuclear armament, and to limit climate-changing gas emissions that have been wreaking havoc on our planet.
The French like to think of themselves as a miserable lot. Could a more optimistic approach at the top change that?
The land of morosité and ennui is embracing life coaches

British air ace Eric 'Winkle' Brown recalls his time with Luftwaffe pilots in 1930s Germany, and hearing Hitler's oratory powers.

German Re-Armament, Witness - BBC World Service
In the 1930s Hitler began to rebuild Germany's air force.

李慕臻 Sycamore trees (拍攝於南法),據說是拿破侖的最愛。

Low interest rates have been a mixed blessing for equities
Buttonwood Busily going nowhere
By The Economist

flirt with sth (DANGER) phrasal verb
to intentionally put yourself in a dangerous, risky or difficult situation:
Like a lot of young men, he flirts with danger.

flirt with sth

— phrasal verb with flirt UK  /flɜːt/ US  /flɝːt/ verb [ I ]


to consider doing something, but not seriously, or to be interested in something for a short time:

I'm flirting with the idea of taking a year off and travelling round the world.




morosité f (plural morosités)
  1. gloomgloom and doomgloominessmorosity

Definition of

 sycamore in English:


1large Eurasian maple with winged fruits, native to central and southern Europe. It is planted as a fast-growing ornamental but tends to displace nativetrees.
  • Acer pseudoplatanus, family Aceraceae
North American The buttonwood tree.
(also sycomore or sycomore fig) (In biblical use) afig tree that grows in the Middle East.
  • Ficus sycomorus, family Moraceae


Middle English: from Old French sic(h)amor, via Latinfrom Greek sukomoros, from sukon 'fig' + moron'mulberry'.

Line breaks: ace
Pronunciation: /eɪs/
1playing card with a single spot on it, ranked as the highest card in its suit in most card games:the ace of diamondsfigurative life had started dealing him aces again
2informal A person who excels at a particular sport or other activity:motorcycle ace
2.1A pilot who has shot down many enemy aircraft:Battle of Britain ace
3(In tennis and similar games) a service that an opponent is unable to return and thus wins a point:Nadal banged down eight aces in the set
3.1Golf , informal hole in one:his hole in one at the 15th was Senior’s second ace as a professional

n. - 小無花果樹, 楓樹的一種
  • sycamore tree 西克莫無花果, 懸鈴木美國梧桐

sycamore (Click to enlarge)