Henri Matisse
The Terrace, Saint-Tropez, 1904
The Terrace, Saint-Tropez, 1904
Cash is one of mankind's greatest inventions. Yet a growing number of economists are calling for cash to be phased out, and an increasing number of shops and restaurants are flat-out refusing to accept it
Woody Allen recalls how he might have got an idea for a film set in Paris. The rest is (not) history.
Jessica Chastain: “I heard a story… oh, I can’t believe I’m gonna tell you this. This woman, she’s very famous, she’s been nominated for many, many Oscars. For one film, the man got paid $4m and she got $250,000.”
Jessica Chastain: “I heard a story… oh, I can’t believe I’m gonna tell you this. This woman, she’s very famous, she’s been nominated for many, many Oscars. For one film, the man got paid $4m and she got $250,000.”
It seems that Mr. Collins, for all his exacting approaches to time management and research, has been blessed with something he cannot control: repeated bouts of flat-outluck.
Markets in Asia Are Flat
This explosion of information technology, when combined with an unusual confluence of dramatic — and ongoing — news events, has led many people to conclude that they have given their lives over to a news obsession. They find themselves taking breaks at work every 15 minutes to check the latest updates, and at the end of the day, taking laptops to bed. Then they pad through darkened homes in the predawn to check on the Asian markets.
terrace (GROUND) noun [C]
1 a flat raised area
a flat area of stone or grass outside a house, where people sit and sometimes eat
3 one of several narrow strips of land which are built like steps on the slope of a hill and which are used for growing crops on
verb [T]
to build narrow strips of land on a slope so that people can plant crops there
the terraces plural noun UK SPECIALIZED
wide steps on which people stand to watch a football match
terrace (HOUSE) noun [C] UK
a row of often small houses joined together along their side walls
adjective (ALSO terrace) UK
a terraced house
━━ n. 台地, 高台(の家並,に沿った道路); (庭などの)段; テラス; 平屋根; 歩廊; 【地学】段丘; 〔米〕 (植樹した)中央分離帯; (フットボールの)立ち見の見物席; 〔英〕 連棟式集合住宅.
━━ vt. terraceにする.
ter・raced ━━ a.
terrace(d) house 〔英〕 テラスハウス ((連棟式集合住宅(terrace)の1戸分)).
A flowing together of two or more streams.
The point of juncture of such streams.
The combined stream formed by this juncture.
A gathering, flowing, or meeting together at one juncture or point: “A confluence of negative events conspired to bring down bond prices” (Michael Gonzalez).
pad 2 (păd) pronunciation
v., pad·ded, pad·ding, pads. v.intr.
To go about on foot.
To move or walk about almost inaudibly.
To go along (a route) on foot: padding the long road into town.
A muffled sound resembling that of soft footsteps.
A horse with a plodding gait.
[Perhaps from Middle Dutch paden, tread a path, from pad, pat, path.]
adj. Informal.
Thoroughgoing; out-and-out: a flat-out promotional campaign; a flat-out deception.
adj., flat·ter, flat·test.
- Having a horizontal surface without a slope, tilt, or curvature.
- Having a smooth, even, level surface: a skirt sewed with fine flat seams.
- Having a relatively broad surface in relation to thickness or depth: a flat board. See synonyms at level.
- Stretched out or lying at full length along the ground; prone.
- Free of qualification; absolute: a flat refusal.
- Fixed; unvarying: a flat rate.
- Lacking interest or excitement; dull: a flat scenario.
- Lacking in flavor: a flat stew that needs salt.
- Having lost effervescence or sparkle: flat beer.
- Deflated. Used of a tire.
- Electrically discharged. Used of a storage battery.
- Of or relating to a horizontal line that displays no ups or downs and signifies the absence of physiological activity: A flat electroencephalogram indicates a loss of brain function.
- Commercially inactive; sluggish: flat sales for the month.
- Unmodulated; monotonous: a flat voice.
- Lacking variety in tint or shading; uniform: “The sky was bright but flat, the color of oyster shells” (Anne Tyler).
- Not glossy; mat: flat paint.
- Music.
- Being below the correct pitch.
- Being one half step lower than the corresponding natural key: the key of B flat.
- Designating the vowel a as pronounced in bad or cat.
- Nautical. Taut. Used of a sail.
- Level with the ground; horizontally.
- On or up against a flat surface; at full length.
- So as to be flat.
- Directly; completely: went flat against the rules; flat broke.
- Exactly; precisely: arrived in six minutes flat.
- Music. Below the intended pitch.
- Business. Without interest charge.
- A flat surface or part.
- A stretch of level ground. Often used in the plural: salt flats.
- A shallow frame or box for seeds or seedlings.
- A movable section of stage scenery, usually consisting of a wooden frame and a decorated panel of wood or cloth.
- A flatcar.
- A deflated tire.
- A shoe with a flat heel.
- A large flat piece of mail.
- A horse that competes in a flat race. Also called runner.
- Music.
- A sign (♭) used to indicate that a note is to be lowered by a half step.
- A note that is lowered a half step.
- Football. The area of the field to either side of an offensive formation.
v., flat·ted, flat·ting, flats. v.tr.
- To make flat; flatten.
- Music. To lower (a note) a semitone.
To sing or play below the proper pitch.
[Middle English, from Old Norse flatr.]
flatly flat'ly adv.flatness flat'ness n.
flat out
Definition of get along
3: to be or remain on congenial terms
(the) rest is history
Fig. Everyone knows the rest of the story that I am referring to. Bill: Then they arrested all the officers of the corporation, and the rest is history. Bob: Hey, what happened between you and Sue? Bill: Finally we realized that we could never get along, and the rest is history.