2020年1月1日 星期三

【#逐字學英文國際日報】45: zero, “zero days”, zero hour, zero-hours contract, nought, The Project Zero, plenitude, zero-hours contract, zero-defect

"多做愛、少看新聞、藏起手機、留意開支、試試大麻二酚……告別狂躁的2018年,如何在2019年做得更好?" (紐約時報)

Happy New Year to all fans & readers from the SAMUEL BECKETT page!

It is fashionable to romanticise entrepreneurs. But reality can be as romantic as chewing glass. First-time founders have the job security of zero-hour contract workers, the money worries of chronic gamblers and the social life of hermits

Citizen Lab brought in Lookout to help examine the code. Together, they discovered that the spyware relied on three previously unknown iOS vulnerabilities — called “zero days” because Apple didn’t know about them and had zero days to patch them.
“公民实验室”请Lookout来协助研究这些代码。他们在合作中发现,这款间谍软件依赖之前不为人知的三个iOS安全漏洞。它们被叫做“零日”(zero days),因为苹果不知道它们,没花哪怕一天时间去修复它们。

"I love teaching. It is what I was born to do ... and straight after I have written this piece, I will be leaving teaching." Via Comment is free

Zero-hours contracts are forcing me out of teaching
Anonymous: When I can’t afford to support my child due to job insecurity the time has come for me to leave the profession I love

This graffito, perhaps a grid for noughts and crosses, was found in a cavern in Gibraltar. Dating back at least 39,000 years, it adds to growing evidence suggesting Neanderthals were far smarter than we think http://econ.st/1qBTL2n

  Google's 20% Mistake Wall Street Journal
Recent reports indicate that Google has been effectively zeroing out employees' “20% time”—the policy of letting Googlers spend a fifth of their time working on ...

Having no flaws or errors: a zero-defect political campaign.
zero defects

花蓮慈濟醫院核醫製藥中心這兩天接受衛生署兩年一度的評鑑,今天評鑑結果出爐,慈院核醫製藥中心獲得零缺點的肯定。對於核子醫學,花慈也獨步全台。 所謂核子醫學,是透過注射放射性藥劑反映體內生理變化,觀察像腫瘤、心臟等的變化,而花蓮慈院這次提出新正子藥物-FDOPA ...

英國零售商Sports Direct公司和白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace)或許看起來很不同,但二者都因使用“零時工合同(zero-hours contract)”而招致批評。前者的兩萬多名員工中,有90%簽的是這種不能保證有活兒幹的勞動合同。女王倫敦宮邸雇用的350名暑期工也簽了這類合 同。
零時工合同允許雇主只在需要用人時才支付工資。這種合同非常適合招待服務類的行業,因為這些領域用人需求波動很大。一些雇員,特別是青少年和年長 者,可能會喜歡這種合同帶來的靈活性,因為他們可以掙點零花錢,而不必長時間工作。即便對那些希望全職工作的人,有份這樣的合同也總好過失業。


Definition of zero-hours in English:


Denoting or relating to a contract of employment that does not include a guarantee of regular work for the employee, who is paid only for the hours they actually work:their survey suggested that one million people are employed on low-security zero-hours contractsthe Institute is hiring more zero-hours workers
zero hour
the time at which a planned operation, typically a military one, is set to begin.


Line breaks: nought




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variant spelling of naught.

兩日文名詞: "根回 " " 式台 "
「根回」 (nemawashi--是在進行樹木移植時,事先把大大小小的根部小心地包紮,以便樹木在異地能夠順利生長。 )係指和所有相關者、受到影響者共同討論問題及可能的解決方法,收集他們的意見,並對解決途徑取得一致共識。這種共識過程雖花時間,但能幫助擴大解決方法之謀求,並奠定一旦作出決定後就能快速執行的基礎。(感謝 Hans.
…Thus the discourse of contract eludes two plenitudes: it permits the observing the golden rule of any habituation, discerned in Shikidai passageway : no will-to-seize yet no oblation.
しきだい 0 【式台/敷台】 我的中國 翻譯本搞錯啦!
(1)玄関の上がり口にある一段低くなった板敷きの部分。客を送り迎えする所。もとは武家の住宅で、玄関の次にある、客に送迎の挨拶 (あいさつ) をするための部屋。
我終於了解以前日式房間的一重要 "地方"

1 (分量・程度などの)十分, 豊富;((a 〜))豊富(な…)((of ...))
in plenitude
2 十分であること, 完全さ.

(plĕn'ĭ-tūd', -tyūd') pronunciation
  1. An ample amount or quantity; an abundance: a region blessed with a plenitude of natural resources.
  2. The condition of being full, ample, or complete.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin plēnitūdō, from plēnus, full.]
plenitudinous plen'i·tu'di·nous (-tūd'n-əs, -tyūd'-) adj.


Syllabification: (plen·i·tude)
Pronunciation: /ˈpleniˌt(y)o͞od/

  • an abundance:the farm boasts a plenitude of animals and birds
  • the condition of being full or complete:the plenitude of the pope’s powers


late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin plenitudo, from plenus 'full'

Pronunciation: /ˈzɪərəʊ/

number (plural zeros)

  • no quantity or number; nought; the figure 0:figures from zero to nine you’ve left off a zero—it should be five hundred million
  • a point on a scale or instrument from which a positive or negative quantity is reckoned:the gauge dropped to zero [as modifier]:a zero rate of interest
  • the temperature corresponding to 0° on the Celsius scale (32° Fahrenheit), marking the freezing point of water:the temperature was below zero
  • [usually as modifier] Linguistics the absence of an actual word or morpheme to realize a syntactic or morphological phenomenon:the zero plural in ‘three sheep’
  • the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all:I rated my chances as zero
  • short for zero hour.
  • informal a worthless or contemptibly undistinguished person:her husband is an absolute zero

verb (zeroes, zeroing, zeroed)

[with object]
  • 1adjust (an instrument) to zero:zero the counter when the tape has rewound
  • 2set the sights of (a gun) for firing: the rifle had been zeroed at an elevation of 200
Phrasal Verbs

zero in

take aim with a gun or missile:jet fighters zeroed in on the rebels' positions

focus one’s attention:they zeroed in on the clues he dropped about himself


early 17th century: from French zéro or Italian zero, via Old Spanish from Arabic ṣifr 'cipher'

Spelling rule

Make the plural of zero in the usual way, by adding -s: (zeros).

Here's Google's plan to rid the world of cyberattacks

July 17, 2014: 7:32 AM ET

team google
The Internet is full of bugs, and Google just launched a superhero team to kill 'em all.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney)

    A new team at Google is aiming to be the cybersecurity superheroes of the Internet.

    They're looking to exterminate those nasty computer bugs that let hackers and government spies sneak into our computers -- not just for Google, but for everyone.
    The special team is called Google Project Zero. And whether you use products by Adobe (ADBE)Apple(AAPLTech30)Microsoft (MSFTTech30) or software most people don't know by name, the team is working on it.
    "You should be able to use the Web without fear that a criminal or state-sponsored actor is exploiting software bugs to infect your computer, steal secrets or monitor your communications," Chris Evans, a Google researcher who's leading the new effort, wrote in a blog post.
    Project Zero is made up of some of the world's smartest, well-intentioned hackers. They spend their days poking at holes in computer code we all rely on -- and making sure those holes get patched.
    The Project Zero name comes from the very types of bugs they're trying to eliminate: "zero day" vulnerabilities, which are never-before-seen software flaws that hackers love to exploit.
    When Google researchers discover flaws in another company's software, they'll quietly alert that firm. If nothing gets done soon, they'll go public with it on their blog. And if the bug is particularly critical, they'll put extra pressure on the company and try to develop an alternative themselves, Google (GOOG) told Wired, which first reported the story.
    The team already spotted holes in Apple's iOS device software and Microsoft's malware protection program, and it got public nods from both.
    There's clearly a need for this kind of help. Devastating bugs that undermine our privacy and financial safety have been found in little-supported, community-maintained software we all use. That was the problem that led to the Heartbleed bug in April and the similar Handshake bug in June.



    Project Zero was founded by the philosopher Nelson Goodman at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1967 to study and improve education in the arts. Goodman believed that arts learning should be studied as a serious cognitive activity, but that "zero" had yet been firmly established about the field; hence, the project was given its name. 
